Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.B. Invocation led by
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas led by NJROTC Students
1.D. Recognition of Uvalde CISD Students
2. Open Forum
3. Consent Agenda:
3.A. Minutes of the Training Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 7, 2013.
3.B. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 10, 2013.
3.C. Minutes of the Training Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 10, 2013.
3.D. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 21, 2013.
3.E. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 21, 2013.
3.F. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 28, 2013.
3.G. Information on UCISD's 2013-2014 revenues and expenditures
3.G.a. General Fund
3.G.b. Food Service
3.G.c. Debt Service
3.H. Transportation Report
3.I. Maintenance and Operations Report
3.J. Food Service Report
3.K. Information on the district’s credit card activity for the month of October, 2013
3.L. Information on the tax collection activity for October, 2013
3.M. Information on the district's investment activity for October, 2013
3.N. Information on the district's federal program activity for the month of October, 2013
4. Items of Division of Administrations & Operations:
4.A. Item of Information Update Policy 98
4.B. Information of the 2013-2014 Annual Survey of Highly Qualified Teacher Report
4.C. Consider approval of 2013-2014 Adjunct Faculty for Uvalde and Zavala Counties
4.D. Item of Information of The District APP
4.E. Consider approval of Network Operations and Data Center infrastructure upgrades
4.F. Consider approval of agreement Period 2 payment to School Innovations and Achievement
4.G. Consider approval of Board Resolution for Region 12 RFP Manager (Region 12 Education Service Center eBid policy CH(LOCAL))
5. Items of Division of Business and Finance:
5.A. Consider approval of accounts payable checks for October, 2013
5.B. Consider and take appropriated action to approve the acceptance of the two donations from First Financial Capital Cooperation in the amount of $2,000.00 and DAK-TECH Computers in the amount of $500.00
5.C. Consider approval of the Budget Amendment to transfer TRE funds from the Maintenance and Operations to Band
5.D. Consider approval of the Budget Amendment
6. Items of Division of Curriculum and Instruction:
Informational Item Consent Order
(Fall Compliance
6.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Class Size Overage Waivers
6.C. Information Regarding the 2013-2014 Corrective Action Plan for The 2009-2010 AYP Investigation
6.D. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding an Agreement withAssessment, Intervention, Management (AIM), LLC.
6.E. Informational Item Advanced Academics Handbook
6.F. Informational Item Bilingual/ESL Handbook
6.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of Proclamation 2014 Timelines and Selection Committee
7. Information concerning UCCC (Uvalde Citizens Clean Campuses)
8. Information concerning renaming the Uvalde High School Gyms
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Future Board Meetings
10. Closed Session: A closed session will be held under Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Section 551.074
10.A. Deliberations Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments and Suspensions.
11. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
11.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Personnel Employments, Assignments and Suspensions.
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 18, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
Subject: |
1.B. Invocation led by
Subject: |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas led by NJROTC Students
Subject: |
1.D. Recognition of Uvalde CISD Students
Subject: |
2. Open Forum
Subject: |
3. Consent Agenda:
Subject: |
3.A. Minutes of the Training Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 7, 2013.
Subject: |
3.B. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 10, 2013.
Subject: |
3.C. Minutes of the Training Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 10, 2013.
Subject: |
3.D. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 21, 2013.
Subject: |
3.E. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 21, 2013.
Subject: |
3.F. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on October 28, 2013.
Subject: |
3.G. Information on UCISD's 2013-2014 revenues and expenditures
Subject: |
3.G.a. General Fund
Subject: |
3.G.b. Food Service
Subject: |
3.G.c. Debt Service
Subject: |
3.H. Transportation Report
Subject: |
3.I. Maintenance and Operations Report
Subject: |
3.J. Food Service Report
Subject: |
3.K. Information on the district’s credit card activity for the month of October, 2013
Subject: |
3.L. Information on the tax collection activity for October, 2013
Subject: |
3.M. Information on the district's investment activity for October, 2013
Subject: |
3.N. Information on the district's federal program activity for the month of October, 2013
Subject: |
4. Items of Division of Administrations & Operations:
Subject: |
4.A. Item of Information Update Policy 98
Subject: |
4.B. Information of the 2013-2014 Annual Survey of Highly Qualified Teacher Report
Subject: |
4.C. Consider approval of 2013-2014 Adjunct Faculty for Uvalde and Zavala Counties
Subject: |
4.D. Item of Information of The District APP
Subject: |
4.E. Consider approval of Network Operations and Data Center infrastructure upgrades
Subject: |
4.F. Consider approval of agreement Period 2 payment to School Innovations and Achievement
Subject: |
4.G. Consider approval of Board Resolution for Region 12 RFP Manager (Region 12 Education Service Center eBid policy CH(LOCAL))
Subject: |
5. Items of Division of Business and Finance:
Subject: |
5.A. Consider approval of accounts payable checks for October, 2013
Subject: |
5.B. Consider and take appropriated action to approve the acceptance of the two donations from First Financial Capital Cooperation in the amount of $2,000.00 and DAK-TECH Computers in the amount of $500.00
Subject: |
5.C. Consider approval of the Budget Amendment to transfer TRE funds from the Maintenance and Operations to Band
Subject: |
5.D. Consider approval of the Budget Amendment
Subject: |
6. Items of Division of Curriculum and Instruction:
Subject: |
Informational Item Consent Order
(Fall Compliance
Subject: |
6.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Class Size Overage Waivers
Subject: |
6.C. Information Regarding the 2013-2014 Corrective Action Plan for The 2009-2010 AYP Investigation
Subject: |
6.D. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding an Agreement withAssessment, Intervention, Management (AIM), LLC.
Subject: |
6.E. Informational Item Advanced Academics Handbook
Subject: |
6.F. Informational Item Bilingual/ESL Handbook
Subject: |
6.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of Proclamation 2014 Timelines and Selection Committee
Subject: |
7. Information concerning UCCC (Uvalde Citizens Clean Campuses)
Subject: |
8. Information concerning renaming the Uvalde High School Gyms
Subject: |
9. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
9.A. Future Board Meetings
Subject: |
10. Closed Session: A closed session will be held under Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Section 551.074
Subject: |
10.A. Deliberations Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments and Suspensions.
Subject: |
11. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
Subject: |
11.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Personnel Employments, Assignments and Suspensions.
Subject: |
12. Adjournment