October 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Audience Questions/Comments
5. CCMR Update from Melonee Fife*
6. Consent Agenda*
6.a. Bills For Payment
6.b. Minutes for September 9, 2024 Regular Meeting
7. Operations and Finance
7.a. Cash In Bank
7.b. Funding Elements
8. Central Office Reports
8.a. FEMA Update
8.b. New Adult Meal Prices for Cafeteria
8.c. Board Hours
9. Discuss/Approve KISD District Improvement Plan*
10. Discuss/Approve the Campus Improvement Plans for KES, KIS, KMS, and KHS*
11. Discuss /Approve Purchase of Expedition*
12. Discuss/Approve Budget Amendment #1 (Purchase of Expedition)*
13. Discuss/Approve Superintendent's recommendation regarding designation of ten non-business PIA days for the calendar year of 2024-2025*
14. Personnel*
14.a. Recommendations
14.a.1. Discuss/Approve hiring Destiny Carrell Stevison as a KES Teacher*
14.b. Resignations
14.c. Deliberations Regarding the Employment, Evaluation, and Duties of Administrative/Supervisory Staff
15. Future Agenda Items
16. Adjournment