Meeting Agenda
I. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Invocation
III. Recognition of School Board Appreciation Month
IV. Open Forum
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
V.B. Bills Payable
V.C. Consideration and possible action to order a General Election for the election of two (2) at-large School Board Trustees to be held on May 3, 2025.
Considerar y adoptar posibles medidas para convocar elecciones generales el 3 de mayo de 2025 para elegir a dos (2) administradores del Consejo sin zona asignada. |
V.D. Consider and possible approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early Voting and for Election Day.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones. |
V.E. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Notice of General Election regarding the Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo A del Aviso de Elección General sobre el Calendario y Lugares de Votación Anticipada Conjunta. |
V.F. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Notice and Order of General Election regarding Election Day Vote Centers.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo B del Aviso y Orden de Elección General sobre los Centros de Votación el Día de las Elecciones. |
V.G. Consider and possible approval to appoint Roxzine Stinson, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Elections Officer.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson, Administradora de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo de funcionaria electoral conjunta. |
V.H. Consider and possible approval to appoint Roxzine Stinson, Elections Administrator, to serve as the Joint Early Voting Clerk.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson, Administradora de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo de secretaria electoral conjunta para la votación adelantada. |
V.I. Consider and possible approval to appoint the Elections Office located at 1308 Crickets Avenue as the main early voting polling place.
Considerar para su posible aprobación la designación de la oficina electoral ubicada en el 1308 Crickets Avenue como el centro electoral principal para la votación adelantada. |
V.J. Consider and possible appointment of Roxzine Stinson as Central Count Manager, Karyn Cruz as Tabulation Supervisor, and Beth Bender as Central County Presiding Judge.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson como la Administradora del conteo central, a Karyn Cruz como Supervisora de la tabulación y a Beth Bender como el Juez actuante del conteo central. |
V.K. Consider and possible appointment of Kevin Duarte and Sandy Salazar, and LanguageUSA as Bilingual Election Clerks for the May 3, 2025, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Vanessa Huizar, Sandy Salazar, Aaron Frodsham y LanguageUSA como secretarios electorales bilingües para las elecciones del día 3 de mayo de 2025. |
V.L. Consider and possible appointment of Ronny Gallaher as Early Voting Ballot Board Judge and Beth Shapiro as Alternate Early Voting Ballot Board Judge for the May 3, 2025, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Ronny Gallaher como el Juez del Consejo para la votación adelantada y a Beth Shapiro como la Juez suplente del Consejo para la votación adelantada para las elecciones del día 3 de mayo de 2025. |
V.M. Consider and possible appointment of Judges and Rovers for each Vote Center for Election Day as shown on Exhibit 1.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de los siguientes jueces y ayudantes para cada uno de los centros electorales el día de las elecciones según se indica en el Anexo A. |
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider Approval of Audit Agreement with BSGM for 2024-2025 School Year
VI.B. Deliberation and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution that Accomplishes the following: Approves the settlement of pending litigation styled Region 17 Education Service Center, et al v. Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC, in the 72nd District Court of Lubbock County, Cause No. DC-2022-CV-1601; and Authorizes the District's Superintendent and the representative of the Region 17 Education Service Center, acting as fiscal agent for the Region 17 Information Network, to take any and all action necessary and execute any and all documents required to enter into and effectuate the settlement agreement in such litigation.
VII. Reports
VIII. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Report
IX. Principal Report
X. Athletic Director Report
XI. Technology Director Report
XII. Business Manager Report
XII.A. Budget Progress
XII.B. Food Service Report
XII.C. Tax Report
XII.D. Investment Report
XIII. Superintendent Report:
XIII.A. Enrollment
XIII.B. Discuss Intruder Detection Audit Findings
XIII.C. Construction Update
XIV. Executive Session:
XIV.A. Discussion of Personnel Matter
XIV.A.I. Superintendent Evaluation
XIV.A.II. Superintendent Contract and Compensation
XV. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 16, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Invocation
Subject: |
III. Recognition of School Board Appreciation Month
Subject: |
IV. Open Forum
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Subject: |
V.B. Bills Payable
Subject: |
V.C. Consideration and possible action to order a General Election for the election of two (2) at-large School Board Trustees to be held on May 3, 2025.
Considerar y adoptar posibles medidas para convocar elecciones generales el 3 de mayo de 2025 para elegir a dos (2) administradores del Consejo sin zona asignada. |
Subject: |
V.D. Consider and possible approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early Voting and for Election Day.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones. |
Subject: |
V.E. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Notice of General Election regarding the Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo A del Aviso de Elección General sobre el Calendario y Lugares de Votación Anticipada Conjunta. |
Subject: |
V.F. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Notice and Order of General Election regarding Election Day Vote Centers.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo B del Aviso y Orden de Elección General sobre los Centros de Votación el Día de las Elecciones. |
Subject: |
V.G. Consider and possible approval to appoint Roxzine Stinson, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Elections Officer.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson, Administradora de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo de funcionaria electoral conjunta. |
Subject: |
V.H. Consider and possible approval to appoint Roxzine Stinson, Elections Administrator, to serve as the Joint Early Voting Clerk.
Considerar para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson, Administradora de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo de secretaria electoral conjunta para la votación adelantada. |
Subject: |
V.I. Consider and possible approval to appoint the Elections Office located at 1308 Crickets Avenue as the main early voting polling place.
Considerar para su posible aprobación la designación de la oficina electoral ubicada en el 1308 Crickets Avenue como el centro electoral principal para la votación adelantada. |
Subject: |
V.J. Consider and possible appointment of Roxzine Stinson as Central Count Manager, Karyn Cruz as Tabulation Supervisor, and Beth Bender as Central County Presiding Judge.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson como la Administradora del conteo central, a Karyn Cruz como Supervisora de la tabulación y a Beth Bender como el Juez actuante del conteo central. |
Subject: |
V.K. Consider and possible appointment of Kevin Duarte and Sandy Salazar, and LanguageUSA as Bilingual Election Clerks for the May 3, 2025, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Vanessa Huizar, Sandy Salazar, Aaron Frodsham y LanguageUSA como secretarios electorales bilingües para las elecciones del día 3 de mayo de 2025. |
Subject: |
V.L. Consider and possible appointment of Ronny Gallaher as Early Voting Ballot Board Judge and Beth Shapiro as Alternate Early Voting Ballot Board Judge for the May 3, 2025, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Ronny Gallaher como el Juez del Consejo para la votación adelantada y a Beth Shapiro como la Juez suplente del Consejo para la votación adelantada para las elecciones del día 3 de mayo de 2025. |
Subject: |
V.M. Consider and possible appointment of Judges and Rovers for each Vote Center for Election Day as shown on Exhibit 1.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de los siguientes jueces y ayudantes para cada uno de los centros electorales el día de las elecciones según se indica en el Anexo A. |
Subject: |
VI. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.A. Consider Approval of Audit Agreement with BSGM for 2024-2025 School Year
Subject: |
VI.B. Deliberation and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution that Accomplishes the following: Approves the settlement of pending litigation styled Region 17 Education Service Center, et al v. Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC, in the 72nd District Court of Lubbock County, Cause No. DC-2022-CV-1601; and Authorizes the District's Superintendent and the representative of the Region 17 Education Service Center, acting as fiscal agent for the Region 17 Information Network, to take any and all action necessary and execute any and all documents required to enter into and effectuate the settlement agreement in such litigation.
Subject: |
VII. Reports
Subject: |
VIII. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Report
Subject: |
IX. Principal Report
Subject: |
X. Athletic Director Report
Subject: |
XI. Technology Director Report
Subject: |
XII. Business Manager Report
Subject: |
XII.A. Budget Progress
Subject: |
XII.B. Food Service Report
Subject: |
XII.C. Tax Report
Subject: |
XII.D. Investment Report
Subject: |
XIII. Superintendent Report:
Subject: |
XIII.A. Enrollment
Subject: |
XIII.B. Discuss Intruder Detection Audit Findings
Subject: |
XIII.C. Construction Update
Subject: |
XIV. Executive Session:
Subject: |
XIV.A. Discussion of Personnel Matter
Subject: |
XIV.A.I. Superintendent Evaluation
Subject: |
XIV.A.II. Superintendent Contract and Compensation
Subject: |
XV. Adjourn