Meeting Agenda
I. Chair's Report
II. Consent Agenda
III. Action Agenda
III.1. Request for Open-Enrollment Charter School Amendments: Arkansas Connections Academy (ARCA)
III.2. Request for Open-enrollment Charter School Amendments: School for Integrated Academics and
Technologies (SIATech) |
III.3. Hearing and Potential Action on Open-Enrollment Charter: Rockbridge Montessori School
III.4. State Board of Education Request
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 15, 2017 at 2:00 PM - Charter Authorizing Panel Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Chair's Report
Subject: |
II. Consent Agenda
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III. Action Agenda
Subject: |
III.1. Request for Open-Enrollment Charter School Amendments: Arkansas Connections Academy (ARCA)
Presenter: |
Virginia Perry
On November 17, 2015, the open-enrollment charter Arkansas Connections Academy (ARCA) was
authorized, and its contract expires on June 30, 2021. ARCA is approved to serve students in grades K-12 with a maximum enrollment of 3,000. Representatives of ARCA are appearing before the Charter Authorizing Panel to request an amendment to the current charter. |
Subject: |
III.2. Request for Open-enrollment Charter School Amendments: School for Integrated Academics and
Technologies (SIATech) |
Presenter: |
Virginia Perry
On January 10, 2011, the open-enrollment charter School for Integrated Academics and Technologies (SIATech) was authorized, and a renewal hearing was conducted on February 18,
2016. The authorizer approved a three-year renewal of the charter, and the contract expires on June 30, 2019. SIATech is approved to serve students in grades 9-12 with a maximum enrollment of 275. Representatives of SIATech are appearing before the Charter Authorizing Panel to request an amendment to the current charter. |
Subject: |
III.3. Hearing and Potential Action on Open-Enrollment Charter: Rockbridge Montessori School
Presenter: |
The Charter Authorizing Panel will conduct a full review of the Rockbridge Montessori School open-enrollment charter. Possible actions are placing the school on probation, modifying the open-enrollment charter, and/or revoking the charter. The reasons for this review and potential action by the Charter Authorizing Panel include, but are not limited to, issues concerning the charter's
special education program, the charter's governance, and financial concerns that may 1) constitute material violations of the charter, 2) demonstrate failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations, 3) demonstrate failure to satisfy generally accepted accounting standards of fiscal management, and/or 4) demonstrate failure to meet fiscal performance criteria deemed appropriate and relevant for the public charter school by the authorizer. |
Subject: |
III.4. State Board of Education Request
The Charter Authorizing Panel will consider a request made by the State Board of Education at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 9, 2017. The State Board of Education formally requested that the Charter Authorizing Panel review Covenant Keepers Charter School regarding academic performance, including but not limited to, identifying the challenges and if the challenges are correctable.