Meeting Agenda
1. Order of Business
1.A. Call to Order
Presented By: Mr. Mike Helms |
1.B. Invocation
Presented By: Mrs. Gina Vandevender |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
Presented By: Mr. David Camp |
1.D. Public Comments
Presented By: Mr. Mike Helms |
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Approve the Minutes of the July 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and July 24, 2017 Board Workshop
2.B. Board Report 2016-2017 School Budget
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
2.B.1. Projected Cash
2.B.2. Advalorem Tax
2.B.3. Workman's Compensation
2.B.4. Student Activity
2.C. Temporary Investments
2.C.1. First Financial, N.A.
2.C.2. Lone Star-First Public
2.C.3. MBIA-Texas Class
3. Presentations
3.A. Fire Lane Presentation
Presented By: Chief Wesley Ross |
3.B. Vidor ISD Board Accountability Presentation
Presented By: Monica Mahfouz |
4. Board of Trustees to Discuss and Consider for Approval:
4.A. Approval of the Final Budget Amendments for the 2016-17 Budget Year
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
4.B. Acceptance of the 2017-2018 Certified Tax Values and Statement of Rate Calculations as Presented
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
4.C. Adoption of the 2017-2018 School District Budget
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
4.D. Adoption of the Tax Rate Ordinance Setting the Tax Rate for the 2018 Tax Year
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
4.E. Approve the T-TESS Appraisers and T-TESS Appraisal Calendar for the 2017-2018 School Year
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
4.F. DAEP Contract with Evadale ISD
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
4.G. TASB Risk Management Fund for District Unemployment Compensation Pool Renewal
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
4.H. Approve 1st Reading of Revised DNA (Local) T-TESS
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
4.I. Approve the TEA State Waiver for Early Release
Presented By: Ms. Lorna Alvis |
4.J. Renewal of Property and Windstorm Insurance with Amrisc for 2017-2018.
Presented by: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
4.K. Consideration and possible action to select a method of delivery of construction services for the Energy Savings Performance Project and to authorize the Superintendent or designee to select and publish selection criteria, prepare the procurement documents, publish, receive and publicly open submission, and propose a ranking for the Board's consideration.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
4.L. Consideration of and possible action to adopt the prevailing wage schedule (hourly rates only) to be used by all contractors as the Prevailing Wage Schedule for all District Construction Projects.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
4.M. Consider for approval the engagement of professional services of Fittz & Shipman engineering services.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
4.N. Approve Contract with Enterprise for the Leasing of School District Vehicles.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
4.O. Approve Purchase of IMA
Presented By: Mrs. Bunny Adams |
4.P. 2017-2018 Parts, Batteries, and Petroleum Bids as Presented
Presented by: Mrs. Jeanne Taylor and Mr. Robert Godeaux |
5. Executive Session-Consideration of Personnel Matterss of the sort described in Section 551.074(1)(a)(2), Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee (executive session). Conference to receive information from or question employees, as permitted by Section 551.075, Texas Government Code (Executive Session). The board may elect to meet in closed (Executive Session), to deliberate the value of said real property as permitted by Section 551.072 and 551.073, Texas Government Code. Any action, decision or vote on an executive session matter will be taken in open session.
5.A. Personnel Matters
5.A.1. Employment Recommendation(s)
5.A.2. Positions, Vacancies, Assignments, Leave of Absence and Terminations
5.A.3. Finalize Superintendent Contract
6. Re-convene into Open Session to Take Action on Personnel Items
7. Take action to approve superintendent contract.
8. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Order of Business
Subject: |
1.A. Call to Order
Presented By: Mr. Mike Helms |
Subject: |
1.B. Invocation
Presented By: Mrs. Gina Vandevender |
Subject: |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
Presented By: Mr. David Camp |
Subject: |
1.D. Public Comments
Presented By: Mr. Mike Helms |
Subject: |
2. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
2.A. Approve the Minutes of the July 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and July 24, 2017 Board Workshop
Subject: |
2.B. Board Report 2016-2017 School Budget
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
Subject: |
2.B.1. Projected Cash
Subject: |
2.B.2. Advalorem Tax
Subject: |
2.B.3. Workman's Compensation
Subject: |
2.B.4. Student Activity
Subject: |
2.C. Temporary Investments
Subject: |
2.C.1. First Financial, N.A.
Subject: |
2.C.2. Lone Star-First Public
Subject: |
2.C.3. MBIA-Texas Class
Subject: |
3. Presentations
Subject: |
3.A. Fire Lane Presentation
Presented By: Chief Wesley Ross |
Subject: |
3.B. Vidor ISD Board Accountability Presentation
Presented By: Monica Mahfouz |
Subject: |
4. Board of Trustees to Discuss and Consider for Approval:
Subject: |
4.A. Approval of the Final Budget Amendments for the 2016-17 Budget Year
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.B. Acceptance of the 2017-2018 Certified Tax Values and Statement of Rate Calculations as Presented
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.C. Adoption of the 2017-2018 School District Budget
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen and Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.D. Adoption of the Tax Rate Ordinance Setting the Tax Rate for the 2018 Tax Year
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
Subject: |
4.E. Approve the T-TESS Appraisers and T-TESS Appraisal Calendar for the 2017-2018 School Year
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
Subject: |
4.F. DAEP Contract with Evadale ISD
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
Subject: |
4.G. TASB Risk Management Fund for District Unemployment Compensation Pool Renewal
Presented By: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
Subject: |
4.H. Approve 1st Reading of Revised DNA (Local) T-TESS
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
Subject: |
4.I. Approve the TEA State Waiver for Early Release
Presented By: Ms. Lorna Alvis |
Subject: |
4.J. Renewal of Property and Windstorm Insurance with Amrisc for 2017-2018.
Presented by: Mrs. Sheila Schoen |
Subject: |
4.K. Consideration and possible action to select a method of delivery of construction services for the Energy Savings Performance Project and to authorize the Superintendent or designee to select and publish selection criteria, prepare the procurement documents, publish, receive and publicly open submission, and propose a ranking for the Board's consideration.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.L. Consideration of and possible action to adopt the prevailing wage schedule (hourly rates only) to be used by all contractors as the Prevailing Wage Schedule for all District Construction Projects.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.M. Consider for approval the engagement of professional services of Fittz & Shipman engineering services.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.N. Approve Contract with Enterprise for the Leasing of School District Vehicles.
Presented by: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.O. Approve Purchase of IMA
Presented By: Mrs. Bunny Adams |
Subject: |
4.P. 2017-2018 Parts, Batteries, and Petroleum Bids as Presented
Presented by: Mrs. Jeanne Taylor and Mr. Robert Godeaux |
Subject: |
5. Executive Session-Consideration of Personnel Matterss of the sort described in Section 551.074(1)(a)(2), Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee (executive session). Conference to receive information from or question employees, as permitted by Section 551.075, Texas Government Code (Executive Session). The board may elect to meet in closed (Executive Session), to deliberate the value of said real property as permitted by Section 551.072 and 551.073, Texas Government Code. Any action, decision or vote on an executive session matter will be taken in open session.
Subject: |
5.A. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
5.A.1. Employment Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
5.A.2. Positions, Vacancies, Assignments, Leave of Absence and Terminations
Subject: |
5.A.3. Finalize Superintendent Contract
Subject: |
6. Re-convene into Open Session to Take Action on Personnel Items
Subject: |
7. Take action to approve superintendent contract.
Subject: |
8. Adjourn