February 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM - School Board Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Tanya Prince, Board Chair
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Additions to Agenda
4. Acceptance of Agenda
5. Recognitions
6. Presentation: "Charting New Waters: The CTE Journey at Park Center Senior High School"
Dr. Antwan Harris, Principal and Matt Sauter, Teacher-Technology Education
7. Concurrence with American Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee
Ethan Neerdaels, Coordinator of Indian Education; Nicole Perry, AIPAC Chair; Katie Perry, Co-chair
8. Student School Board Representative Reports
9. Audience Opportunity to Address the School Board
10. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Kim Hiel, Superintendent
11. School Board Reports
12. Presentation: Maple Grove Senior High School: Building a Better Future
John Morstad, Executive Director of Finance and Operations
13. Consent Agenda
13.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 21, 2025
13.B. Financial reports for the month of January 2025
13.C. Payment of items for the month of January 2025
13.D. Extended Educational Trips
13.E. Fundraisers
13.F. Acceptance of the 2024-2025 Hennepin County Youth Activities - Facilities Grant in the amount of $10,000 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $10,000
13.G. Acceptance of the 2024-2025 BrightWorks - VPK Language Kits Grant in the amount of $1,200 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $1,200
13.H. Personnel
13.I. Construction contract approvals:
13.I.I. Maple Grove Senior High School additions and renovations
13.I.II. Maple Grove Senior High School mechanical - Sourcewell
13.I.III. Fernbrook Elementary School renovations
13.I.IV. Edinbrook Elementary School renovations
13.J. Amendment to Brooklyn Bridge Alliance for Youth Joint Powers Agreement
13.K. Federal grant delegation resolution
13.L. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and High Point Networks to replace backup servers and to refresh SimpliVity Stretched Cluster at the Educational Service Center and Park Center Senior High School
13.M. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Olympus Lockers & Storage Products to furnish and install lockers, benches, and shelving at Osseo Senior High
13.N. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Braun Intertect Corporation for the special construction and materials testing for the new elementary building
13.O. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and John A Dalsin & Sons, Inc. for a partial roof restoration at Brooklyn Middle School
13.P. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and John A Dalsin & Sons, Inc. for a partial roof restoration at Basswood Elementary School
13.Q. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Trane for the purchase of a building automation replacement for Maple Grove Senior High School
13.R. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Tremco for a partial roof restoration at Elm Creek Elementary School
13.S. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Tremco for a partial roof restoration at Garden City Elementary School
13.T. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Tremco for a partial roof restoration at North View Middle School
13.U. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Tremco for a partial roof restoration Osseo Senior High School
13.V. Contract by and between ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools and Tremco for a partial roof restoration at Park Brook Elementary School
13.W. Donation agreement between Osseo Maple Grove Basketball Association and ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools
13.X. Bid award - Low voltage infrastructure (Division 27) construction for new elementary school
14. Action Items
14.A. Approval of Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-year Budget
Kelly Benusa, Director of Business Services
14.B. Approval of Fiscal Year 2026 General Fund and Community Service Adjustments and Capital Expenditure Budget
John Morstad, Executive Director of Finance and Operations
14.C. Recommendation for Approval, Agreement on the Terms and Conditions of Employment between the Independent School District 279 School Board and Student Management Specialists, July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025
Yvonne Shorts Lind, Executive Director of Human Resources
14.D. Second Reading of Policies
Amy Moore, General Counsel
14.D.I. 400 Series: Personnel
14.D.I.a. Policy 404-Family and Medical Leave for School Employees (proposed edits)
14.D.I.b. Policy 420-Students and Employees with Communicable Diseases (review, no proposed edits)
14.D.I.c. Policy 427-Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers (proposed edits)
14.D.I.d. Policy 442-Travel (proposed edits)
14.D.II. 700 Series: Non-instructional Operations
14.D.II.a. Policy 705-Investments (proposed edits)
14.D.II.b. Policy 706-Investments Other Post Employee Benefits (proposed edits)
14.D.II.c. Policy 722-Public Data and Data Subject Requests (proposed edits)
14.D.II.d. Policy 730-Fund Balance (proposed edits)
14.D.II.e. Policy 731-Post Issuance Debt Compliance (proposed edits)
14.D.II.f. Policy 740-Electronic Signatures (review, no proposed edits)
14.E. Gifts to the district totaling $66,824.18
15. Adjournment