Meeting Agenda
4.A. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
4.A.1. Elementary Campus Improvement Plans: Each campus has completed the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) formative assessment update to document progress. For the mid-year update, principals have created a Piktochart to summarize their progress on goals and strategies shared with the Board of Education on October 5, 2020.
4.A.2. Consideration and possible board approval concerning a waiver to provide asynchronous teacher planning days.
4.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
4.B.1. Robert A. Tijerina and Adrian Galvan of Tijerina Galvan Lawrence LLC (TGL) will present information regarding Castleberry Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2021; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto.
"The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: 551.074 For the purpose of considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints against a public officer. 551.072 For the purpose of discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. 551.0821 For the purpose of considering a matter regarding a public school student where personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation. |
7.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
8.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from January 19, 2021, for a Regular Meeting and January 26, 2021, for a Board Workshop.
8.B. Consider Approval of Expenditure Report for the month of January 2021: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of January 2021.
8.C. Consider Approval of TASB, TASBO, TASA, University of North Texas, Government Treasurer Organization of Texas, Region XI Educational Service Center and Texas State University for Independent Sources of Instruction relating to Investment Responsibilities: Investment Officers are required to receive 10 hours of Investment Officer training every 2 years.
8.D. Consider Approval of the Resolution of Annual Review of the Investment Policy of Castleberry Independent School District.
9.A. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.A.1. Consider Approval of Proposed 2021-2022 School Calendar: This calendar meets parameters set by the board, was developed and approved by the DEIC and received the majority vote by Castleberry I.S.D. employees and parents.
9.A.2. Consideration and possible board approval concerning a waiver to provide asynchronous teacher planning days.
9.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.B.1. Consideration and Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Castleberry Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2021; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto.
9.B.2. Consider Approval of the furniture purchase from Lone Star Furnishings not to exceed $4,844.19 for the Irma Marsh Middle School Renovation Project.
9.C. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
9.C.1. Consider Approval of New Hire Contract Recommendations: There are no contract recommendations for this meeting as of February 1, 2021.
9.C.2. Consider Approval of Renewals, Proposed Nonrenewals, No Actions and Terminations: The Superintendent of Schools will present recommendations to the Board of Education for Cabinet renewals, proposed nonrenewals, and no actions of professional employee contracts.
10.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
10.A.1. Financial Services Executive Director Report:
10.A.1.a. Annual Investment Report: All investments are authorized under the terms of Board Policy and quarterly investment reports have been provided to the Board.
10.A.1.b. Investment Report for the quarter ending December 31, 2020: This report shows District investment by fund for the quarter ending December 31, 2020.
10.A.1.c. Board Budget Report as of December 31, 2020: This report shows Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and Function.
10.A.1.d. Tarrant County Tax Collection Reports for December 31, 2020 reflects the amount of current and delinquent taxes, penalties and interest collected for the month and year to date.
10.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
10.B.1. Policy Update 116 & Board Policy Audit Review of Local Board Policies: Presented as information is the TASB Board Policy Update 116 which includes four proposed local board updates and the audit review of FFAF(LOCAL), FMH(LOCAL), FN(LOCAL), and FNA(LOCAL) policies.
10.B.2. Review Resignations Received: No resignations have been received as of February 1, 2021.
10.B.3. Human Resource Services Report
10.B.3.a. Spring Recruiting Schedule Update: Presented is the CISD Spring Recruiting Schedule for 2021.
10.B.3.b. Public Information Request Summary: Ten Public Information requests were received and processed by Castleberry ISD.
10.B.3.c. Job Description Review: A summary of the process for this spring Job Description Review is presented.
10.C. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
10.C.1. Department of Athletics - Fall Program Evaluation: Includes a report on each of the Fall sports for the 2020-21 school year.
10.C.2. New Extracurricular Organizations: CISD campus principals report no new extracurricular organizations for the 2021-22 school year.
10.C.3. Capital Improvements Projects Update (2020-21): The Projects Report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2020-21 school year.
10.D. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
10.E. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 1-15-21 and 2-1-21
10.F. School Board 2020-2021 Activity Calendar
10.G. 2021-2022 Budget Preparation Timeline
11.A. Board of Education Key Dates
11.B. 2021 NSBA Annual VIRTUAL Conference, April 8-10, 2021. Registration is open, please let Mrs. Branch know if you plan on attending.
11.C. CISD Strategic Planning Committee
11.D. Legislative Update
11.E. Pandemic Plan/Action
12.A. Monday, February 22, 2021, for a Strategic Planning Committee Meeting and Monday, March 8, 2021, for a Regular Board Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 8, 2021 at 5:35 PM - Regular Meeting | ||
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4.A. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
4.A.1. Elementary Campus Improvement Plans: Each campus has completed the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) formative assessment update to document progress. For the mid-year update, principals have created a Piktochart to summarize their progress on goals and strategies shared with the Board of Education on October 5, 2020.
Subject: |
4.A.2. Consideration and possible board approval concerning a waiver to provide asynchronous teacher planning days.
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4.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
4.B.1. Robert A. Tijerina and Adrian Galvan of Tijerina Galvan Lawrence LLC (TGL) will present information regarding Castleberry Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2021; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto.
Subject: |
"The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: 551.074 For the purpose of considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints against a public officer. 551.072 For the purpose of discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. 551.0821 For the purpose of considering a matter regarding a public school student where personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation. |
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7.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
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8.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from January 19, 2021, for a Regular Meeting and January 26, 2021, for a Board Workshop.
Subject: |
8.B. Consider Approval of Expenditure Report for the month of January 2021: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of January 2021.
Subject: |
8.C. Consider Approval of TASB, TASBO, TASA, University of North Texas, Government Treasurer Organization of Texas, Region XI Educational Service Center and Texas State University for Independent Sources of Instruction relating to Investment Responsibilities: Investment Officers are required to receive 10 hours of Investment Officer training every 2 years.
Subject: |
8.D. Consider Approval of the Resolution of Annual Review of the Investment Policy of Castleberry Independent School District.
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9.A. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
9.A.1. Consider Approval of Proposed 2021-2022 School Calendar: This calendar meets parameters set by the board, was developed and approved by the DEIC and received the majority vote by Castleberry I.S.D. employees and parents.
Subject: |
9.A.2. Consideration and possible board approval concerning a waiver to provide asynchronous teacher planning days.
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9.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
9.B.1. Consideration and Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Castleberry Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2021; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto.
Subject: |
9.B.2. Consider Approval of the furniture purchase from Lone Star Furnishings not to exceed $4,844.19 for the Irma Marsh Middle School Renovation Project.
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9.C. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
Subject: |
9.C.1. Consider Approval of New Hire Contract Recommendations: There are no contract recommendations for this meeting as of February 1, 2021.
Subject: |
9.C.2. Consider Approval of Renewals, Proposed Nonrenewals, No Actions and Terminations: The Superintendent of Schools will present recommendations to the Board of Education for Cabinet renewals, proposed nonrenewals, and no actions of professional employee contracts.
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10.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
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10.A.1. Financial Services Executive Director Report:
Subject: |
10.A.1.a. Annual Investment Report: All investments are authorized under the terms of Board Policy and quarterly investment reports have been provided to the Board.
Subject: |
10.A.1.b. Investment Report for the quarter ending December 31, 2020: This report shows District investment by fund for the quarter ending December 31, 2020.
Subject: |
10.A.1.c. Board Budget Report as of December 31, 2020: This report shows Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and Function.
Subject: |
10.A.1.d. Tarrant County Tax Collection Reports for December 31, 2020 reflects the amount of current and delinquent taxes, penalties and interest collected for the month and year to date.
Subject: |
10.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
Subject: |
10.B.1. Policy Update 116 & Board Policy Audit Review of Local Board Policies: Presented as information is the TASB Board Policy Update 116 which includes four proposed local board updates and the audit review of FFAF(LOCAL), FMH(LOCAL), FN(LOCAL), and FNA(LOCAL) policies.
Subject: |
10.B.2. Review Resignations Received: No resignations have been received as of February 1, 2021.
Subject: |
10.B.3. Human Resource Services Report
Subject: |
10.B.3.a. Spring Recruiting Schedule Update: Presented is the CISD Spring Recruiting Schedule for 2021.
Subject: |
10.B.3.b. Public Information Request Summary: Ten Public Information requests were received and processed by Castleberry ISD.
Subject: |
10.B.3.c. Job Description Review: A summary of the process for this spring Job Description Review is presented.
Subject: |
10.C. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
10.C.1. Department of Athletics - Fall Program Evaluation: Includes a report on each of the Fall sports for the 2020-21 school year.
Subject: |
10.C.2. New Extracurricular Organizations: CISD campus principals report no new extracurricular organizations for the 2021-22 school year.
Subject: |
10.C.3. Capital Improvements Projects Update (2020-21): The Projects Report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2020-21 school year.
Subject: |
10.D. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
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10.E. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 1-15-21 and 2-1-21
Subject: |
10.F. School Board 2020-2021 Activity Calendar
Subject: |
10.G. 2021-2022 Budget Preparation Timeline
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. Board of Education Key Dates
Subject: |
11.B. 2021 NSBA Annual VIRTUAL Conference, April 8-10, 2021. Registration is open, please let Mrs. Branch know if you plan on attending.
Subject: |
11.C. CISD Strategic Planning Committee
Subject: |
11.D. Legislative Update
Subject: |
11.E. Pandemic Plan/Action
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Monday, February 22, 2021, for a Strategic Planning Committee Meeting and Monday, March 8, 2021, for a Regular Board Meeting
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