April 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Adoption of Agenda:
II. Consent Agenda:
C Johnson
II.A. Approval of March 24, 2022 Minutes:
II.B. Approval of Claims: Kevin Anderson
II.C. Staff Updates:
II.C.1. Resignations: Kathryn Dunn, Industrial Tech Teacher - RBEC effective 6/6/2022.
II.C.2. New Hire: Alea Cekalla, Special Education Teacher - 5RO effective 2022-2023 SY; Alisha Dalsin, Special Education Coordinator - CF effective 7/1/2022; Amanda Ean, Grades 4-5 Elementary Education Teacher - 5RO effective 2022-2023 school year; Tonya Rowan, Setting IV Paraprofessional - RBEC effective 4/6/2022
C Johnson
II.C.3. Transfers:
C Johnson
II.C.4. Re-assignment:
C Johnson
II.C.5. Retirement: Janae Blakeslee, Social Worker - CF
Public Input: The policy of the education district board is to encourage discussion by persons of subjects related to the management of the district at board meetings. The board shall, as a matter of policy, protect the legal rights to privacy and due process of employees and students. Persons who wish to have a subject discussed at a public board meeting must notify the executive director’s office in advance of the board meeting. The person should provide his or her name, address, the name of group represented (if any), and the subject to be covered or the issue to be addressed. The board retains the discretion to limit discussion of any agenda item to a reasonable period of time as determined by the board. |
IV. Reports and Communication:
IV.A. Business Manager Report
J Paradis
V. Old Business:
VI. New Business:
VI.A. Paraprofessional Notice of Desire to Negotiate.
Cherie Johnson
VI.B. Director of Equity and Instructional Services
Cherie Johnson
This position will support leadership, instructional coaches in identifying priority areas for an engagement's focus by highlighting gaps in culture, practice and policy. Planning and staying abreast of research on the changing education nature of the teaching profession, the field of education and changing national, regional, and local trends that impact program areas. This position will support professional development, policy formation, program evaluation and curricular areas. Latest studies indicate that learning gaps are increasing throughout Minnesota. This position will focus on stopping that trend in our area. Draft job description is attached. This position is an outcome of our work to restructure our systems of support and replaces a position which will no longer exist making this cost neutral. This was supported by the superintendent's council on a vote of six to zero.
VI.C. BEST Teams
Cherie Johnson
BEST (Behavioral and Emotional Success through Teaching) Teams are a joint project of Region 10 Special Education Directors. This program was started in 2018 as a result of a need to strengthen services for Setting III and IV programming in SE MN. This year we will have two teams from our county participating.
VI.D. Youth Coding Leagues
Cherie Johnson
Burke Murphy at Red Wing Ignite partnered with the GCED to write a grant for the Youth Coding League. This grant was supported at the federal level by Senators Klobuchar and Smith and Representative Craig. This grant brings an opportunity for 20 middle schoolers from each of our schools to join the national Youth Coding League in the fall of 2022 and to then repeat the activity in the second half of the year with a new group of 20 students from each school. The Youth Coding League is a fully-packaged extracurricular program for grades 5-8 that introduces students to computer science in an innovative, project-based learning environment using a youth sports model that requires no coding skills to lead in schools or organizations.
Why is this important for our students? Computer programming jobs are one of the most needed, fastest growing, and highest paid occupations now and will be for the future. These skills are critically important to students and the jobs of the future. Currently, there are over 1 million programming jobs that are unfilled in the United States. Each district will be seeking a coach for this after school activity. The grant supplies some funding for this. Individual districts will be supplementing this based on agreements in each district. The grant also covers transportation home for students. There are logistics that our districts will be working on such as hiring the coach and choosing the students. Competitions occur virtually with teams from across the country. See attached flyers for more details.
Cherie Johnson
The GCED will be hosting a SPEDcamp on June 20th at the RBEC, WHAT IS SPEDcamp?
SPEDcamp is an Edcamp with a special education twist. The idea is the same, the conversations are the same. The cost is the same...FREE! We wanted to include the voice of special education teachers in order to target their needs in professional development and engage pre-service teachers to teachers in the field. Through this partnership with the MNCEC State Unit and our SCEC Chapters, we have created, sp-edcamp!
VI.F. MTSS Summer Institute
Cherie Johnson
For the past seventeen summers, Kim Gibbons has been conducting a summer institute on the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. This year's summer institute will be held virtually June 21st -23rd, 2022. Sessions have been specifically modified to support an online learning environment. The agenda will include a mix of online presentations of new content, open Q &A, and time for your teams to collaborate (either online or in person, as conditions allow). Presenters will be available to check in with teams for specific questions as well. All sessions will be recorded and will be available on-demand.
The purpose of the institute will be to train teams from your district and buildings on the infrastructure to align systems across your district and buildings to support MTSS implementation. Content on equity, social-emotional learning, reading and math practices, selecting interventions, along with the latest research-based strategies for improving academic achievement have been added. Similar to previous years, time will be built into the conference for reflection and analysis of current building and district needs along with evaluation of implementation efforts. At the end of the 3-day institute, it is the hope that your teams will leave with the tools they need to implement change in your building or district.
While some of you have done extensive work in this area, others may be just at the beginning of this work. This training is designed to meet your needs wherever you are in the process.
As you already know, MTSS implementation was one of three strategic goals approved last summer for our collaborative. With this goal area in mind, the GCED will be paying for the training in each district and will cover the cost of five team members from each district at their daily rate or individual district contractual rate or at a minimum of $40 an hour depending on each district's staff agreement. Districts will most likely choose to have more than five staff participate. Over the next week, the superintendents will work with district administrators to identify each district's team(s) so that we are able to complete the registration. In creating your team please consider sending teams that have balanced representation between regular and special education along with building administration. The attached brochure describes the institute in more detail.
VI.G. 504 Virtual Conference
Cherie Johnson
The impact of COVID-19 and its variants continue to bring additional challenges to our schools. Requests for 504 Plans are increasing. All public school employees should understand the requirements of Section 504. This conference will provide needed tools to be in compliance with this federal law. This is a 2-day virtual conference held on June 13 and 14, 2022. Sessions will be interactive.
VII. Other: Board members are welcome to attend the RBEC graduation ceremony Friday May 27th, 2022 at 1:45 PM at RBEC.
VIII. Comments: Board/Director
IX. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, May 26th, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the River Bluff Education Center in Red Wing.
X. Adjournment