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Meeting Agenda
1. Adopt Agenda
2. Presentation from Foundation Innovation 
3. Approve minutes of previous meeting: Regular Meeting January 16, 2025
4. Open Forum: comments from individuals not on the agenda.
5. Reports:
5.A. Elementary School Principal – Crystal Byrd
5.B. Jr.-Sr. High School Principal – Cheryl Bertsch
5.C. Assistant Superintendent - Geoffery Bowdoin
5.C.1. CTE Employee Recognition
5.D. Superintendent- Dr. Kenneth Fraga
5.D.1. Enrollment and Attendance Report
5.D.2. District Administrator Ratio
5.D.3. Bond and Construction Update
6. Consent Items:
6.A. Approve tax report.
6.B. Budget Amendments
7. Discussion and possible action to cancel the Regular Election for the May 3rd,
2025 Election for Onalaska ISD Board of Trustee positions one currently held by Chris Topkins, position two currently held by Dennis Hodge and position 5 currently held by Ted Wiggins. 
8. Discussion and possible action on a staff development waiver with TEA for days missed due to weather. 
9. Discussion on the first reading of TASB Policy Update 124.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve updates to the district's state and federal grants manual. 
11. Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the District of Innovation plan addressing transfer student procedures effective upon approval from the Texas Education Agency. 
12. Consider giving Superintendent, Dr. Kenneth Fraga, the authority to contract with professional personnel through August 2025.
13. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 2025/2026 school year calendar.
14. THE BOARD WILL GO INTO CLOSED SESSION UNDER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 551.074 - An executive session may be held to deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public school officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
14.A. Discussion of new hires.
14.B. Discussion of resignations.
14.C. Discussion of Administrators Contracts.
14.D. Superintendent Contract
15. Reconvene for motions, voting or official actions.
15.A. Approve new hires. 
15.B. Approve resignations.
15.C. Action on the contract for Assistant Superintendent, Director of Technology, Athletic Director, Elementary Principal, Junior Senior High Principal.
15.D. Superintendent Contract
16. Adjournment.
17. Information Item
17.A. Check Register
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Adopt Agenda
2. Presentation from Foundation Innovation 
3. Approve minutes of previous meeting: Regular Meeting January 16, 2025
4. Open Forum: comments from individuals not on the agenda.
5. Reports:
5.A. Elementary School Principal – Crystal Byrd
5.B. Jr.-Sr. High School Principal – Cheryl Bertsch
5.C. Assistant Superintendent - Geoffery Bowdoin
5.C.1. CTE Employee Recognition
5.D. Superintendent- Dr. Kenneth Fraga
5.D.1. Enrollment and Attendance Report
5.D.2. District Administrator Ratio
5.D.3. Bond and Construction Update
6. Consent Items:
6.A. Approve tax report.
6.B. Budget Amendments
7. Discussion and possible action to cancel the Regular Election for the May 3rd,
2025 Election for Onalaska ISD Board of Trustee positions one currently held by Chris Topkins, position two currently held by Dennis Hodge and position 5 currently held by Ted Wiggins. 
8. Discussion and possible action on a staff development waiver with TEA for days missed due to weather. 
9. Discussion on the first reading of TASB Policy Update 124.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve updates to the district's state and federal grants manual. 
11. Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the District of Innovation plan addressing transfer student procedures effective upon approval from the Texas Education Agency. 
12. Consider giving Superintendent, Dr. Kenneth Fraga, the authority to contract with professional personnel through August 2025.
13. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 2025/2026 school year calendar.
14. THE BOARD WILL GO INTO CLOSED SESSION UNDER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 551.074 - An executive session may be held to deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public school officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
14.A. Discussion of new hires.
14.B. Discussion of resignations.
14.C. Discussion of Administrators Contracts.
14.D. Superintendent Contract
15. Reconvene for motions, voting or official actions.
15.A. Approve new hires. 
15.B. Approve resignations.
15.C. Action on the contract for Assistant Superintendent, Director of Technology, Athletic Director, Elementary Principal, Junior Senior High Principal.
15.D. Superintendent Contract
16. Adjournment.
17. Information Item
17.A. Check Register

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