August 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. President calls meeting to order
2. Public Comment
3. Accept Board minutes
4. General Information
4.A. Principal Report
4.B. Safety Report
5. Business Items
5.A. Discussion and possible actions to approve budget amendments for the following functions:
5.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2023-2024 budget for funds 199, 240, and 599
5.C. Deliberation and action to adopt an ordinance or resolution setting tax rate. (Deliberar y tal vez tomar medidas para adoptar una resolucion que establezca la tasa impositivia.)
5.D. Deliberation and possible action to order a Voter-Approved Tax Rate Election to ratify an adopted tax rate that exceeds the District's Voter-Approval Tax Rate to be conducted on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. (Deliberar y tal vez tomar medidas para ordenar elecciones para que los electores aprueben la tasa impositivia y ratifiquen una tasa impositivia adoptada que exceed la tasa impositivia aprobada por los electores del distrito y que se celebraran el martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023.)
5.E. Consideration and/or action to approve an Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement) and to delegate contractual authority to the Superintendent.
5.F. Discussion and possible action to approve Joint Elections agreements with Roberts and Gray Counties
5.G. Order by the Board of Trustees of Miami Independent School District authorizing the defeasance and redemption of certain outstanding bonds; approving and authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement; authorizing the engagement of a verification agent; and containing other provisions relating thereto.
This order will allow the board to take advantage of the increased I&S property value by using surplus tax funds to pay down our bonds faster.
5.H. Consider and/or Approve Resolution that the 4-H organization of Gray County be recognized and eligible for extracurricular status and Adjunct Faculty.
This allows out students to be considered "in attendance" while off campus in an approved activity with the County Extension Agents.
5.I. Discussion and possible action to add school district leaders to bank accounts for the new district bank depository, First Bank Southwest, and to create the following accounts: M&O, I&S Bond Proceeds-Capital Projects, Debt Service-Bond Payments, Payroll, and Workman's Comp.
With the change to the new bank depository, the Bank needs the authorization and information from the district leaders to create the needed accounts.
5.J. Discussion and possible action to add Superintendent, Business Manager, and Superintendent's Secretary to Treasury Services in order to authorize wire transfers.
This action is required by First Bank Southwest in order for the District Administration to make bond payments, ACH, and other district business.
5.K. Discussion and possible action for improvements at Project Center
Chelsi requested this agenda item be added. The improvements are for light installation.
6. Consent Agenda: Financial Reports
6.A. Review Bills
6.B. Cash and Investment Report
6.C. General Fund Revenues Report
6.D. Activity Fund Balances
This will be at the meeting.
6.E. Tax Report
6.F. Transportation Report
7. Personnel
7.A. Hirings, if any
7.B. Resignations, if any
8. Adjourn