Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.B. The invocation will be led by Reverend Chuck Vargulish, New Testament Fellowship Church.
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas will be led by Samantha Lennon and Myra Maldonado.
1.D. Recognitions
2. Open Forum
3. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of Minutes of
3.A. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 11, 2010.
3.B. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 18, 2010.
3.C. The Special Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 19, 2010.
4. Information Concerning Financial Status of UCISD for 2010-2011.
5. Information and Discussion Concerning UCISD Facility Closure.
6. Information on the Spring 2010 Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Results.
7. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of the Date of June 17, 2010 for Public Hearing on the 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
8. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of the Date of June 17, 2010 for Adoption of the 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
9. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Collaborative Agreement between UCISD and Texas Migrant Council, Inc.
10. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the 2010-2011 Dual Credit Course Partnership Agreement between Southwest Texas Junior College and UCISD.
11. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the First Reading of Revisions to EHDD (Local): Extended Instructional Programs- College Course Work/Dual Credit.
12. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the First Reading of EHDE (Local): Extended Instuctional Programs- Distance Learning
13. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Request for Sealed Proposals for the Student Insurance for the 2010-2011 School year.
14. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Requesting Sealed Proposals for:
14.A. Heating/Air Conditioning Units at UHS
14.B. Benson Elementary School Repairs
14.C. UCISD Roofing Projects (Dalton, Benson, Central Office)
14.D. UHS Paving Project
15. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Proposed Budget Amendments.
16. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Budget Purchases for Contract/Non-Contract Services.
17. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Accounts Payable Checks for May.
18. Attendance Report
19. Transportation Report
20. Maintenance and Operations Report
21. Food Service Report
22. Superintendent’s Report
22.A. District Events
22.B. Student Activities
22.C. Extended-Year Activities
22.D. TASA/TASB Convention- September 24-26, 2010, Houston, TX
23. Closed Session: A closed session will be held under Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 and 551.074.
23.A. Deliberations Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions and Resignations.
24. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
24.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions and Resignations.
25. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 8, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
Subject: |
1.B. The invocation will be led by Reverend Chuck Vargulish, New Testament Fellowship Church.
Subject: |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas will be led by Samantha Lennon and Myra Maldonado.
Subject: |
1.D. Recognitions
Subject: |
2. Open Forum
Subject: |
3. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of Minutes of
Subject: |
3.A. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 11, 2010.
Subject: |
3.B. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 18, 2010.
Subject: |
3.C. The Special Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 19, 2010.
Subject: |
4. Information Concerning Financial Status of UCISD for 2010-2011.
Subject: |
5. Information and Discussion Concerning UCISD Facility Closure.
Subject: |
6. Information on the Spring 2010 Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Results.
Subject: |
7. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of the Date of June 17, 2010 for Public Hearing on the 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
Subject: |
8. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Approval of the Date of June 17, 2010 for Adoption of the 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
Subject: |
9. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the Collaborative Agreement between UCISD and Texas Migrant Council, Inc.
Subject: |
10. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the 2010-2011 Dual Credit Course Partnership Agreement between Southwest Texas Junior College and UCISD.
Subject: |
11. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the First Reading of Revisions to EHDD (Local): Extended Instructional Programs- College Course Work/Dual Credit.
Subject: |
12. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning the First Reading of EHDE (Local): Extended Instuctional Programs- Distance Learning
Subject: |
13. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Request for Sealed Proposals for the Student Insurance for the 2010-2011 School year.
Subject: |
14. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Requesting Sealed Proposals for:
Subject: |
14.A. Heating/Air Conditioning Units at UHS
Subject: |
14.B. Benson Elementary School Repairs
Subject: |
14.C. UCISD Roofing Projects (Dalton, Benson, Central Office)
Subject: |
14.D. UHS Paving Project
Subject: |
15. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Proposed Budget Amendments.
Subject: |
16. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Budget Purchases for Contract/Non-Contract Services.
Subject: |
17. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Accounts Payable Checks for May.
Subject: |
18. Attendance Report
Subject: |
19. Transportation Report
Subject: |
20. Maintenance and Operations Report
Subject: |
21. Food Service Report
Subject: |
22. Superintendent’s Report
Subject: |
22.A. District Events
Subject: |
22.B. Student Activities
Subject: |
22.C. Extended-Year Activities
Subject: |
22.D. TASA/TASB Convention- September 24-26, 2010, Houston, TX
Subject: |
23. Closed Session: A closed session will be held under Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 and 551.074.
Subject: |
23.A. Deliberations Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions and Resignations.
Subject: |
24. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
Subject: |
24.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions and Resignations.
Subject: |
25. Adjournment