November 13, 2024 Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. The public business of the agenda will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Amended Regular Meeting/Executive Session
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Items from the Consent Agenda need to be discussed in the Executive Session.
IV. Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item)
Pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204(4) Amend the Agenda, this executive session agenda has been amended to add the following agenda item: To add: Case 24-03 to the Executive Session Agenda under Employee Recommendations; Litigations and Complaints. This item was received today and is time-sensitive. |
V. Approve the Amended Executive Session Agenda (Action Item)
VI. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
VI.A. Employee Recommendations
VI.A.1. Leave Requests
Employee I-2025 Employee E-2025 (3) Employee L-2025 |
VI.A.2. Employee Recommendations
K-2025 H-2023 |
VI.A.3. Release of Contract
Employee J-2025 Employee M-2025 Employee N-2025 |
VI.A.4. Litigations and Complaints
Case #24-03 |
VI.B. Superintendent Evaluation
VII. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VIII. Pledge of Allegiance
IX. Invocation
X. Call to Order
XI. Roll Call
XII. Board Opening Business
XII.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XII.B. Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
Pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204(4) Amend the Agenda, this meeting has been amended to add the following agenda item: To add: "Resignations" to the consent agenda. To Change: HHS - High Desert Marching Band to 4th of July Parade - Washington D.C. - 07-02-2025 to 07-02-2025 to HHS Marching Band to 4th of July Parade - Washington D.C. - 07-02-2025 to 07-05-2024 To add: Proposed Policy 2180 Flag Displays and Proposed Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom for Public Review as action items under Superintendent Reports and Recommendations. To add: Case 24-03 to the Executive Session Agenda under Employee Recommendations, Litigations, and Complaints. These items are time-sensitive and were received today. |
XII.C. Approve the Amended Agenda (Action Item)
XII.D. Staff/Student Recognition
TRHS - Justin Anderson - 6A Boys Golf State Champion |
XII.E. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to report such items at a subsequent meeting.
XII.F. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XII.F.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Executive Session / Work Meeting / Regular Meeting - 10-09-2024 Work Meeting / Executive Session - 10-23-2024 |
XII.F.2. Financial
XII.F.2.a. Accounts Payable
XII.F.2.b. Contracts
XII.F.2.c. Surplus Items
Discovery Elementary - Kindergarten Playground Equipment - Surplus RMMS - Ovens - Surplus RMMS - Cheerleader Uniforms - Surplus
XII.F.3. Employees
XII.F.3.a. Conditional Employment
XII.F.3.b. Leave Requests
Employee E-2025 (3) Employee I-2025 Employee L-2025 |
XII.F.3.c. Resignations
XII.F.3.d. Stipends
XII.F.3.e. Transfers
XII.F.4. Students
XII.F.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XII.F.4.b. Club Requests
BOHS - Business Professional of America Fairview Elementary - Leadership Club LHS - Future Firefighters and EMT Club Praxium Mastery Academy - Business Professionals of America THS - Warhammer Club TRHS - 2024-2025 Clubs BHS - 2024-2025 Clubs Summit Hills Elementary - 2024-2025 Clubs
XII.F.4.c. Trip Requests
HHS - Marching Band to 4th of July Parade - Washington D.C. - 07-02-2024 to 07-05-2024 TRHS Speech and Debate to Rim 2 Rim Speech and Debate Tournament at Twin Falls High School - Twin Falls, ID - 12-13-2024 to
XII.F.5. School Support Organizations
Discovery PTO Woodland Hills PTO Ammon PTO
XIII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item) - if needed
XIV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XIV.A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIV.B. Calendar Recommendations
XIV.B.1. 2025-2026 District Calendar (Action Item)
XIV.B.2. 2026-2027 District Calendar (Action Item)
XIV.B.3. 2027-2028 District Calendar (Action Item)
XIV.C. Mastery-Based Learning Resolution (Action Item)
XIV.D. Proposed Policy 5240 Professional Conduct for Public Review (Action Item)
XIV.E. Proposed Policy 2180 Flag Displays for Public Review (Action Item)
XIV.F. Proposed Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom for Public Review (Action Item)
XV. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XV.B. 3265 Student Owned Electronic Communication Devices
XV.B.1. Cell Phone Use in Schools Survey Results
XV.B.2. Organization of an Advisory Committee (Action Item)
XV.C. Proposed Policy 3540 Emergency Treatment in Schools for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XV.D. Proposed Policy 4165 Parental Involvement in Schools for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XV.E. Supplemental Curriculum Request
XV.E.1. Beloved (Action Item)
XVI. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XVI.A. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XVI.B. Building Capacities and Enrollment Report
XVII. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations
XVII.A. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XVII.B. Proposed Policy 8415 Child Nutrition Meal Charges for Public Review (Action Item)
XVII.C. Supplemental Levy Results
XVIII. Board Closing Business
XVIII.A. ISBA Convention Debrief
XVIII.B. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item)
XVIII.C. Adjournment (Action Item)