May 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call (Helen Bassett, School Board Chair)
Helen Bassett, School Board Chair
2. Acceptance of the Agenda (Helen Bassett, School Board Chair)
Helen Bassett, School Board Chair
3. Sharing the Success (David Engstrom, Superintendent)
David Engstrom, Superintendent
3.A. Recognition of 2022 Athena Award Winners
3.B. Recognition of 2022 National Merit Scholar Finalists
3.C. Recognition of Relay For Life Student Co-Chairs and Update of Event held on May 7, 2022
3.D. Recognition: Robbinsdale Area Schools Named One of Nation's Best Communities for Music Education and Recognition: 2022 Elementary Music Educator of the Year
Sarah Prindiville, Fine Arts Coordinator and Doug Schmitt from Schmitt Music
3.E. Recognition of the Bird Bash held on April 9, 2022, and the Seven Dreams Educational Foundation
4. Special Report: Minnesota Department of Education - Office of American Indian Education Annual Compliance (Richie Smith, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee
Richie Smith, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee
5. Superintendent’s Report (David Engstrom, Superintendent)
David Engstrom, Superintendent
6. Operations
6.A. Non-Action: Policy 102 - Equal Educational Opportunity (Amy O'Hern, Executive Director of Human Resources)
Amy O'Hern, Executive Director of Human Resources
6.B. Non-Action: Policy 401 - Equal Employment Opportunity (Amy O'Hern, Executive Director of Human Resources)
Amy O'Hern, Executive Director of Human Resources
6.C. Action: Approval of Resolution Accepting Donations from April 2022 (Helen Bassett, School Board Chair)
Helen Bassett, School Board Chair
7. Action: Approval of Consent Agenda (Helen Bassett, School Board Chair)
Helen Bassett, School Board Chair
Consent Agenda items are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which the item will be removed as a Consent Agenda item and addressed. Consent Agenda items are as follows:
7.A. Administrative
7.A.1. Educational Assistants - Tentative Contract Agreement
7.A.2. Draft Minutes
7.B. Personnel Matters
7.B.1. Non-licensed Staff Personnel Report
7.C. Financial Matters
7.C.1. Disbursements
8. Board Reports
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment (Helen Bassett, School Board Chair)
Helen Bassett, School Board Chair