August 1, 2017 at 7:00 AM - Building & Sites Committee Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to order
II. Discussion item(s)
II.A. BOE Building Tours
The committee needs to determine the date for this to occur. While the participation of all BOE members is preferred, it is understood that not all members may be able to attend.
II.B. Polish School Lease
The version issued to Polish School will be posted on Monday, July 31st if any major revisions occur in the discussion with the Polish School administration.
II.C. Disposal resolutions
The BOE will need to approve 3 disposal resolutions at the BOE meeting. the only resolution which is specific to Buildings and Grounds is regarding the items sold and disposed of from the garage sale. These items will be discussed.
II.D. New custodian hired and determination of placement of positions
The new custodian has been offered a job is completing his paperwork. We will discuss the individual hired and the placement of day custodians for 2017-18.
II.E. Masonry repairs being considered
The Business office and Buildings and Grounds Department are considering masonry repairs for the District office. A preliminary quote has been received for the most needed repairs (on the west side of the building due to leakage and window damage). However, there is also consideration of the determination to wait, add the remainder of masonry building repairs in the administration building or solely performing the repairs on the west side of the administration building for which a quote has been received. The options will be discussed.
III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
V. Adjournment