Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Moment of Slience
III. Recognition
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.1. Minutes
IV.2. Newly Employed, Promotions and Separations
IV.3. Review of Loan and Bond Applications
IV.4. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
IV.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case # 21-031 Kasey Cathey
IV.6. Consideration of the Consent to Surrender Teaching License of Cheryl Kindervater Professional Licensure Standards Board Case # 21-049
IV.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 21-035 Brittany Peacock
IV.8. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel Decision to Approve the 2021 Charter School Application Forms and Timeline
V. Action Agenda A. 10:00 a.m.
V.1. Annual Statistical Report
V.2. State Board Review of PLSB 20-121 Ethics Hearing Committee Recommendation – Tiffany Gant
V.3. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel Meeting Decision - Approval of Charter Amendment Request for River Valley Virtual Academy (Van Buren School District)
V.4. Consideration of Act 1240 Waiver Extension Request - Bentonville School District
V.5. Approval for Reading Specialist (K-12) Licensure Test
V.6. High School Course Requirements
VI. Action Agenda B. 1 p.m.
VII. New Business
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM - State Board of Education | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Charisse Dean
Subject: |
II. Moment of Slience
Presenter: |
Charisse Dean
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Presenter: |
AAEA Superintendent of the Year
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Charisse Dean
Subject: |
IV.1. Minutes
Presenter: |
Brittany Kincaid
Subject: |
IV.2. Newly Employed, Promotions and Separations
Presenter: |
Teletha Leonard and Clemetta Hood
The applicant data from this information is used to compile the Applicant Flow Chart forms for the Affirmative Action Report, which demonstrates the composition of applicants through the selecting, hiring, promoting and terminating process. The information is needed to measure the effectiveness of the agency's recruitment, hiring and promotion efforts and is in conformity with federal government guidelines, which require the agency to compile statistical information about applicants for employment.
Subject: |
IV.3. Review of Loan and Bond Applications
Presenter: |
Anita Sacrey
The members of the Arkansas State Board of Education are requested to review the following:
Commercial Bond Applications - 1 Second Lien and 2 Voted With the recommendation to approve all applications from the Loan Committee and additional information provided by the school district in its application package and:
Subject: |
IV.4. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from 25 school districts for a total of 26 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 57 school districts requesting a total of 120 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by Department staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
Subject: |
IV.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case # 21-031 Kasey Cathey
Presenter: |
Amy Douglas
Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 8. An educator, while on school premises or at school sponsored activities involving students, refrains from: (a) using, possessing, and/or being under the influence of alcohol or unauthorized drugs/substances, possessing items prohibited by law; (b) possessing or using tobacco or tobacco-related products, e-cigarettes, e-liquid, or vapor products; or (c) abusing/misusing prescription medications or other authorized substances as evidenced by impairment. The Professional Licensure Standards Board Ethics Subcommittee recommends that the State Board order 6 months of probation and assess a $150 fine. Educator to continue meetings she is attending and submit a progress report quarterly regarding meetings attended and impact it has on her ability to interact in a classroom in the future. Quarterly reports from therapist on educator’s progress and fitness to be in the classroom. All costs to be paid by Educator. (Educator Cathey accepted on December 18, 2020).
Subject: |
IV.6. Consideration of the Consent to Surrender Teaching License of Cheryl Kindervater Professional Licensure Standards Board Case # 21-049
Presenter: |
Amy Douglas
Educator Cathy Kindervater has executed and submitted a consent to surrender teaching license. The Professional Licensure Standards Board request the State Board accept the consent to surrender and permanently revoke Cathy Kindervater’s teaching license.
Subject: |
IV.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 21-035 Brittany Peacock
Presenter: |
Amy Douglas
Subject: |
IV.8. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel Decision to Approve the 2021 Charter School Application Forms and Timeline
Presenter: |
Tracy Webb
In January, the Charter Authorizing Panel approved the forms timeline for the 2021 charter application cycle. State Board approval of the Charter Authorizing Panel decision is requested.
Subject: |
V. Action Agenda A. 10:00 a.m.
Subject: |
V.1. Annual Statistical Report
Presenter: |
Anita Sacrey
In compliance with the provisions of A.C.A. § 6-20-2201 et seq., the Annual Statistical Report of the Public Schools for Arkansas, Open Enrollment Charter Schools, and Education Service Cooperatives, 2019-2020 Actual and 2020-2021 Budgeted, (ASR) is considered for adoption by the State Board of Education.
Subject: |
V.2. State Board Review of PLSB 20-121 Ethics Hearing Committee Recommendation – Tiffany Gant
Presenter: |
Amy Douglas
Ms. Gant was employed as a teacher under an ACT 1240 waiver. Ms. Gant has appealed her ethics hearing recommendation and requested a State Board review pursuant to 16.02 of the Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators. Ms. Gant is represented by attorney Mr. James Valley.
Subject: |
V.3. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel Meeting Decision - Approval of Charter Amendment Request for River Valley Virtual Academy (Van Buren School District)
Presenter: |
Tracy Webb
In January the Charter Authorizing Panel approved an amendment request for River Valley Virtual Academy to relocate the existing campus. The district conversion charter was approved in 2016 and serves students in grades K-12.
Subject: |
V.4. Consideration of Act 1240 Waiver Extension Request - Bentonville School District
Presenter: |
Tracy Webb
The Bentonville School District is requesting an extention of perviously granted Act 1240 waivers.
Subject: |
V.5. Approval for Reading Specialist (K-12) Licensure Test
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Reading Specialist (K-12) is an endorsement area added to a standard license by completing graduate-level program of study and passing the state’s current licensure assessment, Praxis® Reading Specialist (5301). Education Testing Company (ETS) has updated the 5301 with the Praxis® Reading Specialist (5302).
The Department recommends adopting the Praxis® Reading Specialist (5302) with a cut score of 160, effective September 1, 2021. |
Subject: |
V.6. High School Course Requirements
Presenter: |
Dr. Kiffany Pride / Rachel Horn
The Division of Elementary & Secondary Education presents the following high school course requirements to the State Board of Education for approval: Arkansas Thirty-Eight Required Courses.
Subject: |
VI. Action Agenda B. 1 p.m.
Subject: |
VII. New Business
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VIII. Public Comments
Subject: |
IX. Adjournment