March 27, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Education/Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve the Minutes
III. Public and Student Comment
IV. Referendum Construction Update
Estimated Time to Present: 10 minutes
As the referendum funded facility improvements continue to develop, construction and budget updates will routinely be presented.
V. Wisconsin School Nutrition Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (Action Requested)
Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
Wausau School District Nutrition Service Department currently belongs to the Wisconsin School Nutrition Purchasing Cooperative (WiSNP Co-op) group. The WiSNP Co-op is requesting member districts to present the Co-op's resolution to their respective School Boards for approval of continued membership for the 2023-2024 school year.
VI. Private School Boundary Amendment (Action Requested)
Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
All private schools served by the District need to have boundaries approved by the Board. A minor change is being proposed by both Trinity Lutheran School and St. John's Lutheran School to more closely align with the location of the two schools. These two schools have already approved this change and the final step is for the Board to approve the change.
VII. WAVE Charter School Contract Approval (Action Requested)
Estimated Time to Present: 15 Minutes
Dr. Rauscher and Principal Seymour will present the proposed WAVE Charter Contract Renewal to the board.
VIII. Production Agreement between Wausau School District Board of Education and City of Wausau (Action Requested)
Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
The agreement between the school board and the City for the recording of school board meetings was last entered into on December 2, 2014 for the 2015 calendar year. This document is considered intergovernmental, and we are required to have a current agreement.
IX. Adjourn