November 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. President calls meeting to order
2. Public Comment
3. Swear in Elected Board Members
Roberts County Judge Mitchell Locke will be with us to administer the oath of office to our newly elected members.
4. Consider re-organization of Board officers.
Current officers are:
Brian Benge - President Chelsi Underwood - Vice President Brock Hodges - Secretary |
5. Consideration and action to hire lone finalist Krista Solis as the new Superintendent of Schools for the District, approve an employment contract and take other matters incident thereto
You named Krista Solis Lone Finalist on October 26, 2023. The 21 day waiting period before officially hiring a Superintendent has been surpassed. Mrs. Solis will officially start January 1, 2024.
6. Accept Board minutes
7. General Information
7.A. Principal Report
7.B. Safety Report
8. Business Items
8.A. Consider casting votes for Director of Gray County Appraisal Board.
Miami ISD has 16 votes to cast for the Director of the Gray County Board of Directors. We can cast all our allotted votes for one or more candidates.
8.B. Consider and approve 2022-2023 Budget Amendments
Back in August, we approved 22-23 amendments. However, too much money was moved out of Function 81 and the contractor doing the construction work sent more invoices that should have been paid out of 22-23 budget year. The auditor has approved us amending the budget due to the circumstances.
8.C. Consider and/or approve additional cameras for buses.
We are securing quotes to add a camera to all our route buses. Currently, we have a camera on our Pampa bus. To increase security, protect our bus drivers, as well as to minimize discipline and disruptive behaviors, you may want to consider adding cameras to the other buses. I hope to have several quotes for you by the Board meeting.
9. Consent Agenda: Financial Reports
9.A. Review Bills
9.B. Cash and Investment Report
9.C. General Fund Revenues Report
9.D. Activity Fund Balances
This will be at the meeting.
9.E. Tax Report
9.F. Transportation Report
10. Closed Session
Executive Session TEC: 551.074 to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; |
10.A. Hirings, if any
10.B. Resignations, if any
11. Information Items
- December 2023 and January 2024 Board Meetings |
12. Adjourn