February 11, 2025 at 6:00 PM - RSB Regular Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 2/11/2025 at 6:10 PM | |
Elizabeth Hooge | Present |
III Albert Kookesh | Absent |
Stacey Proctor | Present |
Jack Strong | Present |
Jen Todd | Present |
Present: 4, Absent: 1 | |
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 2/11/2025 at 6:45 PM | |
Elizabeth Hooge | Present |
III Albert Kookesh | Present |
Stacey Proctor | Present |
Jack Strong | Present |
Jen Todd | Present |
Present: 5, Absent: 0 | |
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Calls meeting to order
1.1. Reading of the Mission Statement
Board Chair or Vice Chair
We support students to become independent adults by promoting exceptional educational and cultural experiences.
2. Flag Salute
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Flag Salute is done
3. Roll Call
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Roll call to determine which board members are present
4. Recognition
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Recognition of guests
5. Approval of the Agenda
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Approval of the agenda
6. Opportunity For Public Comment On Non-Agenda Items
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Persons wishing to address non-agenda items may do so at this time. Please limit your comments to three minutes or less.
7. Consent Agenda
Board Chair or Vice Chair
Consent agenda items for approval or adoption
7.1. Adopt RSB Minutes from January 14th, January 21st and January 28th.
7.2. Approve FY 2026 teacher contracts for tenured teachers Jessie Soder, Megan Bishop, Fernan Lopez, and Alfie Asilom.
7.3. Approve Fy 2026 Principal Contracts for Karen McSpadden and Emma Demmert
7.4. Approve Extra Duty Contract for Angoon Girls Basketball Coach Emma Demmert in the amount of $3700
7.5. Approve Extra Duty contract for Angoon Boys basketball coach Gregory Bennum in the amount of $3200
8. Opportunity for Public Comment on Agenda Items
Persons wishing to address agenda items may do so at this time. Please limit your comments to three minutes or less.
9. Financial Report
Teri Hoover
Current financial reports for review
10. Action Items
Action items for approval and adoption
10.1. Accept the Hunter Safety Education Grant Award from DEED in the amount of $25,725.00, and the creation of the stipend job of Hunter Safety Instructor and Aide.
10.2. Approve Out of State travel to Washington DC April 12th-16th for the Indian Education Directors Program Meeting
10.3. Accept the grant award of $43,897.70 for Building Bridges through Digital Storytelling
10.4. Approve Out of State travel to Hawaii for a Dual Credit Joint Class called-Linking Local Ecology to Culture, Place, Values, and Leadership in March 2025.
10.5. Approve the purchase from Bobcat of Juneau for use with the Angoon wood mill in the amount of $49,969.70, and the utility trailer for the wood mill in the amount of $13,000
The bobcat purchase amount is an approved expense in the year 4 NACTEP budget. Already been approved by our federal project officer. It is an essential piece of equipment to be able to utilize the sawmill to move logs and lumber.
10.6. Approve Superintendent travel to Tenakee Springs
11. Special Reports
Special reports for review
11.1. Superintendent Report
The Superintendents monthy report for review
11.2. ASB Minutes
ASB minutes for review
12. Communications to the Board
12.1. Letter and Resolution from Tenakee Springs supporting keeping the ILC in operation
12.2. Letter to CSD with Offer to Purchase the old District Office Building in Angoon
13. Information/Discussion Items
Items for discussion or additional information to give to the board
13.1. Budget Committee
Surveys sent out. Committee members so far are: Ralph, Stacey, Albert, Karen, Emma, and Rick. Set budget committee meeting dates.
13.3. Negotiations
13.4. Superintendent Search Update
14. Board Member Comments
Board members can comment on anything they would like to.
15. Meetings/Work Sessions/and Other Announcements
Upcoming meetings or announcements
15.1. RSB Work Session February 25th
15.2. Next RSB Regular Meeting March 11th
16. Executive Session for Superintendent Evaluation
17. Adjournment
Adjourn the meeting