Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Oath of Office
5. School Board Committees
6. Election of Officer
7. Approval of Agenda
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
8.B. Bank Reconciliation Statement
8.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
8.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
8.E. Schools for Equity in Education (S.E.E.) Annual Dues
8.F. MSBA Annual Membership Dues and Policy Services Renewal
8.G. Metro ECSU Service Fee for 2013-14
9. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
10. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
11. Open Forum
12. Personnel Items
12.A. Approval of Candidates for Employment
12.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
12.C. Additional Staffing for 2013-14
12.D. ADSIS Teacher Interventionist Positions
12.E. Approval of New and Revised Job Descriptions
13. Old Business
13.A. Superintendent Evaluation Summary
13.B. Update on Sale of General Obligation School Building Refunding Bonds, Series 2013C
13.C. Open Forum Update
14. New Business
14.A. Dean of Students at Prior Lake High School
14.B. Co-Curricular Staffing, Survey Results and Participation Results from Spring 2013
14.C. Activity Fees for 2013-14
14.D. Approval of the Mountain Biking Club at Prior Lake High School
14.E. Bid Award Approvals
14.F. Boundary Change Recommendation
14.G. E Commerce Solution Approval
14.H. Student Enrollment Update
14.I. 2013-14 Budget Calendar
14.J. Approval of City of Prior Lake Liaison Officer Agreement
14.K. Addition to Prior Lake High School
14.L. 1:1 Implementation: Staff
14.M. AMSD Membership
15. Policy
15.A. First Reading of Policies
15.B. Second and Final Reading of Policies
15.C. Annual Mandatory Policy Approval
16. Administrative Reports
16.A. Superintendent Report
16.B. Administrative Reports
16.C. Board Reports
17. Future Events
18. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 15, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Roll Call
Subject: |
4. Oath of Office
The Oath of Office will be administred by Chair Sorensen to returning board member Mike Murray.
The oath will be recited and the forms signed and new board director Murray will take his seat. |
Subject: |
5. School Board Committees
Mike Murray will serve on the committees that Tom Anderson vacated with some exceptions as follows:
Ad-Hoc Committees: Technology Committee District Wide Committee: District Curriculum Advisory Committee Building Representation: Redtail Ridge and Five Hawks Elementary Changes in committee membership is as follows: Rich Wolf will be the external board rep for the SouthWest Metro Educational Cooperative (formerly MRVSEC & CSEC) and also the board rep for Bridges Area Learning Center and Glendale Elementary. |
Subject: |
6. Election of Officer
Clerk/Treasurer Anderson resigned June 30, 2013. The position must be filled from July 1 to December 31, 2013. Nominations for this position may be made by any member and do not require a second from another member. The vote must be public, not taken by secret ballot. The board is requested to vote and fill the position at this time.
Subject: |
7. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
Subject: |
8.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
Available for review in the superintendent's office - treasurer has received the report.
Subject: |
8.B. Bank Reconciliation Statement
May 2013
Subject: |
8.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
* Regular board meeting on June 3, 2013
* Special board meeting on June 10, 2013 * Study session on June 17, 2013 * Regular portion of board meeting on June 17, 2013 |
Subject: |
8.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
1. Lisa Bradley - Noon Supervisor - GW (effective June 6, 2013)
2. Paula Bultman - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - TO (effective June 6, 2013) 3. Mary Ann Carter - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - TO (effective June 6, 2013) 4. Joan Dalen - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - Dist. (effective June 6, 2013) 5. Laurie Davis-Friedges - Assistant Girls Tennis Coach - HS (effective immediately) 6. Laurie Davis-Friedges - Middle School Boys Tennis Coach - MS (effective immediately) 7. Mary Freiermuth - Noon Supervisor - GW (effective June 3, 2013) 8. Katherine Gray - Building Secretary - GW (effective June 7, 2013) 9. Ursula Hutnik - Noon Supervisor - WW (effective June 6, 2013) 10. Julie Johnson - Curriculum Clerk - DSC (effective June 7, 2013) 11. Dan Kotasek - Assistant Varsity Boys Basketball Coach - HS (effective immediately) 12. Heather Lidholm - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - HS (effective June 6, 2013) 13. Kendra McCrady - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - GW (effective June 6, 2013) 14. Brian Olsen - Assistant Knowledge Bowl Coach - HS (effective immediately) 15. Jeff Pawlicki - Assistant Principal - HS (effective July 19, 2013) 16. Suzanne Pearson - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - WW (effective June 6, 2013) 17. Joyce Portzline - Health Aide - DSC (effective June 6, 2013) 18. Melissa Quade - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - TO (effective June 6, 2013) 19. Russ Reetz - Assistant Activities Director - HS (effective immediately) 20. Beverly Rosenthal - Food Service Helper - HS (effective June 5, 2013) 21. Ryan Schwertman - Head Baseball Coach - HS (effective immediately) 22. Eric Serbus - Dean of Students (TOSA) - HS (effective immediately) 23. Paula Skoviera - Guidance Secretary - HO (effective immediately) 24. Becky Stark - Assistant Robotics Advisor - HS (effective immediately) 25. Sheri Swank - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - JP (effective June 6, 2013) 26. Anne Thoreson - Attendance Secretary- HS (effective June 6, 2013) 27. Perry Wolff - MS Wrestling Coach - MS (effective immediately) 28. Carolyn Yagla - Noon Supervisor - GW (effective June 6, 2013) |
Subject: |
8.E. Schools for Equity in Education (S.E.E.) Annual Dues
Subject: |
8.F. MSBA Annual Membership Dues and Policy Services Renewal
Subject: |
8.G. Metro ECSU Service Fee for 2013-14
Subject: |
9. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Each item of the resolution does not need to be read aloud, however, board approval of the resolution as a whole by roll call vote is requested.
Subject: |
10. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
The board and Stacey Greenlee, representing Friends of Wolf Ridge (FOWR), would like to acknowledge and thank Cargill and their representative George Pappajohn for their very generous donation to FOWR.
Subject: |
11. Open Forum
A fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda.
Subject: |
12. Personnel Items
Subject: |
12.A. Approval of Candidates for Employment
The board is requested to take action on the candidates for employment as presented.
Subject: |
12.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
The board is requested to approve the following leaves of absence as presented:
1. Holly Bartholow - Communications Teacher - TO (maternity leave - November 6-December 18, 2013) 2. Katie Jaeb - 5th Grade Teacher - GD (maternity leave - October 3-December 16, 2013) 3. Vicky Martell - Choral Music Teacher - TO (*medical leave - July 29-November 3, 2013) 4. Jaime Toenies Semling - School Social Worker - RR (maternity leave - October 28-December 6, 2013) |
Subject: |
12.C. Additional Staffing for 2013-14
Board action is requested.
Subject: |
12.D. ADSIS Teacher Interventionist Positions
Board action is requested.
Subject: |
12.E. Approval of New and Revised Job Descriptions
1. Middle School Synergy Teacher (C-14)
2. District Curriculum Coordinator 3. Response to Intervention (RtI) Coordinator (C-41) 4. Data Assessment Coordinator (TOSA) (C-42) 5. Intervention Specialist (TOSA) 6. Secretary - DSC (Assistant Superintendent) 7. Kids' Company Summer Food Services Manager |
Subject: |
13. Old Business
Subject: |
13.A. Superintendent Evaluation Summary
The superintendent evaluation summary for SY 2012-13 will be read and released to the press.
(This was postponed from the June 3, 2013 board meeting) |
Subject: |
13.B. Update on Sale of General Obligation School Building Refunding Bonds, Series 2013C
This is a verbal update only. No board action is requested.
Subject: |
13.C. Open Forum Update
An open forum will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. prior to this meeting. The board will discuss the forum outcome. The first reading of the synthetic turf plan will be presented at the August 12, 2013 regular board meeting.
Subject: |
14. New Business
Subject: |
14.A. Dean of Students at Prior Lake High School
A year in review.
(Materials available at meeting time) |
Subject: |
14.B. Co-Curricular Staffing, Survey Results and Participation Results from Spring 2013
This is a report only. No board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.C. Activity Fees for 2013-14
Fees for 2013-14 will be presented. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.D. Approval of the Mountain Biking Club at Prior Lake High School
This is a self-supporting club. Board approval is requested.
Subject: |
14.E. Bid Award Approvals
The board is requested to approve the following bid recommendations, as presented:
1. Site Improvement Packages 2. Building Envelope Improvement Packages |
Subject: |
14.F. Boundary Change Recommendation
There will be a new development (Eagle Creek Estates) as a result of the extension of Fish Point Road to 185th Street. The recommendation is to assign this development to Grainwood Elementary beginning in 2013-14. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.G. E Commerce Solution Approval
The E Commerce study was reviewed at the board work session on June 17, 2013. The board is requested to take action on the recommendation of the committee.
Subject: |
14.H. Student Enrollment Update
This is an update on student enrollment. No board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.I. 2013-14 Budget Calendar
Board approval is requested.
Subject: |
14.J. Approval of City of Prior Lake Liaison Officer Agreement
The liaison officer costs are paid through the safe schools levy. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.K. Addition to Prior Lake High School
The budget has been set for the addition at the high school. The core design committee has developed a design within these parameters. The plan will be presented to the board for board action.
Subject: |
14.L. 1:1 Implementation: Staff
The 1:1 implementation has been discussed at a board work session in June. The plan for 400 i-Pads for staff and an additional 1.3 FTE tech support (1.0 FTE Technology Integration Specialist and .3 tech support) will be presented. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
14.M. AMSD Membership
The district would like to become a member of AMSD. AMSD offers a special discounted rate of $1,000 for the first year of membership to give new members a chance to check out AMSD membership to determine if it is a good fit for the school district. On an ongoing basis, AMSD dues are comprised of 2 components – a fixed fee paid by all members and a variable fee that is based on resident student enrollment. The fee for Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools would rise to about $10,500 for the 2014-15 school year should we renew our membership after the trial year.
Board action is requested. |
Subject: |
15. Policy
Subject: |
15.A. First Reading of Policies
First reading of the following policies:
* Policy 524: Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use Policy * Policy 525: Website and Intranet Policy * Policy 409.1: Staff Internet Acceptable Use Policy * Policy 509: Enrollment of Nonresident Students * Policy 514: Student Wellness * Policy 601.1: Review of Curriculum Content and Alternative Instruction * Policy 701.2: Fund Balance Policy Second and final reading will take place at the regular board meeting on August 12, 2013. |
Subject: |
15.B. Second and Final Reading of Policies
* Policy 602: Organization of School Calendar and School Day
* Policy 602 - Procedure - School Closing * Policy 702 - Procedures (replaces policies 702.1, 702.2 & 702.3) Board action is requested. (May individually approve or approve as a whole) |
Subject: |
15.C. Annual Mandatory Policy Approval
These are mandatory policies that need board approval each year at this time. Any changes to these policies have been brought to the board on an individual basis.
Subject: |
16. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
16.A. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
16.B. Administrative Reports
* Assistant Superintendent Holmberg will give a Q-Comp application update and integration funding for 2014-15.
Subject: |
16.C. Board Reports
Committee Listings:
* Student Council (Babcock) Internal School Board Committees: * Certified and Administrative Personnel Committee (Shimek, Sorensen Ruelle) * Educational Support Staff Personnel Committee (Wolf, White) * Policy Committee (Ruelle, Shimek) Ad-Hoc Committee Representation: * Facilities Committee (Wolf, White) * Transportation Committee (White) * Finance Committee (Ruelle, Sorensen, White) * Technology Committee (Murray, Rittenour) District Wide Committee Representation: * Meet & Confer (Shimek, Sorensen, Ruelle) * Superintendent's Advisory Committee (Wolf) * District Curriculum Advisory Committee (Murray, Wolf, Rittenour) * Community Education Services Advisory Council (Rittenour) * Early Childhood Family Education Advisory Council (Shimek) * Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) (Rittenour) External Committees and Agency Representatives * Schools for Equity in Education (Ruelle) * SW Metro Educational Cooperative (Wolf) * MSHSL (Shimek) * SCALE (Shimek, Sorensen) |
Subject: |
17. Future Events
* Lakefront Days Events - If you are interested in volunteering, contact Kristi Mussman
* Regular Board Meeting - August 12, 2013 - DSC - 7:00 pm * Board Retreat - August 19, 2013 - DSC - 5:00 pm * Regular Board Meeting - August 26, 2013 - 7:00 pm |
Subject: |
18. Adjourn