September 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Public Participation
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Principals
5.B. Asst. Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction
5.C. Athletic Department
5.D. Director of Finance and Operations
5.E. Superintendent: Enrollment
6. Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting August 20, 2018 and Special Board Meeting August 27, 2018
7. Investment and Finance Report
8. Consider Approval of Check Registry
9. Review G/T Plan
10. Consider Hellas Construction for Track Resurface
11. Consider Budget Amendment #1 - Track Resurface
12. Consider Purchase of Two (2) Ford Escapes
13. Consider Purchase of 72-Passenger Bus
14. Board Discussion:
a. Cosmetology - CTE Funding b. Lone-Star Governance Goal Setting |
15. Adjournment