Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Tom Nixon
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Bob Sandin, Abby Geotz, Joe Dwyer and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Hailey Anttila, Alyssa Klancher and Josh Mienert |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
4.1. Recognitions
4.2. Policy Review Process
Policy 423 - Employee-Student Relationships - First Reading of Revision Policy 424 - License Status - Review Policy 709 - Student Transportation Safety - First Reading - New Policy 798 - Unpaid Meal Charge and Debt Collection Procedure - First Reading - New |
4.3. Leadership Evaluation Summary Report - Nixon
4.4. New Logo and Brand - Skjeveland
4.5. Dashboard Update - Nixon
4.6. ALICE Update - Skjeveland
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
6. Approve Minutes - May 22, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Coordinator Reports
7.1.a. Curriculum and Assessment
7.2. Administrative Reports
7.2.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
7.2.b. Community Education Director
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
7.3. Committee Reports
7.3.a. Finance
7.3.b. Buildings and Grounds
7.3.c. Technology Committee
8. Consent Calendar:
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
Booster Club: $500 for Girls Basketball Practice Jerseys $2,500 for Volleyball Standards $60 for State Track Meal Match Ironton Legion: $100 for 6th Grade Graduation Five Wings Arts Council: $5,000 for Copper Street Brass Residency and Concert Crosby Fire Relief: $100 for Bill Selisker Golf Tournament CLEF: $2,499 for an additional 3-D Printer at CRES Bay Lake Area Lions: $500 for CRES Needy Student Lakes Gas: $100 for Spanish Trip MN Twins Community Fund Grant: $5,000 for Varsity Softball Field Improvements |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
9.1. Accept Resignation of Paul Lendobeja, Secondary Industrial Tech/Secondary Voc Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2016-17 School Year, with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service, and Authorize Filling the Position.
9.2. Employ Aaron Gastecki, Secondary Community Expert, Effective with the Start of the 2017-18 School Year
9.3. Accept Resignation of Billie Berry, 7 Hour per Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on June 2, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
9.4. Employ Lisa Rydberg, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, for the 2017-18 School Year an Additional 20 Day Extended Contract, with 10 Days Before and 10 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
9.5. Employ Nicole Doyle, Secondary Guidance Counselor, for the 2017-18 School Year an Additional 10 Day Extended Contract, With 5 Days Before and 5 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
9.6. Set Substitute and Other Employees Wage Rates For 2017-2018 School Year
10. Action Items:
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 421 - Gifts to Employees and School Board Members
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 422 - Policies Incorporated by Reference
10.3. Extend Snow Removal Contract One Year Through 2017-18 at 2016-17 Rates
10.4. Authorize Bidding for Milk, Bread and Trash Collection
10.5. Adopt 2017-2018 Preliminary Budget
10.6. Authorize the Superintendent to Sign the Following Annual Agreements
Agreement for Ice Time With the Hallett Community Center Agreement for Health Careers Class With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Agreement for AthleticTrainer Services With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Approve Membership in the Minnesota State High School League Approve Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Agreement With Post-Secondary Institution(s) Approve Concurrent Enrollment Agreement With Post-Seconary Institution(s) Approve Contract with NJPA-Family Services Collaborative Worker Approve Contract with Lepmiz Speech Clinician Services Approve Contract for Hearing Interpreter Professional Services Approve Student Teaching Agreements Contract With Northern Pines For the Day Treatment Program |
10.7. Set Meal Prices for 2017-2018
10.8. Set Activity Fees and Gate Fees for 2017-2018
10.9. Set Facility Use/Rental Fees for 2017-2018 with No Change
10.10. Authorize Employment of Barb Neprud for 2017-2018 Supplemental Extra-Curricular
10.11. Approve Jamie Skjeveland as LEA for Title I Programs for 2017-2018
10.12. Approve 2017-2018 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Plan
10.13. Approve Elementary Counselor Position and Authorize Filling the Position
10.14. Approve Sanitary Sewer Easement to the City of Crosby Through Field Area West of High School from Alley Off of Poplar Street and Howard Avenue to 3rd Street SW
11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting – July 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 26, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Tom Nixon
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Bob Sandin, Abby Geotz, Joe Dwyer and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Hailey Anttila, Alyssa Klancher and Josh Mienert |
Subject: |
2. Welcome to Visitors
Subject: |
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
Subject: |
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
Subject: |
4.1. Recognitions
Subject: |
4.2. Policy Review Process
Policy 423 - Employee-Student Relationships - First Reading of Revision Policy 424 - License Status - Review Policy 709 - Student Transportation Safety - First Reading - New Policy 798 - Unpaid Meal Charge and Debt Collection Procedure - First Reading - New |
Subject: |
4.3. Leadership Evaluation Summary Report - Nixon
Subject: |
4.4. New Logo and Brand - Skjeveland
Subject: |
4.5. Dashboard Update - Nixon
Subject: |
4.6. ALICE Update - Skjeveland
Subject: |
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
6. Approve Minutes - May 22, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
Subject: |
7.1. Coordinator Reports
Subject: |
7.1.a. Curriculum and Assessment
Subject: |
7.2. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
7.2.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
Subject: |
7.2.b. Community Education Director
Subject: |
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
7.3. Committee Reports
Subject: |
7.3.a. Finance
Subject: |
7.3.b. Buildings and Grounds
Subject: |
7.3.c. Technology Committee
Subject: |
8. Consent Calendar:
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
Subject: |
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
Subject: |
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
Booster Club: $500 for Girls Basketball Practice Jerseys $2,500 for Volleyball Standards $60 for State Track Meal Match Ironton Legion: $100 for 6th Grade Graduation Five Wings Arts Council: $5,000 for Copper Street Brass Residency and Concert Crosby Fire Relief: $100 for Bill Selisker Golf Tournament CLEF: $2,499 for an additional 3-D Printer at CRES Bay Lake Area Lions: $500 for CRES Needy Student Lakes Gas: $100 for Spanish Trip MN Twins Community Fund Grant: $5,000 for Varsity Softball Field Improvements |
Subject: |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
9.1. Accept Resignation of Paul Lendobeja, Secondary Industrial Tech/Secondary Voc Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2016-17 School Year, with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service, and Authorize Filling the Position.
Subject: |
9.2. Employ Aaron Gastecki, Secondary Community Expert, Effective with the Start of the 2017-18 School Year
Subject: |
9.3. Accept Resignation of Billie Berry, 7 Hour per Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on June 2, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
Subject: |
9.4. Employ Lisa Rydberg, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, for the 2017-18 School Year an Additional 20 Day Extended Contract, with 10 Days Before and 10 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
Subject: |
9.5. Employ Nicole Doyle, Secondary Guidance Counselor, for the 2017-18 School Year an Additional 10 Day Extended Contract, With 5 Days Before and 5 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
Subject: |
9.6. Set Substitute and Other Employees Wage Rates For 2017-2018 School Year
Subject: |
10. Action Items:
Subject: |
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 421 - Gifts to Employees and School Board Members
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 422 - Policies Incorporated by Reference
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Subject: |
10.3. Extend Snow Removal Contract One Year Through 2017-18 at 2016-17 Rates
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Subject: |
10.4. Authorize Bidding for Milk, Bread and Trash Collection
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Subject: |
10.5. Adopt 2017-2018 Preliminary Budget
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.6. Authorize the Superintendent to Sign the Following Annual Agreements
Agreement for Ice Time With the Hallett Community Center Agreement for Health Careers Class With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Agreement for AthleticTrainer Services With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Approve Membership in the Minnesota State High School League Approve Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Agreement With Post-Secondary Institution(s) Approve Concurrent Enrollment Agreement With Post-Seconary Institution(s) Approve Contract with NJPA-Family Services Collaborative Worker Approve Contract with Lepmiz Speech Clinician Services Approve Contract for Hearing Interpreter Professional Services Approve Student Teaching Agreements Contract With Northern Pines For the Day Treatment Program |
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.7. Set Meal Prices for 2017-2018
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Subject: |
10.8. Set Activity Fees and Gate Fees for 2017-2018
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.9. Set Facility Use/Rental Fees for 2017-2018 with No Change
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.10. Authorize Employment of Barb Neprud for 2017-2018 Supplemental Extra-Curricular
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.11. Approve Jamie Skjeveland as LEA for Title I Programs for 2017-2018
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.12. Approve 2017-2018 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Plan
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.13. Approve Elementary Counselor Position and Authorize Filling the Position
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.14. Approve Sanitary Sewer Easement to the City of Crosby Through Field Area West of High School from Alley Off of Poplar Street and Howard Avenue to 3rd Street SW
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
11. Public Comments
Subject: |
12. Regular Board Meeting – July 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
Subject: |
13. Adjourn
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