Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call / Declaration of Quorum
III. Executive Session: (The Commerce ISD Board of Trustees will meet in closed session as allowed by Texas Government Code Section 551.071; and 551.074)
III.A. Personnel (551.074)
III.A.1. Consider Resignations from Professional Personnel
III.A.2. Consider Employment of Professional Personnel
III.A.3. Consider Employment of Tri County Professional Personnel
III.B. Private Consultation with Board's Attorney (551.071), if necessary
IV. Reconvene from Closed Session
V. Opening Activities
V.A. Invocation and Pledges to the Texas and U.S. Flags
VI. Open Forum: Citizens' Comments to the Board [All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins.]
VII. CISD/TASB Salary Study Report
VIII. Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Consent Agenda (Any Board Member may request an item be removed from the consent agenda and discussed individually.)
IX.A. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 15, 2023 and the Special Board Budget Meeting of May 23, 2023 and the Financial Statements and Investment Report of May 2023.
X. Consider Approval of a $2,500 Employee Retention Stipend and a $500 Stipend for all New CISD Employees
XI. Consider Approval to delegate to the Superintendent final authority for employment for contractual personnel, as well as final authority to employ and dismiss non-contractual employees on an at-will basis from April 1 to September 1 in each calendar year. This will be adopted by the board annually
XII. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the 2022-2023 Budget
XIII. Consider Approval of the Preliminary Budget for 2023-2024
XIV. Consider Approval of Resolution Extending Depository Contract
XV. Consider Approval of Property and Casualty Insurance
XVI. Consider Revisions to DC (Local): Employment Practices
XVII. Consider Approval of TASB Local Policy Update 121 Affecting Policies CFB (Local) Accounting Inventories; CKE (Local) Safety Program/Risk Management: Security Personnel; CKEA (Local) Security Personnel: Commissioned Peace Officers; CLB (Local) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management: Maintenance;CRF (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management: Unemployment Insurance; CVA (Local) Facilities Construction: Competitive Bidding; CVB (Local) Facilities Construction: Competitive Sealed Proposals; DEA (Local) Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan; FD (Local) Admissions; FFI (Local) Student Welfare: Freedom from Bullying;
XVIII. Consider Approval to add Dual Credit Art Courses; Art History and Education (ART 1300) in the Fall and Art History and Education (ART 1311) in the Spring.
XIX. Consider Approval for the purchase of Network Switches and Wireless Access Points from Global Asset for the New Middle School
XX. Consider Approval for the Purchase of 380 Dell Student Chromebooks with ESSER II funds at a total of $107,540.00
XXI. Consider Approval to use an Interlocal Contract/Purchasing Cooperative as the Delivery Method Providing the Best Value for the Technology Packages at the New Commerce Middle School and the New Vocational/Ag Facility.
XXII. Consider Approval of Pathway Communications, Ltd. as the Contractor providing the Best Value for the Technology Packages at the New Commerce Middle School and the New Vocational/Ag Facility and Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or his Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract with Pathway Communications, Ltd.
XXIII. Informational Reports
XXIII.A. ACE Grant Renewal
XXIII.B. Construction Update
XXIII.C. Accountibility
XXIII.D. The Regular July Board Meeting will be held on July 17, 2023 at the Central Administration Building with Closed Session beginning at 6:00 pm and Regular Session beginning at 7:00 pm.
XXIII.E. Check Register
XXIV. Comments from Board Members or Requests for Future Agenda Items
XXV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Roll Call / Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
III. Executive Session: (The Commerce ISD Board of Trustees will meet in closed session as allowed by Texas Government Code Section 551.071; and 551.074)
Subject: |
III.A. Personnel (551.074)
Subject: |
III.A.1. Consider Resignations from Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.A.2. Consider Employment of Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.A.3. Consider Employment of Tri County Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.B. Private Consultation with Board's Attorney (551.071), if necessary
Subject: |
IV. Reconvene from Closed Session
Subject: |
V. Opening Activities
Subject: |
V.A. Invocation and Pledges to the Texas and U.S. Flags
Subject: |
VI. Open Forum: Citizens' Comments to the Board [All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins.]
Subject: |
VII. CISD/TASB Salary Study Report
Subject: |
VIII. Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session
Subject: |
IX. Consent Agenda (Any Board Member may request an item be removed from the consent agenda and discussed individually.)
Subject: |
IX.A. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 15, 2023 and the Special Board Budget Meeting of May 23, 2023 and the Financial Statements and Investment Report of May 2023.
Subject: |
X. Consider Approval of a $2,500 Employee Retention Stipend and a $500 Stipend for all New CISD Employees
Subject: |
XI. Consider Approval to delegate to the Superintendent final authority for employment for contractual personnel, as well as final authority to employ and dismiss non-contractual employees on an at-will basis from April 1 to September 1 in each calendar year. This will be adopted by the board annually
Subject: |
XII. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the 2022-2023 Budget
Subject: |
XIII. Consider Approval of the Preliminary Budget for 2023-2024
Subject: |
XIV. Consider Approval of Resolution Extending Depository Contract
Subject: |
XV. Consider Approval of Property and Casualty Insurance
Subject: |
XVI. Consider Revisions to DC (Local): Employment Practices
Subject: |
XVII. Consider Approval of TASB Local Policy Update 121 Affecting Policies CFB (Local) Accounting Inventories; CKE (Local) Safety Program/Risk Management: Security Personnel; CKEA (Local) Security Personnel: Commissioned Peace Officers; CLB (Local) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management: Maintenance;CRF (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management: Unemployment Insurance; CVA (Local) Facilities Construction: Competitive Bidding; CVB (Local) Facilities Construction: Competitive Sealed Proposals; DEA (Local) Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan; FD (Local) Admissions; FFI (Local) Student Welfare: Freedom from Bullying;
Subject: |
XVIII. Consider Approval to add Dual Credit Art Courses; Art History and Education (ART 1300) in the Fall and Art History and Education (ART 1311) in the Spring.
Subject: |
XIX. Consider Approval for the purchase of Network Switches and Wireless Access Points from Global Asset for the New Middle School
Subject: |
XX. Consider Approval for the Purchase of 380 Dell Student Chromebooks with ESSER II funds at a total of $107,540.00
Subject: |
XXI. Consider Approval to use an Interlocal Contract/Purchasing Cooperative as the Delivery Method Providing the Best Value for the Technology Packages at the New Commerce Middle School and the New Vocational/Ag Facility.
Subject: |
XXII. Consider Approval of Pathway Communications, Ltd. as the Contractor providing the Best Value for the Technology Packages at the New Commerce Middle School and the New Vocational/Ag Facility and Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or his Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract with Pathway Communications, Ltd.
Subject: |
XXIII. Informational Reports
Subject: |
XXIII.A. ACE Grant Renewal
Subject: |
XXIII.B. Construction Update
Subject: |
XXIII.C. Accountibility
Subject: |
XXIII.D. The Regular July Board Meeting will be held on July 17, 2023 at the Central Administration Building with Closed Session beginning at 6:00 pm and Regular Session beginning at 7:00 pm.
Subject: |
XXIII.E. Check Register
Subject: |
XXIV. Comments from Board Members or Requests for Future Agenda Items
Subject: |
XXV. Adjournment