Meeting Agenda
3.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
6.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
6.A.1. 2020 District Appraisal Roll: 2020 Certified Appraisal Roll Valuation Summary is attached and the values have been certified by the Chief Appraiser. A complete list of all property is available for review online in the Finance Office.
6.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
6.B.1. Continuation review of Board Policy Audit Review of Local Policies: Presented as an information item are the DGBA (LOCAL), DLB (LOCAL), DMD (LOCAL), DNA (LOCAL), and DNB (LOCAL) policies.
The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: 551.074 For the purpose of considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints against a public officer. |
8.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from July 20, 2020 for a Regular Meeting and August 3, 2020 for a Special Board Meeting.
8.B. Consider Approval of Expenditure Report for the month of July 2020: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of July 2020.
8.C. Consider Approval of the Broker Dealer List: In accordance with the 1997 Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code 2256.025, the Board of Education must review, revise, and adopt a list of qualified brokers and dealers on an annual basis.
8.D. Consider Approval of the T-TESS: This item includes all administrators who have completed the Teacher Evaluation and Support System training.
8.E. Consider Approval of Teacher Appraisal Calendar: This item details dates for teacher appraisals. Limitations on dates for appraisals are affected by such things as school holidays and state assessment days.
9.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
9.A.1. Consider Approval of the Irma Marsh Middle School Assistant Principal Contract Recommendation: The Superintendent of Schools will present recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of Rock Magis filling the Irma Marsh Middle School Assistant Principal position.
9.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.B.1. Consider Adoption of the 2020 Tax Rate: Attached is the "Resolution Adopting Ordinance 29 of Castleberry ISD" for adopting the tax rate of $1.0191 for M&O and $0.2222 for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of $1.2413. This Ordinance accepts and approves the tax rolls and levies the Ad Valorem Taxes for Castleberry ISD.
9.B.2. Consider Approval of the Tarrant Appraisal District Proposed Budget 2021: The estimated allocations in the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) proposed budget are based on the most recent June value estimates and the 2019 tax rates. The official allocations for 2021 will be based on the certified values from 2020 and the 2020 adopted tax rates for each taxing unit as those are finalized. The Tarrant Appraisal District Proposed Budget is attached for your review and information.
9.B.3. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment: Displays any necessary budget amendments that should be made due to spending patterns. By law, the District may not exceed the budget amount within "Function" code without prior approval of the Board. Fund 199 Function 81 would be increased by $4,424,000 and Assigned Fund Balance would be decreased by $4,424,000 to fund the anticipated expenses for the purchase of Fireside Lodge for the 2020/2021 fiscal year.
9.C. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.C.1. Consider Approval of Grading Guidelines: Review CISD Grading Guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year. Guidelines were adjusted based on input from teacher teams and campus principals.
9.D. Consider Approval of Amending the Order of a General Election for place 1 (Kenneth Romo) and place 2 (W.E. "Bill" Seybold) for a three year term to be held on November 3, 2020. The Castleberry Independent School District Board of Education is ordering a General Election that will be held jointly with Tarrant County, City of River Oaks, and City of Sansom Park.
9.E. Consideration and possible action concerning construction of the Irma Marsh Middle School project.
10.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
10.A.1. Review Resignations Received.
10.A.2. Superintendent Approved New Professional Hires: There are thirteen superintendent approved new hires for this meeting as of August 3, 2020.
10.B. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
10.B.1. Elementary Science Annual Report: The annual report will highlight the elementary science instructional program and initiatives for the upcoming school year.
10.B.2. Secondary Science Annual Report: The annual report will highlight the secondary science instructional program and initiatives for the upcoming school year.
10.B.3. Social Studies Annual Report: The annual report highlights social studies curriculum, professional development and program initiatives for the coming school year.
10.C. Consider All Matters related to Student Services, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
10.C.1. Capital Improvements Projects Update (2020-21): The Projects Report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2020-21 school year.
10.D. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
10.D.1. Financial Services Executive Director Report:
10.D.1.a. Follow Up Financial Services Evaluation: This report includes information on Monitoring Daily Cash Flow, and Achievement of Transparency Stars.
10.D.1.b. Investment Report for the month of June 2020: This report shows District investment by fund for the month ending June 30, 2020.
10.D.1.c. Board Budget Report as of June 30, 2020: This report shows Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and Function.
10.D.1.d. Tarrant County Tax Collection Reports for the month of June 2020 reflects the amount of taxes, penalty, interest and delinquent taxes collected for the month and year to date and the percent of the total levy collected.
10.E. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
10.F. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 7-15-20 and 8-1-20
10.G. School Board Operating Procedures
10.H. School Board 2020-2021 Activity Calendar
10.I. Castleberry ISD Glossary and Abbreviations
10.J. School Board Agenda Request by Board Members
10.K. Budget Preparation Timeline 2020-2021
10.L. Review Student Travel Approvals
10.M. Board Policy
11.A. Board of Education Key Dates
11.B. TASB Director 2020 Nomination Information which lists candidates for positions on the TASB Board. These individuals have been nominated by their local boards for TASB Board positions which are vacant or have expiring terms. The deadline to endorse a candidate is August 31, 2020.
11.C. Pandemic Plan/Action
12.A. Monday, September 14, 2020 for a Regular Board Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
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3.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
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6.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
6.A.1. 2020 District Appraisal Roll: 2020 Certified Appraisal Roll Valuation Summary is attached and the values have been certified by the Chief Appraiser. A complete list of all property is available for review online in the Finance Office.
Subject: |
6.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
Subject: |
6.B.1. Continuation review of Board Policy Audit Review of Local Policies: Presented as an information item are the DGBA (LOCAL), DLB (LOCAL), DMD (LOCAL), DNA (LOCAL), and DNB (LOCAL) policies.
Subject: |
The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: 551.074 For the purpose of considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints against a public officer. |
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8.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from July 20, 2020 for a Regular Meeting and August 3, 2020 for a Special Board Meeting.
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8.B. Consider Approval of Expenditure Report for the month of July 2020: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of July 2020.
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8.C. Consider Approval of the Broker Dealer List: In accordance with the 1997 Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code 2256.025, the Board of Education must review, revise, and adopt a list of qualified brokers and dealers on an annual basis.
Subject: |
8.D. Consider Approval of the T-TESS: This item includes all administrators who have completed the Teacher Evaluation and Support System training.
Subject: |
8.E. Consider Approval of Teacher Appraisal Calendar: This item details dates for teacher appraisals. Limitations on dates for appraisals are affected by such things as school holidays and state assessment days.
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9.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
Subject: |
9.A.1. Consider Approval of the Irma Marsh Middle School Assistant Principal Contract Recommendation: The Superintendent of Schools will present recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of Rock Magis filling the Irma Marsh Middle School Assistant Principal position.
Subject: |
9.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
9.B.1. Consider Adoption of the 2020 Tax Rate: Attached is the "Resolution Adopting Ordinance 29 of Castleberry ISD" for adopting the tax rate of $1.0191 for M&O and $0.2222 for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of $1.2413. This Ordinance accepts and approves the tax rolls and levies the Ad Valorem Taxes for Castleberry ISD.
Subject: |
9.B.2. Consider Approval of the Tarrant Appraisal District Proposed Budget 2021: The estimated allocations in the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) proposed budget are based on the most recent June value estimates and the 2019 tax rates. The official allocations for 2021 will be based on the certified values from 2020 and the 2020 adopted tax rates for each taxing unit as those are finalized. The Tarrant Appraisal District Proposed Budget is attached for your review and information.
Subject: |
9.B.3. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment: Displays any necessary budget amendments that should be made due to spending patterns. By law, the District may not exceed the budget amount within "Function" code without prior approval of the Board. Fund 199 Function 81 would be increased by $4,424,000 and Assigned Fund Balance would be decreased by $4,424,000 to fund the anticipated expenses for the purchase of Fireside Lodge for the 2020/2021 fiscal year.
Subject: |
9.C. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
9.C.1. Consider Approval of Grading Guidelines: Review CISD Grading Guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year. Guidelines were adjusted based on input from teacher teams and campus principals.
Subject: |
9.D. Consider Approval of Amending the Order of a General Election for place 1 (Kenneth Romo) and place 2 (W.E. "Bill" Seybold) for a three year term to be held on November 3, 2020. The Castleberry Independent School District Board of Education is ordering a General Election that will be held jointly with Tarrant County, City of River Oaks, and City of Sansom Park.
Subject: |
9.E. Consideration and possible action concerning construction of the Irma Marsh Middle School project.
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Subject: |
10.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
Subject: |
10.A.1. Review Resignations Received.
Subject: |
10.A.2. Superintendent Approved New Professional Hires: There are thirteen superintendent approved new hires for this meeting as of August 3, 2020.
Subject: |
10.B. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
10.B.1. Elementary Science Annual Report: The annual report will highlight the elementary science instructional program and initiatives for the upcoming school year.
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10.B.2. Secondary Science Annual Report: The annual report will highlight the secondary science instructional program and initiatives for the upcoming school year.
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10.B.3. Social Studies Annual Report: The annual report highlights social studies curriculum, professional development and program initiatives for the coming school year.
Subject: |
10.C. Consider All Matters related to Student Services, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
10.C.1. Capital Improvements Projects Update (2020-21): The Projects Report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2020-21 school year.
Subject: |
10.D. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
Subject: |
10.D.1. Financial Services Executive Director Report:
Subject: |
10.D.1.a. Follow Up Financial Services Evaluation: This report includes information on Monitoring Daily Cash Flow, and Achievement of Transparency Stars.
Subject: |
10.D.1.b. Investment Report for the month of June 2020: This report shows District investment by fund for the month ending June 30, 2020.
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10.D.1.c. Board Budget Report as of June 30, 2020: This report shows Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and Function.
Subject: |
10.D.1.d. Tarrant County Tax Collection Reports for the month of June 2020 reflects the amount of taxes, penalty, interest and delinquent taxes collected for the month and year to date and the percent of the total levy collected.
Subject: |
10.E. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
Subject: |
10.F. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 7-15-20 and 8-1-20
Subject: |
10.G. School Board Operating Procedures
Subject: |
10.H. School Board 2020-2021 Activity Calendar
Subject: |
10.I. Castleberry ISD Glossary and Abbreviations
Subject: |
10.J. School Board Agenda Request by Board Members
Subject: |
10.K. Budget Preparation Timeline 2020-2021
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10.L. Review Student Travel Approvals
Subject: |
10.M. Board Policy
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11.A. Board of Education Key Dates
Subject: |
11.B. TASB Director 2020 Nomination Information which lists candidates for positions on the TASB Board. These individuals have been nominated by their local boards for TASB Board positions which are vacant or have expiring terms. The deadline to endorse a candidate is August 31, 2020.
Subject: |
11.C. Pandemic Plan/Action
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Subject: |
12.A. Monday, September 14, 2020 for a Regular Board Meeting
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