October 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1) Pledge of Allegiance
I.A.2) Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Agenda
I.C. Audit Presentation
I.C.1) 2023-24 Financial Audit Results: Maner Costerisan will present the results of the 2023-24 Eaton RESA Annual Financial Audit.
I.D. Action Item
I.D.1) 2023-24 Financial Audit Results: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve the 2023-24 Financial Audit by Maner Costerisan.
I.E. Audience Participation
I.F. Action Items
I.F.1) Consent Agenda
I.F.1)a. 9/25/24 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I.F.1)b. Personnel Report
I.F.1)c. Board Bills and Disbursement Report
I.F.2) Travel Requests
I.F.2)a. 2024 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health: Melea Belton, Director of Behavior/Mental Health Services, is requesting Board approval for up to five behavior/mental health specialists to attend the 2024 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health in Orlando, Florida, from December 4-8, 2024. The specialists will attend sessions essential to promoting well-being and mental health in schools by increasing their clinical capacities and expanding their resources. Additionally, each specialist will be required to present at least one new finding or takeaway to the department upon their return - making this learning experience beneficial for the entire team, not just those who attend. Costs are covered by grant funds.
I.F.3) Supplemental Employment Request: Supplemental employment is a paid or unpaid personal service, employment, self-employment, work or activity done for another agency, business or entity outside the classified service. The Superintendent is requesting that the Board delegate the approval of supplemental employment requests to the Superintendent for all staff except the Superintendent, using the process as presented to the Board.
I.F.4) Unpaid Leave of Absence Extension: A related service employee covered by the EIEA contract has requested an additional unpaid leave of absence under Article 10, Unpaid Leaves of Absence - General Leave Provisions, due to a very serious personal health condition. The employee is making strides to be able to walk, stand, and sit for long periods of time. Progress has been slow, but she has made progress. Sean Williams, Superintendent, and Erin Burcham, Human Resources Coordinator, are requesting that the Board approve the employee’s request for a final six-month unpaid leave of absence extension.
I.F.5) 2025 Summer Tax Levy Resolution: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve the 2025 Summer Tax Levy Resolution before the December 31, 2024, deadline. This allows Eaton RESA to continue collecting fifty percent of the taxes in the summer and fifty percent in the winter from 7 of its 32 taxing units as done previously.
I.F.6) Aviation Mobile Lab Purchase: One bid was received for the purchase of an aviation mobile lab. Vlad Lebedintsev, Assistant Superintendent for Career & Technical Education, is recommending that the Board award the bid to American Trailer Mart in an amount not to exceed $58,303. The mobile trailer will be funded with aviation CDS grant funds.
I.F.7) University of Michigan Health Sparrow Eaton Hospital Subcontract: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute a subcontract agreement with University of Michigan Health Sparrow Eaton Hospital in an amount not to exceed $137,416 for the implementation of health care services to staff the school-based health clinic located at Grand Ledge High School (GLHS). The agreement is from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.
I.F.8) QTurn, LLC Subcontracts: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute two subcontract agreements with QTurn, LLC for program evaluation services and survey implementation as required by the Center for Disease Control Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-Based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program grant. The agreements are from August 1, 2024, through July 31, 2025.
I.F.8)a. Evaluation Contract: Program evaluation services in an amount not to exceed $30,000.
I.F.8)b. Survey Implementation Contract: Services to support the administration of the Profiles and/or Youth Risk Behavior Survey to priority school districts in an amount not to exceed $27,248.50.
I.F.9) Kent ISD Memorandum of Understanding Renewal: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Kent ISD, who provides Michigan PowerSchool Special Education System (MiPSE), to implement and use the PowerSchool Special Education (PSE) software from PowerSchool using the Kent ISD database for Eaton RESA in a consortium with all constituent districts. The agreement is for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years in an amount not to exceed $110,423.20.
I.G. Information Items
I.G.1) 2023-24 Eaton RESA Annual Report and District Profiles of Service: Sean Williams, Superintendent, will provide an overview of the 2023-24 Eaton RESA Annual Report and the District Profiles of Service documents to the Board of Education.
I.G.2) Child and Adolescent Health Center – East Lansing Project: An update will be provided on behalf of Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, regarding the partnership between Eaton RESA, University of Michigan Health Sparrow Eaton Hospital, and East Lansing Public Schools to implement the Child and Adolescent Health Center. This follows the inability of the original provider to complete the project.
I.H. Board Member Reports & Requests
I.I. Correspondence
I.I.1) Upcoming Events
I.I.1)a. MASB 2024 Delegate Assembly, October 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., Lansing Center
I.I.1)b. Regular Board Meeting, November 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.J. Adjournment