January 16, 2024 at 6:05 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Review/Discuss 2022-23 TAPR Report
5. Review/Discuss Federal Report Card
6. Audience Questions/Comments
7. Consent Agenda*
7.a. Bills For Payment
7.b. Minutes for December 11, 2023 Regular Report
8. Operations and Finance
8.a. Cash In Bank
8.b. Funding Elements
8.c. Tax Collections
8.d. Financial Statements
9. Discuss/Approve Tax Refund for Mitchell Price in the amount of $1577.70*
10. Central Office Reports
10.a. Discuss Capital Improvement Projects
11. Personnel*
11.a. Recommendations
11.a.1. Discuss/Approve hiring Abbigael Whitten as a teacher under the DOI plan*
11.b. Resignations
11.c. Deliberations Regarding the Employment, Evaluation, and Duties of Administrative/Supervisory Staff
12. Future Agenda Items
13. Adjournment