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Meeting Agenda
I. Action Agenda
I.1. Request for Open-Enrollment Public Charter School Renewal: Little Rock Preparatory Academy
I.2. Request for Open Enrollment Charter School Renewal:  LISA Academy
I.3. Request for Open Enrollment Public Charter School Amendment:  Ozark Montessori Academy
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Meeting: December 15, 2016 at 8:30 AM - Charter Authorizing Panel Meeting
I. Action Agenda
I.1. Request for Open-Enrollment Public Charter School Renewal: Little Rock Preparatory Academy
Virginia Perry
On November 3, 2008, the State Board of Education approved the application for Little Rock Preparatory Academy and renewed the charter on February 19, 2014 . The charter is approved to serve students in grades K-8 with a maximum enrollment of 432. Representatives of the Little Rock Preparatory Academy are appearing before the Charter Authorizing Panel to request a 3-year renewal for the charter.
I.2. Request for Open Enrollment Charter School Renewal:  LISA Academy
Virginia Perry
On January 12, 2004, the State Board of Education approved the application for LISA Academy, and on November 5, 2007, the State Board of Education approved the application for LISA Academy-North Little Rock. On January 15, 2014, the authorizer approved the merger of the two charters through the amendment process. The charter is approved to serve students in grades K-12 with a maximum enrollment of 2,100. Representatives of the LISA Academy are appearing before the Charter Authorizing Panel to request a 13-year renewal for the charter.
I.3. Request for Open Enrollment Public Charter School Amendment:  Ozark Montessori Academy
Virginia Perry
On October 16, 2014, the Charter Authorizing Panel approved the application for Ozark Montessori Academy.  The charter is approved to serve students in grades K-8 with a maximum enrollment of 280.  Representatives of Ozark Montessori Academy are appearing before the Charter Authorizing Panel to request an amendment to the current charter.

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