Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Tom Nixon
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Bob Sandin, Abby Geotz, Joe Dwyer and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Sage Stangel and Will Silgen |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
4.1. Kindergarten Conferencing First Two School Days - Kindergarten Teachers
4.2. Minnesota Music Conference and C-I Music Department Report - Planer
4.3. Choir Performance Presentation - Skjeveland
4.4. Trip to Peru in June 2018
4.5. Policy Review Process
Policy 418 - Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free School - First Reading of Revision Policy 530 - Immunization Requirements - First Reading of Revision Policy 903 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites - First Reading of Revision |
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
6. Approve Minutes - February 27, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and March 13, 2017 Special Board Meeting
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Coordinator Reports
7.1.a. Curriculum and Assessment
7.2. Administrative Reports
7.2.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
7.2.b. Community Education Director
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
7.3. Committee Reports
7.3.a. Staff Development
7.3.b. Technology
7.3.c. Community Education Advisory Council
7.4. Enrollment Report
8. Consent Calendar:
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
Booster Club: $100 for Tennis Coach clinic hotel room $249.10 for Track Coach clinic hotel rooms $1,000 for Baseball equipment (helmets/bats) $4,000 for Softball and Baseball Field Windscreens $120 for Wrestling meals at State $350 for Girls Basketball motorcoach upgrade to Section finals game $350 for Boys Basketball motorcoach upgrade to Section finals game $279 for Baskebtall Glazier Clinics $350 for Boys Golf - balls and tees $350 for Girls Golf - balls and tees $125 for Girls Basketball Transportation - Jr. High to Target Center $500 for MN Association of Football Coaches Clinic $935 for Boys Basketball State meals match $100 for Mid-State Trap fee CLEF: $1,000 for School of Excellence t-shirts $582.70 for 2nd Grade Butterflies Crosby-Ironton Transportation: $596.07 for Robotics team travel Cuyuna Fire Relief: $800 for Schools of Excellence $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament American Legion Auxiliary Unit 443: $200 for Schools of Excellence Jamie Koop Insurance: $50 for Schools of Excellence Iron Range Auto Body: $50 for Schools of Excellence North Country Café: $100 for Schools of Excellence Cuyuna Regional Medical Center: $300 for Schools of Excellence $100 for 6th Grade Graduation Mid-Minnesota Federal Credit Union: $50 for PEAKS - Deep Portage $50 for CRES School of Excellence Josh and Cassie Corbett: $500 for Special Olympics - local team support Bay Lake Area Lions Charities: $300 for CRES Needy Student fund Deerwood Fire Relief: $200 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Brandon Turk: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Portage Lake Concrete: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Crosby Fire Relief: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Outing Chamber of Commerce: $700 for Boys Basketball State Tournament |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
9.1. Renew/Approve the following Coaches/Activities Contracts Effective with the 2016-2017 Season:
9.1.a. Track -
Peter Vukelich Assistant Coach |
9.2. Accept Resignation of Patrick McKenzie, Elementary Phy Ed Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2016-2017 School Year with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
9.3. Terminate Nicole Stiner, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on March 6, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
9.4. Terminate Grace Leyk, Ranger Care Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Work Day on March 13, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position
9.5. Approve Child Care Leave for Jessica Dietz, Secondary Teacher, Effective the First Quarter of the 2017-18 School Year Beginning Start of the 2017-18 School Year and Ending on or About November 3, 2017 or the Return of the Employee, Whichever Comes First and Authorize Filling the Position with a Long-Term Substitute Teacher
9.6. Approve Child Care Leave for Lisa Gundry, District Office, Effective On or About April 30, 2017 Through the Balance of the 2016-2017 School Year
9.7. Employ Billie Berry, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective March 20, 2017
10. Action Items:
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 417 - Chemical Use and Abuse
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 706 - Acceptance of Gifts
10.3. Adopt Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing Education Programs and Positions
10.4. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Jade Liebl, a Probationary Teacher
10.5. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Kellie Morehouse, a Probationary Teacher
10.6. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Jessica Stifter, a Probationary Teacher
10.7. Approve Resolution to Serve as Program Sponsor and Endorse Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connections Program Application to National Joint Powers Alliance for Innovation Funding
10.8. Set Board Workshop Regarding Strategic Plan, Goals and Dashboard for April 22, 2017
11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting – April 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 27, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Tom Nixon
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Bob Sandin, Abby Geotz, Joe Dwyer and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Sage Stangel and Will Silgen |
Subject: |
2. Welcome to Visitors
Subject: |
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
Subject: |
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
Subject: |
4.1. Kindergarten Conferencing First Two School Days - Kindergarten Teachers
Subject: |
4.2. Minnesota Music Conference and C-I Music Department Report - Planer
Subject: |
4.3. Choir Performance Presentation - Skjeveland
Subject: |
4.4. Trip to Peru in June 2018
Subject: |
4.5. Policy Review Process
Policy 418 - Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free School - First Reading of Revision Policy 530 - Immunization Requirements - First Reading of Revision Policy 903 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites - First Reading of Revision |
Subject: |
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
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Subject: |
6. Approve Minutes - February 27, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and March 13, 2017 Special Board Meeting
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Subject: |
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
Subject: |
7.1. Coordinator Reports
Subject: |
7.1.a. Curriculum and Assessment
Subject: |
7.2. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
7.2.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
Subject: |
7.2.b. Community Education Director
Subject: |
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
7.3. Committee Reports
Subject: |
7.3.a. Staff Development
Subject: |
7.3.b. Technology
Subject: |
7.3.c. Community Education Advisory Council
Subject: |
7.4. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
8. Consent Calendar:
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Subject: |
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
Subject: |
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
Subject: |
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
Booster Club: $100 for Tennis Coach clinic hotel room $249.10 for Track Coach clinic hotel rooms $1,000 for Baseball equipment (helmets/bats) $4,000 for Softball and Baseball Field Windscreens $120 for Wrestling meals at State $350 for Girls Basketball motorcoach upgrade to Section finals game $350 for Boys Basketball motorcoach upgrade to Section finals game $279 for Baskebtall Glazier Clinics $350 for Boys Golf - balls and tees $350 for Girls Golf - balls and tees $125 for Girls Basketball Transportation - Jr. High to Target Center $500 for MN Association of Football Coaches Clinic $935 for Boys Basketball State meals match $100 for Mid-State Trap fee CLEF: $1,000 for School of Excellence t-shirts $582.70 for 2nd Grade Butterflies Crosby-Ironton Transportation: $596.07 for Robotics team travel Cuyuna Fire Relief: $800 for Schools of Excellence $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament American Legion Auxiliary Unit 443: $200 for Schools of Excellence Jamie Koop Insurance: $50 for Schools of Excellence Iron Range Auto Body: $50 for Schools of Excellence North Country Café: $100 for Schools of Excellence Cuyuna Regional Medical Center: $300 for Schools of Excellence $100 for 6th Grade Graduation Mid-Minnesota Federal Credit Union: $50 for PEAKS - Deep Portage $50 for CRES School of Excellence Josh and Cassie Corbett: $500 for Special Olympics - local team support Bay Lake Area Lions Charities: $300 for CRES Needy Student fund Deerwood Fire Relief: $200 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Brandon Turk: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Portage Lake Concrete: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Crosby Fire Relief: $500 for Boys Basketball State Tournament Outing Chamber of Commerce: $700 for Boys Basketball State Tournament |
Subject: |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
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Subject: |
9.1. Renew/Approve the following Coaches/Activities Contracts Effective with the 2016-2017 Season:
Subject: |
9.1.a. Track -
Peter Vukelich Assistant Coach |
Subject: |
9.2. Accept Resignation of Patrick McKenzie, Elementary Phy Ed Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2016-2017 School Year with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
Subject: |
9.3. Terminate Nicole Stiner, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on March 6, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position, if Necessary
Subject: |
9.4. Terminate Grace Leyk, Ranger Care Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Work Day on March 13, 2017 and Authorize Filling the Position
Subject: |
9.5. Approve Child Care Leave for Jessica Dietz, Secondary Teacher, Effective the First Quarter of the 2017-18 School Year Beginning Start of the 2017-18 School Year and Ending on or About November 3, 2017 or the Return of the Employee, Whichever Comes First and Authorize Filling the Position with a Long-Term Substitute Teacher
Subject: |
9.6. Approve Child Care Leave for Lisa Gundry, District Office, Effective On or About April 30, 2017 Through the Balance of the 2016-2017 School Year
Subject: |
9.7. Employ Billie Berry, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective March 20, 2017
Subject: |
10. Action Items:
Subject: |
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 417 - Chemical Use and Abuse
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Subject: |
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 706 - Acceptance of Gifts
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Subject: |
10.3. Adopt Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing Education Programs and Positions
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Subject: |
10.4. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Jade Liebl, a Probationary Teacher
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.5. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Kellie Morehouse, a Probationary Teacher
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.6. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Termination and Non-Renewal of the Teaching Contract of Jessica Stifter, a Probationary Teacher
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Subject: |
10.7. Approve Resolution to Serve as Program Sponsor and Endorse Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connections Program Application to National Joint Powers Alliance for Innovation Funding
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Subject: |
10.8. Set Board Workshop Regarding Strategic Plan, Goals and Dashboard for April 22, 2017
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Subject: |
11. Public Comments
Subject: |
12. Regular Board Meeting – April 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
Subject: |
13. Adjourn
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