Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order by Temporary Chair
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Election of Officers
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Designate depositories for school district funds.
6.B. Designate the official school district legal newspaper(s).
6.C. Name the school district fiscal consultants.
6.D. Name the school district legal counsel.
6.E. Name the district auditing firm
6.F. Name the assistant board clerk/treasurer.
6.G. Authorize person(s) to lease, purchase and contract for goods and services within the budget.
6.H. Designate the school district's Special Education Coordinator, Federal Programs Coordinator, District LEA (ESEA Programs) and Data Practices Compliance Officer.
6.I. Delegate the authority to make electronic transfers.
6.J. Direct administration to publish notification in the official district newspapers.
7. 2014 Board Compensation
8. Approval of Board Committee Assignments for 2014
9. Discussion of Meeting and Procedures Format
10. Inservice Discussion
11. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 13, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Organizational | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order by Temporary Chair
Chair in 2013, Todd Sorensen will act as temporary chair.
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2. Pledge of Allegiance
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3. Roll Call
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4. Approval of Agenda
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5. Election of Officers
a. Chair
b. Vice-Chair c. Clerk / Treasurer Nominations for the various offices may be made by any member and do not require a second from another member. The vote for each position must be public, not taken by secret ballot. The newly elected chair will take over the meeting immediately following his/her election. |
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6. Consent Agenda
The following consent agenda items require board approval:
Subject: |
6.A. Designate depositories for school district funds.
Name the Prior Lake State Bank, U.S. Bank of Prior Lake, Wells Fargo Bank, Commerce Bank, Deutsche Bank, Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus and PMA Financial Network.
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6.B. Designate the official school district legal newspaper(s).
Designate the "Prior Lake American" of Prior Lake, Minnesota and the “Savage Pacer” of Savage, Minnesota as the official school district legal newspapers.
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6.C. Name the school district fiscal consultants.
Name the firm of Ehlers & Associates as the school district fiscal consultants.
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6.D. Name the school district legal counsel.
Name the law firms of Knutson, Flynn, & Deans, Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney P.A. and Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger, P.A. as the school district legal counsel.
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6.E. Name the district auditing firm
Name the auditing firm of Clifton Larson Allen LLP as the school district auditing firm.
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6.F. Name the assistant board clerk/treasurer.
Name Julie Cink, Director of Business Affairs, to perform the clerical duties of the Board Clerk/Treasurer pursuant to Minnesota Statute 123B.14 and shall be named Assistant Board Clerk/Treasurer.
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6.G. Authorize person(s) to lease, purchase and contract for goods and services within the budget.
Authorize Dr. Sue Ann Gruver, Superintendent of Schools, and Julie Cink, Director of Business Affairs, to lease, purchase and contract for goods and services within the budget as approved by the board, provided that any transaction in an amount exceeding the minimum amount for which bids are required, must first be authorized by the board and must fulfill other applicable requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes governing municipal contracting and that informal quotation be required, when possible, for all purchases exceeding $25,000.
Subject: |
6.H. Designate the school district's Special Education Coordinator, Federal Programs Coordinator, District LEA (ESEA Programs) and Data Practices Compliance Officer.
Designate Doug Kern as the school district's Special Education Coordinator, Julie Cink as the school district's Federal Programs Coordinator, Jeff Holmberg as District LEA (ESEA Programs), and Matt Mons as Data Practices Compliance Officer.
Subject: |
6.I. Delegate the authority to make electronic transfers.
Delegate Julie Cink, Director of Business Affairs, the authority to make electronic transfers and in addition, the appropriate documentation, including written confirmation from the financial institution and proper request and approval form for the transfer, shall be retained by the Director of Business Affairs.
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6.J. Direct administration to publish notification in the official district newspapers.
Direct the administration to publish the "Annual Notification of Rights, Protection and Privacy of Student Records" in the official newspapers of the district.
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7. 2014 Board Compensation
The board chair will recommend appropriate compensation prior to board action. Current 2013 compensation is as follows: $4,000 per year, plus $20 per meeting for official standing committee assignments, district wide committee assignments, and external committees and agency representatives (unless otherwise compensated by outside agency) as appointed by the chair with the exception of certified negotiator, which would be compensated at $50 per meeting. The board chair receives an additional $300, the board clerk/treasurer receives an additional $200 and the board vice-chair receives an additional $200 for service during the year. School board member compensation shall be paid semi-annually at the request of the individual member. Committee meeting reimbursement shall be paid once at the completion of the year of service. The board is requested to set the compensation for 2014.
Subject: |
8. Approval of Board Committee Assignments for 2014
Board Members discussed committee structure and memberships on board committees at a workshop prior to this meeting. A motion/second is requested to approve all board committee assignments for 2014.
(A copy of the policy is attached) |
Subject: |
9. Discussion of Meeting and Procedures Format
The board is requested to discuss the meeting and procedures format in terms of Board/Administrative Reports, new business, meeting location, meeting start times, handouts, agendas, time designations, presentations, treasurer’s report, consent agenda, Laker Pride/Special Recognition/Showcase, comments and requests from visitors in the open forum, voting on issues presented for the first time, building reports, etc. The board will hold one regular meeting and one study session per month with both meetings being open to the public.
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10. Inservice Discussion
The board is requested to discuss any in-service wishes for the year. Additional board study sessions will be scheduled if needed. The 2013-14 board goals and a 2013-14 meeting schedule are attached.
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11. Adjourn