Meeting Agenda
1. Open Forum
2. Call to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Election of Officers
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
7.B. Bank Reconciliation Statement
7.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
7.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
8. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
9. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
10. Personnel Items
10.A. Candidates for Employment
10.B. Approval of District Retirement
10.C. Approval of Leaves of Absence
10.D. Approval of 2016-17 Educational Support (ESS) Staffing Request
11. Unfinished Business
11.A. Approval of 2017 PLSAS Legislative Platform
12. New Business
12.A. Strategic Direction A: Increasing measurable student growth and achievement.
12.B. Synchronized Swim Co-op Agreements
12.C. Budget Assumptions and Enrollment Update
13. Policy
13.A. First and Second Reading of Policies
13.B. Second and Final Reading of Policies
13.B.1. 400 Series Policies
13.B.1.a. 401: Equal Employment Opportunity
13.B.1.b. 402: Disability Nondiscrimination Policy
13.B.1.c. 403: Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of School District Employees
13.B.1.d. 404: Employment of All Staff
13.B.1.e. 405: Veteran's Preference
13.B.1.f. 406: Public and Private Personnel Data
13.B.1.g. 407: Safety
13.B.1.h. 407.1: Employee Right to Know - Exposure to Hazardous Substances
13.B.1.i. 408: Subpoena of a School District Employee
13.B.1.j. 409: Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Inventions and Creations
13.B.1.k. 409.1: District Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
13.B.1.l. 410: Leaves: Family and Medical
14. Administrative Reports
14.A. Superintendent Report
14.B. Administrative Reports
14.C. Board Reports
14.C.1. MSBA Leadership Report - Chair Wolf
15. Future Events
16. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Open Forum
In accordance to board policy 203, a fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda. Sign up sheets available 10 minutes prior to meeting time at the door.
Subject: |
2. Call to Order
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Roll Call
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
6. Election of Officers
1. Vice-Chair/Clerk
2. Treasurer Nominations for the two offices may be made by any member and do not require a second from another member. The vote for each position must be public, not taken by secret ballot. The newly elected officers will begin their duties immediately. |
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
Subject: |
7.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
Available for review in the superintendent's office - treasurer has received the report.
Subject: |
7.B. Bank Reconciliation Statement
December 2016
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
* Organizational Board Meeting - January 9, 2017
* Regular Board Meeting - January 9, 2017 * Board Study Session - January 23, 2017 |
Subject: |
7.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
1. Kathleen Allen - Noon Supervisor - FH (effective January 13, 2017)
2. Kathleen Allen - Breakfast Supervisor - FH (effective January 20, 2017) 3. Cory Callahan - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - Bridges (effective January 31, 2017) 4. Justin Haycraft - Pool Coordinator - HO/TO (effective January 31, 2017) 5. Liz Hietpas - Assistant Robotics Coach (.75) - HS (effective immediately) 6. Shawna Johnson - Custodian - HS (effective January 31, 2017) 7. Kyle Kalina - Kids' Company Assistant - JP (effective January 6, 2017) 8. Joe McCarthy - Boys Track & Field Coach - HS (effective January 9, 2017) 9. Michelle Neumann - Q Comp Secretary - DSC (effective January 25, 2017) 10. Marissa Rieckhoff - B Squad Girls Lacrosse Coach - HS (effective immediately) 11. Alison Thiesfeld - Child Nutrition - GD (effective January 13, 2017) 12. Jennifer Wall - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - RR (effective February 15, 2017) 13. Jennifer Wall - Noon Supervisor - RR (effective February 15, 2017) |
Subject: |
8. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Each item of the resolution does not need to be read aloud, however, board approval of the resolution as a whole by roll call vote is requested.
Subject: |
9. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
MNCAPS Showcase MNCAPS students and Coordinator Melanie Smieja School Board Recognition Week - February 20-24, 2017 A resolution will be read at the board meeting and certificates issued to each board member in recognition of their service to PLSAS. |
Subject: |
10. Personnel Items
Subject: |
10.A. Candidates for Employment
The board is requested to take action on the candidates for employment as presented.
Subject: |
10.B. Approval of District Retirement
The board is requested to approve the following retirement with gratitude for years of service to the district:
* Michael Boegeman - Outside Maintenance - District (14 years of service) (Retirement date: June 30, 2017) |
Subject: |
10.C. Approval of Leaves of Absence
Board approval of the following leaves of absence is requested:
1. Deveny Beaton - Music/Study Strategy Teacher - HO/TO (maternity leave - March 20-May 1, 2017) 2. Daryl Borchardt - Head Maintenance - District (medical leave - March 6-September 6, 2017) 3. Linda Dankers - Special Education Teacher - TO (medical leave - February 9-March 24, 2017) 4. Katie Devaney - EL Teacher - HS (maternity leave - May 19-June 9, 2017) 5. Sarah Gorski - Early Childhood Teacher - EW (partial personal leave - March 2-May 25, 2017) 6. Julie Haugan - Math Teacher - TO (maternity leave - May 19-June 9, 2017) 7. Terry Lehman - Head Custodian - JP (medical leave - February 6 - May 5, 2017) 8. Mary Kay Lien - FACS Teacher - HS (medical leave - March 1-April 27, 2017) 9. Danielle Story - Custodian - JP (maternity leave - February 22 - May 22, 2017) |
Subject: |
10.D. Approval of 2016-17 Educational Support (ESS) Staffing Request
The board is requested to approve the additional staffing as requested.
Subject: |
11. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
11.A. Approval of 2017 PLSAS Legislative Platform
The Legislative Committee met and drafted a 2017 legislative platform. The platform was introduced at the board study session on January 23rd. Board action to approve the 2017 PLSAS Legislative Platform is requested.
Subject: |
12. New Business
Subject: |
12.A. Strategic Direction A: Increasing measurable student growth and achievement.
Report on Operational Plan 1D: Student Support Services
1D: A comprehensive E-12 system for support to struggling students will be developed in an integrated manner. |
Subject: |
12.B. Synchronized Swim Co-op Agreements
The board is requested to dissolve the co-op with Jordan Schools for synchronized swim and apply for a co-op with Lakeville Schools.
Subject: |
12.C. Budget Assumptions and Enrollment Update
This is a report only. No board action is requested at this time.
Subject: |
13. Policy
Subject: |
13.A. First and Second Reading of Policies
Due to the officer title change, the following policies need to be revised:
Policy 202: School Board Officers and Membership Policy 203: School Board Operating Norms Policy 213: School Board Committees As they are only title changes, board action is requested. |
Subject: |
13.B. Second and Final Reading of Policies
This is the second and final reading of the attached policies. Board action is requested on individual policies or policies as a group.
Subject: |
13.B.1. 400 Series Policies
Subject: |
13.B.1.a. 401: Equal Employment Opportunity
Subject: |
13.B.1.b. 402: Disability Nondiscrimination Policy
Subject: |
13.B.1.c. 403: Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of School District Employees
Subject: |
13.B.1.d. 404: Employment of All Staff
Subject: |
13.B.1.e. 405: Veteran's Preference
Subject: |
13.B.1.f. 406: Public and Private Personnel Data
Subject: |
13.B.1.g. 407: Safety
Subject: |
13.B.1.h. 407.1: Employee Right to Know - Exposure to Hazardous Substances
Subject: |
13.B.1.i. 408: Subpoena of a School District Employee
Subject: |
13.B.1.j. 409: Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Inventions and Creations
Subject: |
13.B.1.k. 409.1: District Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
Subject: |
13.B.1.l. 410: Leaves: Family and Medical
Subject: |
14. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
14.A. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
14.B. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
14.C. Board Reports
Subject: |
14.C.1. MSBA Leadership Report - Chair Wolf
Subject: |
15. Future Events
* No School E-12 - February 20, 2017 - President's Day. District offices closed also.
* Secondary Parent/Teacher Conferences - February 23, 2017 * School Board Meeting with Local Legislators - February 27, 2017 - DSC - 5:00 pm * School Board Study Session - February 27, 2017 - DSC - 6:00 pm * Facilities Task Force Public Input Sessions - March 2 and March 28, 2017 - DSC - 6:30 pm * School Board Listening Session - March 9, 2017 - DSC - 6:30 pm |
Subject: |
16. Adjourn