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Meeting Agenda
A. Meeting called to order by ____________________________________________ at _______ p.m.
B. Pledge to the Flag:   
C. Roll Call:

            Board Members Present:

            Board Members Absent:

            Also Present:

D. Amendment of Agenda:
D.1. Motion by ______________, supported by _____________ to add agenda item #7. Approval to purchase keyboards.
E. Presentations & Special Recognition:
E.1. Social Studies and Science Olympiad Recognition.
E.2. Richards Middle School Presentation.
E.2.a. Flexible Learning at Richards Middle School: Mr. Julian will be sharing how RMS is giving our students’ choice in what kind of learning space works best for them. He will be sharing how students are able to work collaboratively, communicate,and engage in critical thinking.
F. Approval of Minutes:
F.1. Motion by _____________, supported by ___________ to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 2017.
F.2. Motion by _____________, supported by ___________ to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 8, 2017.
G. Correspondence:
G.1. Official Canvass of Votes for the May 2, 2017 Bond Election.
G.2. Letter of resignation from Gerard Gauthier.
G.2.a. Motion by ____________, supported by ____________ to accept and file all Correspondence. 
H. Superintendent's Report:
H.1. No report.
I. Citizen: Non-Agenda Items:
J. Old Business:
K. New Business:
K.1. Human Resources Report.
K.1.a. New Hire:
First Year Probationary Contract:
Motion by __________, supported by __________ that David Richards, Superintendent or designee be authorized and directed to execute First Year Probationary Contract begining May 5, 2017 for:

Rhiannon Korto
Teacher / Walt Disney Elementary
Effective: May 5, 2017
K.1.b. Retirement:
Motion by ______________, supported by _____________ to accept the following retirement resignations and commend them for their years of service to the district: 

Darlene Hall
Media Technology Assistant / Mark Twain Elementary
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: February 1, 1993

Joseph Kaczanowski
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: December 16, 1991

Joni Kaza
Administrative Assistant / Richards Middle School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: January 3, 1995

Sheryl Lamphier
Administrative Assistant / Operations and Maintenance
Effective:  August 1, 2017
Since: August 24, 1994

Marianne Leto
Bus Driver / Transportation Department
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: August 26, 1992

Thomas Trudeau
Teacher / Eisenhower Elementary
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since:  December 14, 1999
K.1.c. Resignation:
Motion by ____________, supported by ___________ to accept the following resignations, commending them for their years of service to the district:

Katie Burlingame
Psychologist / Dooley Center, Edison and Salk Elementary
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: January 7, 2016

Deborah Greenaway
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: June 23, 2016

Rebekah Potter
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: November 4, 2014

Michael Tabor
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: August 2, 2016

Jeffrey Wynn
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: September 3, 2015
K.2. Approval of Legal Services.
K.2.a. Motion by _____________, supported by ________________ to approve Legal Services with the following firms and areas of expertise effective immediately as recommended:

Lusk & Albertson: Student Matters, Policy, and Personnel (negotiations, employee matters, etc.)

Miller Canfield: Finance (bonds, campaign, etc.)

LaPointe & Butler/Clark Hill: Special Education and 504
K.3. Approval of Richards Middle School trip to Maryland for the National History Day Competition.
K.3.a. Motion by ______________, supported by _______________ to approve the Richards Middle School Trip Request to the University of Maryland, for the National History Day Competition June 11-15, 2017 as recommend. 
K.4. Adoption of Resolution to meet in Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
K.4.a. Motion by ___________, supported by _____________ to move into closed session at the end of the meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
Roll Call Vote:
K.5. Adopt resolution to approve the designated representative as directed to cast a vote on behalf of this board for the June 5, 2017 Biennial Election Meeting.
K.5.a. Motion by ____________, supported by to approve the designated representative as directed to cast a vote on the first ballot for _____________________ and __________________.
K.6. Approval to Award Bid for CTE Equipment - Laser Engraver.
K.6.a. Motion by ______________, supported by ______________ to award bid to purchase one laser engraver, in the amount of $36,625.52 
K.7. Approval to purchase keyboards.
K.7.a. Motion by _____________, supported by _____________ to purchase keyboards from Sehi Computer Products, Inc. in the amount of $37,793.50 as recommended.
L. Financial Report.
L.1. Motion by _____________, supported by _____________ to accept and file the Financial Report.
M. Committee Reports:
N. Miscellaneous Business:
N.1. Schedule of Activities. 
N.1.a. Adjourn into closed session: _________ p.m.
N.1.b. Return to open session __________ p.m.
O. Adjournment:
O.1. Motion by __________, supported by __________ to adjourn at ____ p.m.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
A. Meeting called to order by ____________________________________________ at _______ p.m.
B. Pledge to the Flag:   
C. Roll Call:

            Board Members Present:

            Board Members Absent:

            Also Present:

D. Amendment of Agenda:
D.1. Motion by ______________, supported by _____________ to add agenda item #7. Approval to purchase keyboards.
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
E. Presentations & Special Recognition:
E.1. Social Studies and Science Olympiad Recognition.
E.2. Richards Middle School Presentation.
Mr. Julian
E.2.a. Flexible Learning at Richards Middle School: Mr. Julian will be sharing how RMS is giving our students’ choice in what kind of learning space works best for them. He will be sharing how students are able to work collaboratively, communicate,and engage in critical thinking.
F. Approval of Minutes:
F.1. Motion by _____________, supported by ___________ to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 2017.
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
F.2. Motion by _____________, supported by ___________ to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 8, 2017.
G. Correspondence:
G.1. Official Canvass of Votes for the May 2, 2017 Bond Election.
G.2. Letter of resignation from Gerard Gauthier.
G.2.a. Motion by ____________, supported by ____________ to accept and file all Correspondence. 
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
H. Superintendent's Report:
Dr. Richards
H.1. No report.
I. Citizen: Non-Agenda Items:
J. Old Business:
K. New Business:
K.1. Human Resources Report.
Mr. Terman
K.1.a. New Hire:
First Year Probationary Contract:
Motion by __________, supported by __________ that David Richards, Superintendent or designee be authorized and directed to execute First Year Probationary Contract begining May 5, 2017 for:

Rhiannon Korto
Teacher / Walt Disney Elementary
Effective: May 5, 2017
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.1.b. Retirement:
Motion by ______________, supported by _____________ to accept the following retirement resignations and commend them for their years of service to the district: 

Darlene Hall
Media Technology Assistant / Mark Twain Elementary
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: February 1, 1993

Joseph Kaczanowski
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: December 16, 1991

Joni Kaza
Administrative Assistant / Richards Middle School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: January 3, 1995

Sheryl Lamphier
Administrative Assistant / Operations and Maintenance
Effective:  August 1, 2017
Since: August 24, 1994

Marianne Leto
Bus Driver / Transportation Department
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: August 26, 1992

Thomas Trudeau
Teacher / Eisenhower Elementary
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since:  December 14, 1999
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.1.c. Resignation:
Motion by ____________, supported by ___________ to accept the following resignations, commending them for their years of service to the district:

Katie Burlingame
Psychologist / Dooley Center, Edison and Salk Elementary
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: January 7, 2016

Deborah Greenaway
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: June 23, 2016

Rebekah Potter
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: November 4, 2014

Michael Tabor
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 14, 2017
Since: August 2, 2016

Jeffrey Wynn
Teacher / Fraser High School
Effective:  June 30, 2017
Since: September 3, 2015
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.2. Approval of Legal Services.
Dr. Richards
K.2.a. Motion by _____________, supported by ________________ to approve Legal Services with the following firms and areas of expertise effective immediately as recommended:

Lusk & Albertson: Student Matters, Policy, and Personnel (negotiations, employee matters, etc.)

Miller Canfield: Finance (bonds, campaign, etc.)

LaPointe & Butler/Clark Hill: Special Education and 504
K.3. Approval of Richards Middle School trip to Maryland for the National History Day Competition.
Mr. Julian
K.3.a. Motion by ______________, supported by _______________ to approve the Richards Middle School Trip Request to the University of Maryland, for the National History Day Competition June 11-15, 2017 as recommend. 
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.4. Adoption of Resolution to meet in Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
K.4.a. Motion by ___________, supported by _____________ to move into closed session at the end of the meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
Roll Call Vote:
K.5. Adopt resolution to approve the designated representative as directed to cast a vote on behalf of this board for the June 5, 2017 Biennial Election Meeting.
K.5.a. Motion by ____________, supported by to approve the designated representative as directed to cast a vote on the first ballot for _____________________ and __________________.
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.6. Approval to Award Bid for CTE Equipment - Laser Engraver.
K.6.a. Motion by ______________, supported by ______________ to award bid to purchase one laser engraver, in the amount of $36,625.52 
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
K.7. Approval to purchase keyboards.
K.7.a. Motion by _____________, supported by _____________ to purchase keyboards from Sehi Computer Products, Inc. in the amount of $37,793.50 as recommended.
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:
L. Financial Report.
Mrs. Videtta
L.1. Motion by _____________, supported by _____________ to accept and file the Financial Report.
M. Committee Reports:
N. Miscellaneous Business:
N.1. Schedule of Activities. 
N.1.a. Adjourn into closed session: _________ p.m.
N.1.b. Return to open session __________ p.m.
O. Adjournment:
O.1. Motion by __________, supported by __________ to adjourn at ____ p.m.
                    Ayes:                                        Nays:

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