Meeting Agenda
I. Meeting Called to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge Allegiance
I.C. Approval of Agenda
II. Awards and Recognitions
II.A. Kensington Church Partnership Recognition
III. Recognition of Elected Officials
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - 02/24/25
IV.B. Board Retreat Meeting Minutes - 02/26/25
IV.C. Board Retreat Meeting Minutes - 02/27/25
IV.D. Suspension and Expulsion Reports
V. Information from the Superintendent and Administration
V.A. Interim Superintendent's Report
V.A.1. Reports
V.A.1.a. Kaleo Arts Board Presentation - Kensington Church
V.A.1.b. Partnership District Benchmark Review Summary Presentation
V.A.1.c. C & I Updates: Kennedy School
V.A.2. Discussion Items
V.A.2.a. Erate Network Electronics (Switching Partial Refresh) - Presenters Jeff Mozdzierz & Sydney Pershon
V.A.2.b. Erate Bid: Basic Fiber Maintenance Self-Provisioned Fiber Cable - Presenters Jeff Mozdzierz and Sydney Pershon
V.A.3. Action Items
V.A.3.a. Approval of Erate Network Electronics (Switching Partial Refresh)
V.A.3.b. Approval of the Erate Bid: Basic Fiber Maintenance Self-Provisioned Fiber Cable
VI. Regular Working Agenda
VI.A. Board of Education
VI.A.1. Reports
VI.A.2. Discussion Items
VI.A.3. Action Items
VI.B. Finance Items
VI.B.1. Reports
VI.B.2. Discussion Items
VI.B.2.a. Renewal of Financial Advisory Services Agreement to Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated - Presenter Piero Basile
VI.B.2.b. Tax Anticipation Note Resolution (TAN) - Presenter Piero Basile
VI.B.2.c. Authorizing Resolution - Bond 2020 Series III - Presenter Piero Basile
VI.B.2.d. 2024-25 Budget Amendment #1 - Presenter Piero Basile
VI.B.3. Action Items
VI.B.3.a. Approval of the Renewal of Financial Advisory Services Agreement to Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated
VI.B.3.b. Approval of Tax Anticipation Note Resolution (TAN)
VI.B.3.c. Approval of Authorizing Resolution - Bond Series III
VI.B.3.d. Approval of 2024-2025 Budget Amendment #1
VI.C. General Counsel/Human Resources Items
VI.C.1. Reports
VI.C.2. Discussion Items
VI.C.2.a. Proposed Tentative Agreement with the AFSCME Local 719 (Food Service) - Presenter Attorney Darryl Segars
VI.C.3. Action Items
VI.C.3.a. Approval of Proposed Tentative Agreement with the AFSCME Local 719 (Food Service)
VI.D. Curriculum and Instruction
VI.D.1. Reports
VI.D.2. Discussion Items
VI.D.3. Action Items
VI.E. Operation/Maintenance Items
VI.E.1. Reports
VI.E.2. Discussion Items
VI.E.3. Action Items
VII. Communications, Petitions, and Delegations
VIII. Board Comments and Announcements
IX. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 3, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Meeting Called to Order
Subject: |
I.A. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.B. Pledge Allegiance
Subject: |
I.C. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
II. Awards and Recognitions
Subject: |
II.A. Kensington Church Partnership Recognition
Subject: |
III. Recognition of Elected Officials
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
IV.A. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - 02/24/25
Subject: |
IV.B. Board Retreat Meeting Minutes - 02/26/25
Subject: |
IV.C. Board Retreat Meeting Minutes - 02/27/25
Subject: |
IV.D. Suspension and Expulsion Reports
Subject: |
V. Information from the Superintendent and Administration
Subject: |
V.A. Interim Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V.A.1. Reports
Subject: |
V.A.1.a. Kaleo Arts Board Presentation - Kensington Church
Subject: |
V.A.1.b. Partnership District Benchmark Review Summary Presentation
Subject: |
V.A.1.c. C & I Updates: Kennedy School
Subject: |
V.A.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
V.A.2.a. Erate Network Electronics (Switching Partial Refresh) - Presenters Jeff Mozdzierz & Sydney Pershon
Subject: |
V.A.2.b. Erate Bid: Basic Fiber Maintenance Self-Provisioned Fiber Cable - Presenters Jeff Mozdzierz and Sydney Pershon
Subject: |
V.A.3. Action Items
Subject: |
V.A.3.a. Approval of Erate Network Electronics (Switching Partial Refresh)
Subject: |
V.A.3.b. Approval of the Erate Bid: Basic Fiber Maintenance Self-Provisioned Fiber Cable
Subject: |
VI. Regular Working Agenda
Subject: |
VI.A. Board of Education
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Reports
No Items
Subject: |
VI.A.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.A.3. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.B. Finance Items
Subject: |
VI.B.1. Reports
Subject: |
VI.B.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.B.2.a. Renewal of Financial Advisory Services Agreement to Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated - Presenter Piero Basile
Subject: |
VI.B.2.b. Tax Anticipation Note Resolution (TAN) - Presenter Piero Basile
Subject: |
VI.B.2.c. Authorizing Resolution - Bond 2020 Series III - Presenter Piero Basile
Subject: |
VI.B.2.d. 2024-25 Budget Amendment #1 - Presenter Piero Basile
Subject: |
VI.B.3. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.B.3.a. Approval of the Renewal of Financial Advisory Services Agreement to Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated
Subject: |
VI.B.3.b. Approval of Tax Anticipation Note Resolution (TAN)
Subject: |
VI.B.3.c. Approval of Authorizing Resolution - Bond Series III
Subject: |
VI.B.3.d. Approval of 2024-2025 Budget Amendment #1
Subject: |
VI.C. General Counsel/Human Resources Items
Subject: |
VI.C.1. Reports
Subject: |
VI.C.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.C.2.a. Proposed Tentative Agreement with the AFSCME Local 719 (Food Service) - Presenter Attorney Darryl Segars
Subject: |
VI.C.3. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.C.3.a. Approval of Proposed Tentative Agreement with the AFSCME Local 719 (Food Service)
Subject: |
VI.D. Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
VI.D.1. Reports
Subject: |
VI.D.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.D.3. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.E. Operation/Maintenance Items
Subject: |
VI.E.1. Reports
Subject: |
VI.E.2. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.E.3. Action Items
Subject: |
VII. Communications, Petitions, and Delegations
Subject: |
VIII. Board Comments and Announcements
Subject: |
IX. Adjournment