May 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM - Regular Meeting - Up North Learning Center
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum -
The purpose of the Public Forum is to provide an opportunity for citizens to address the Up North Learning Center Board on an item included in the school board meeting agenda. Any personnel items or items not on the agenda must be communicated to the site administrators or the Superintendent. They will follow-up on those items outside of the Board Meeting. When signing up to speak, a person will need to include the following information. o Your full name; o Address; o Phone number; o Number and name of the agenda item you wish to speak to; and o Your questions and/or comments on the agenda item |
5. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
6. Consent Agenda
7. Bills to Be Allowed
8. Reports
8.1. Financial Report
8.2. Principal's Report
9. Discuss August Meeting
10. Superintendent's Announcements
11. Other Old or Unfinished Business
12. New Business
12.1. Adoption of Policy 529 Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students
12.2. Approve FY24 Revised Budget and FY25 Proposed Budget
12.3. Principal Contract Negotiations
13. Announcements and Dates
13.1. Next Regular Board Meeting
14. Adjournment