Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
5.B. School Board Minutes
5.C. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
5.D. Donations as listed:
6. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
7. Open Forum
8. Personnel Items
8.A. Approval of Candidates for Employment
8.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
8.C. Approval of Addition of a Junior Varsity Cheerleading Program.
8.D. Reinstatement of Auditorium Supervisor position at Prior Lake High School.
9. Old Business
9.A. MSBA Membership Renewal for 2010-11
10. New Business
10.A. Decision Resources Survey Report
10.B. Approval of Resolution Relating to Election
10.C. Approval of Bid Awards
10.D. MN Department of Commerce Office of Energy Security's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Award
10.E. Set 2010 Truth in Taxation Hearing Schedule
10.F. Integration Revenue Budget Approval
11.A. Second and Final Reading of Policies
12.A. Superintendent's Report
12.B. Administrative Reports
12.B.1. Student Assessment Data Report Overview
12.C. Board Reports
13. Future Events
14. Adjourn (End of televised portion of the meeting)
15. Replacement School Board Candidate Interviews with the Board
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Roll Call
Subject: |
4. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
Subject: |
5.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
Available for review in the superintendent's office - treasurer has received the report.
Subject: |
5.B. School Board Minutes
Approval of regular board minutes from July 19, 2010.
Subject: |
5.C. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
* Hans Albrecht - Football Coach - HS (effective immediately)
* Lindsay Bennewitz - Special Education Teacher - HO (effective immediately) * Alan Boettcher - Kids' Company - GD (effective August 20, 2010) * Lindsay Day - Kids' Company - GW (effective immediately) * Mona Glass - Co-Head Softball Coach - HS (effective immediately) * Tim Johnson - Administrative Intern - TO (effective August 1, 2010) * Barbara Pape - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - TO (effective August 5, 2010) * Katie Youngblut - Kids' Company - RR (effective immediately) |
Subject: |
5.D. Donations as listed:
* $500.00 from the Prior Lake Optimist Club for the WEB program at Hidden Oaks Middle School.
* $100.00 from Sean & Tricia McTamaney for the students' scholarship program at Hidden Oaks Middle School. |
Subject: |
6. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
Will continue in Fall 2010
Subject: |
7. Open Forum
A fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda regarding any items NOT on the current agenda.
Subject: |
8. Personnel Items
Subject: |
8.A. Approval of Candidates for Employment
The board is requested to take action on the candidates for employment as presented.
Subject: |
8.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
The board is requested to take action on the leaves of absence as presented.
Subject: |
8.C. Approval of Addition of a Junior Varsity Cheerleading Program.
The board is requested to approve the addition of a junior varsity cheerleading program, with the junior varsity coach booster funded. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
8.D. Reinstatement of Auditorium Supervisor position at Prior Lake High School.
The board is requested to reinstate this position with alternative funding sources. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
9. Old Business
Subject: |
9.A. MSBA Membership Renewal for 2010-11
The membership was part of the budget reductions for 2010-11. Upon review, it has been suggested to renew the membership for 10-11 with further review for 2011-12. Questions from the July 19, 2010 meeting will be discussed with MSBA Executive Director Bob Meeks. Board action on renewal of the membership is requested.
Subject: |
10. New Business
Subject: |
10.A. Decision Resources Survey Report
Representatives of Decision Resources will present an executive summary to the board. This is a report only. No board action is requested. Similar survey results from 2006 are included.
(2010 Executive Summary will be handed out at board meeting) |
Subject: |
10.B. Approval of Resolution Relating to Election
Resolution Relating to Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election. The board is asked to approve via roll call vote.
Subject: |
10.C. Approval of Bid Awards
The board is requested to approve the bid awards for commodities (bread, milk), as presented.
Subject: |
10.D. MN Department of Commerce Office of Energy Security's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Award
The Building Committee has reviewed. Board action is requested on the approval of the grant award.
Subject: |
10.E. Set 2010 Truth in Taxation Hearing Schedule
Director of Business Affairs Nash will be requesting that the board set aside time at the December 13, 2010 regular board meeting for a truth in taxation hearing according to legislation. This is an information item only.
Subject: |
10.F. Integration Revenue Budget Approval
The board is asked to approve the budget as presented.
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. Second and Final Reading of Policies
Second and final reading of the following:
* 705 Investments * Statement of Investment Procedure and Objectives Board action is requested. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
12.B. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
12.B.1. Student Assessment Data Report Overview
This is a report only. A full presentation will be given at the August 23, 2010 board meeting.
Subject: |
12.C. Board Reports
The board is asked to report only if a recent meeting was held.
Subject: |
13. Future Events
* August 16, 2010 - School Board Retreat - 2:00 p.m.
* August 23, 2010 - Joint Meeting with City of Prior Lake - 5:15 p.m. with Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m. |
Subject: |
14. Adjourn (End of televised portion of the meeting)
Subject: |
15. Replacement School Board Candidate Interviews with the Board
Interview questions will be at board table.