Meeting Agenda
1. Order of Business
1.A. Call to Order
Presented By: Mr. Rollie G. Burr |
1.B. Invocation
Presented By: Mrs. Carrie Vincent |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge and to the Texas Flag
Presented By: Mr. David Camp |
1.D. Recognition of Employee of the Month
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
1.E. Presentation by Ms. Brenda Davis, a Volunteer at Vidor Elementary, Giving the Vidor Independent School District a Check for $250.00 From a Grant Through Entergy, for her Volunteered Hours.
Presented By Dr. Jay Killgo and Mr. Jeff Leger |
1.F. Recognition of Students
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo and Mr. Ronnie Touchstone |
1.G. Public Comments
Presented by: Mr. Rollie G. Burr |
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Minutes of the October 21, 2013 and November 4, 2013 Board Meetings
2.B. Board Report 2013-2014 School Budget
Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
2.B.1. Projected Cash
2.B.2. Advalorem Tax
2.B.3. Workman's Compensation
2.B.4. Food Services
2.B.5. Student Activity
2.C. Temporary Investments
2.C.1. First Financial, N. A.
2.C.2. Lone Star - First Public
2.C.3. MBIA - Texas Class
3. Reports
3.A. Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) Special Education Report
Presented By: Ms. Jami Poteet |
3.B. Community Involvement in the District (Enduring Relationships with Stakeholders) - Goal #5, Performance Objective #2
Presented By: Mrs. Sally Andrews |
4. Board of Trustees to Discuss and Consider for Approval:
4.A. Budget Amendments and Revisions
Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
4.B. Approval of the following Bid Properties from Lynda Gunstream, Orange County Tax Assessor:
Abst 3 T H Breece Tr 311, 315 Elgie, Vidor, Account #: 000003-034401 Suit#: A100040-T and Lot 18 Blk 6, Pecan Acres, 3485 Pecan, Account #: 010593-001402 Suit #: A100010-T Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
4.C. Casting of Votes for Jasper County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2014-2015 Term of Office and Approval of the Resolution Casting our 232 Votes for Mr. Johnny Gravis
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
4.D. Approval of the Request for Continued Implementation of Kagan Cooperative Learning - Involving Out of State Staff Development
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
4.E. Approval of the Second and Final Reading of TASB DMC (LOCAL) - Profession Development Continuing Professional Education Policy
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
4.F. Discuss and Consider for Approval the First Reading of TASB Update 98 (LOCAL) Policies
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
4.G. Approval of Request the TEKS Resource System Co-op Fee for 2013-2014 in the amount of $24,870.00 be Funded With Instructional Materials Allotment
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
4.H. Approve the 2013-2014 Textbook Committee as Presented
Presented By: Ms. Bunny Adams and Ms. D'Lana Barbay |
4.I. Approve the First Reading of the Revised DEC(L)-X Policy as Presented
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
4.J. Discuss and Consider for Approval the "Renovation of Area for the Installation of Walk-in Cooler and Freezer at Vidor High School" Bid
5. Executive Session - Consideration of Personnel Matters of the sort Described in Section 551.074(1)(a)(2), Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee (Executive Session). Conference to receive information from or question employees, as permitted by Section 551.075, Texas Government Code (Executive Session). The Board may elect to meet in closed (Executive Session), to deliberate the value of said real property as permitted by Section 551.072 and 551.073, Texas Government Code. Any action, decision, or vote on an executive session matter will be taken in open session.
5.A. Personnel Matters: Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a District Officer or Employee Under Section 551.074(a)(1) or the Act, Regarding the following:
5.A.1. Employment Recommendation(s)
5.A.2. Position, Vacancies, Assignments, Leave of Absence and Terminations
5.A.3. Security Matters: Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Deployment, or Specific Occasions for Implementation, of Security Personnel or Devices, Under Section 551.076
6. Re-Convene into Open Session to Take Action on Personnel Items
7. Adjourn Regular Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 18, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Order of Business
Subject: |
1.A. Call to Order
Presented By: Mr. Rollie G. Burr |
Subject: |
1.B. Invocation
Presented By: Mrs. Carrie Vincent |
Subject: |
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge and to the Texas Flag
Presented By: Mr. David Camp |
Subject: |
1.D. Recognition of Employee of the Month
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
Subject: |
1.E. Presentation by Ms. Brenda Davis, a Volunteer at Vidor Elementary, Giving the Vidor Independent School District a Check for $250.00 From a Grant Through Entergy, for her Volunteered Hours.
Presented By Dr. Jay Killgo and Mr. Jeff Leger |
Subject: |
1.F. Recognition of Students
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo and Mr. Ronnie Touchstone |
Subject: |
1.G. Public Comments
Presented by: Mr. Rollie G. Burr |
Subject: |
2. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
2.A. Minutes of the October 21, 2013 and November 4, 2013 Board Meetings
Subject: |
2.B. Board Report 2013-2014 School Budget
Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
2.B.1. Projected Cash
Subject: |
2.B.2. Advalorem Tax
Subject: |
2.B.3. Workman's Compensation
Subject: |
2.B.4. Food Services
Subject: |
2.B.5. Student Activity
Subject: |
2.C. Temporary Investments
Subject: |
2.C.1. First Financial, N. A.
Subject: |
2.C.2. Lone Star - First Public
Subject: |
2.C.3. MBIA - Texas Class
Subject: |
3. Reports
Subject: |
3.A. Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) Special Education Report
Presented By: Ms. Jami Poteet |
Subject: |
3.B. Community Involvement in the District (Enduring Relationships with Stakeholders) - Goal #5, Performance Objective #2
Presented By: Mrs. Sally Andrews |
Subject: |
4. Board of Trustees to Discuss and Consider for Approval:
Subject: |
4.A. Budget Amendments and Revisions
Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.B. Approval of the following Bid Properties from Lynda Gunstream, Orange County Tax Assessor:
Abst 3 T H Breece Tr 311, 315 Elgie, Vidor, Account #: 000003-034401 Suit#: A100040-T and Lot 18 Blk 6, Pecan Acres, 3485 Pecan, Account #: 010593-001402 Suit #: A100010-T Presented By: Mr. David Croak |
Subject: |
4.C. Casting of Votes for Jasper County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2014-2015 Term of Office and Approval of the Resolution Casting our 232 Votes for Mr. Johnny Gravis
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
Subject: |
4.D. Approval of the Request for Continued Implementation of Kagan Cooperative Learning - Involving Out of State Staff Development
Presented By: Dr. Jay Killgo |
Subject: |
4.E. Approval of the Second and Final Reading of TASB DMC (LOCAL) - Profession Development Continuing Professional Education Policy
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
Subject: |
4.F. Discuss and Consider for Approval the First Reading of TASB Update 98 (LOCAL) Policies
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
Subject: |
4.G. Approval of Request the TEKS Resource System Co-op Fee for 2013-2014 in the amount of $24,870.00 be Funded With Instructional Materials Allotment
Presented By: Mr. Johnny Ross |
Subject: |
4.H. Approve the 2013-2014 Textbook Committee as Presented
Presented By: Ms. Bunny Adams and Ms. D'Lana Barbay |
Subject: |
4.I. Approve the First Reading of the Revised DEC(L)-X Policy as Presented
Presented By: Ms. Nancy Smith |
Subject: |
4.J. Discuss and Consider for Approval the "Renovation of Area for the Installation of Walk-in Cooler and Freezer at Vidor High School" Bid
Subject: |
5. Executive Session - Consideration of Personnel Matters of the sort Described in Section 551.074(1)(a)(2), Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee (Executive Session). Conference to receive information from or question employees, as permitted by Section 551.075, Texas Government Code (Executive Session). The Board may elect to meet in closed (Executive Session), to deliberate the value of said real property as permitted by Section 551.072 and 551.073, Texas Government Code. Any action, decision, or vote on an executive session matter will be taken in open session.
Subject: |
5.A. Personnel Matters: Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a District Officer or Employee Under Section 551.074(a)(1) or the Act, Regarding the following:
Subject: |
5.A.1. Employment Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
5.A.2. Position, Vacancies, Assignments, Leave of Absence and Terminations
Subject: |
5.A.3. Security Matters: Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Deployment, or Specific Occasions for Implementation, of Security Personnel or Devices, Under Section 551.076
Subject: |
6. Re-Convene into Open Session to Take Action on Personnel Items
Subject: |
7. Adjourn Regular Meeting