March 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1) Pledge of Allegiance
I.A.2) Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Agenda
I.C. Presentations
I.C.1) School Wellness & Prevention Services Update: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, will share updates, connections, celebrations, and challenges from the 2023-24 school year.
I.D. Audience Participation
I.E. Action Items
I.E.1) Consent Agenda
I.E.1)a. 2/21/24 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I.E.1)b. 2/21/24 Closed Session Meeting Minutes
I.E.1)c. Personnel Report
I.E.1)d. Board Bills and Disbursement Report
I.E.2) Travel Requests
I.E.2)a. SkillsUSA State Conference: Margo Hazelman, Career Preparation Center Principal, is requesting Board approval for a Student Services Coordinator/SkillsUSA Advisor and Student Services Coordinator to chaperone 43 students from the Eaton RESA SkillsUSA Chapter who are eligible to compete at the state conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from April 12-14, 2024.
I.E.2)b. Powering Up Preparedness – Partnering to Support Student Health and Wellness During Public Health Emergencies Conference: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, is requesting Board approval for her to attend the Powering Up Preparedness conference hosted by the American Academy of Pediatrics in Itasca, Illinois, from April 16-18, 2024. A local representative from the Barry-Eaton District Health Department has also been invited to the conference to align student wellness and health policies for the purposes of future health emergencies between education and public health. Costs are reimbursed by the American Association of Pediatrics.
I.E.2)c. Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region I Leadership Conference 2024: Vlad Lebedintsev, Assistant Superintendent for Career & Technical Education, is requesting Board approval for Student Services Coordinator, Marcee Theisen, to attend the 2024 Region I Leadership Conference in New York, New York, May 1-3, 2024. Marcee will represent Eaton RESA, as our MI-ACTE Outstanding Business/Education Partnership award is now being selected to compete at the regional level.
I.E.3) Custodial Services Extension: The District has contracted with D & D Maintenance Supply for custodial services since July 1, 2016. The current custodial services contract expires on June 30, 2024, with an option to renew for a two-year extension. Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is recommending that the District move forward with a two-year extension of our current contract, for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years, in an amount not to exceed $199,678.
I.E.4) 2023-24 Budget Revisions: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve the 2023-24 budget revisions that were presented as an information item at the February 21, 2024, Board meeting. Board approval is required for the General Fund, Special Education Fund, and the Career & Technical Education Fund.
I.E.5) Security Camera Refresh and Upgrade Purchase: Michael Partridge, Technology Director, is requesting Board approval to upgrade the security cameras at the Packard and Southridge facilities. The security cameras run on two separate systems that are five to ten years old, requiring onsite servers for updates and maintenance. The installation will provide a cloud-hosted solution, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) features and added sharing ability. The full quote for upgrades to both buildings is $91,846.14. The cameras will be purchased through Presidio of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the cabling will be installed by Pro-Tech Cabling Systems of Clare, Michigan.
I.E.6) Conflict of Interest Request: Nate Leale, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services, has been offered an opportunity with the Michigan Association for Supervision and Curriculum and Development (ASCD) to present at the Curriculum Leaders Institute on March 14, 2024. This is a one-time opportunity for the year and total compensation would not exceed $680. He is requesting Board approval, as per Board policy 1130, to work outside of his current administrator role and work schedule at Eaton RESA.
I.E.7) Grand Ledge Public Schools Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Representative: The Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education recommended that Kasi Hunziger be appointed to serve on the Eaton RESA Special Education Parent Advisory Committee at their Board meeting on February 12, 2024. Dr. Sarah Parker, Director of Meadowview Programs & Technical Assistance, is recommending that the Board approve this appointment to the PAC.
I.E.8) Conflict of Interest Request: Dr. Sarah Parker, Director of Meadowview Programs & Technical Assistance, has been offered an affiliate faculty position at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) teaching undergraduate and graduate level special education courses starting the spring/summer semester of 2024. She would teach classes on Friday evenings and Saturdays and would like to teach one to two classes each semester as her schedule allows. Compensation is $3,000 per class. Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board approve Dr. Sarah Parker to teach at GVSU, as per Board Policy 1130, to work outside of her current administrator role and work schedule at Eaton RESA.
I.E.9) New School Social Worker (SSW) Paid Internship Positions: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board approve three new SSW paid internship positions beginning with the 2024-25 school year and every school year thereafter. An opportunity to partner with Michigan State University (MSU) and other universities for SSW internships has become available. These paid internships would help recruit SSW’s and would provide additional support to our local districts, similar to the paid school psychologist internships offered.
I.E.10) 2023-24 Contracted School Social Worker Services: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with Sunbelt Staffing and VocoVision in an amount not to exceed $32,580 to provide the contracted virtual school social worker vacancy. The agreement is from April 15, 2024, through June 14, 2024.
I.F. Information Items
I.F.1) Multi-Year Budget Projections: Following last month’s presentation of the 2023-24 budget revision and preceding the initial budget proposal for the 2024-25 school year, Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, will provide a broad overview of the district’s financial outlook.
I.G. Board Member Reports & Requests
I.H. Correspondence
I.H.1) Upcoming Events
I.H.1)a. Regular Board Meeting, April 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.H.1)b. Eaton CASBA Meeting, April 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.I. Adjournment