September 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Prayer
3. Mission Statement
Through Vision and Commitment, Claude ISD will strive to achieve academic excellence and prepare each student to become a productive member of society. |
4. Public Comments: This item is included in the agenda to provide members of the audience an opportunity to address the Board
5. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on the Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Limitation on Appraised Value between the District and FGE Goodnight I, LLC, Texas Comptroller Application Number 1194, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider Approval of the August 28th Special Meeting Minutes
7. Review Key Polices 2017-18 School Year
7.A. BBB (Local), Elections
Review the Method of Voting specified. |
7.B. BE(Local), Board Meetings
Verify that the information is correctly reflected in the policy. |
7.C. BQ(Local) Series, Planning and Decision-Making Process
At least every two years, a district must evaluate the effectiveness of the district's decision-making and planning policies, procedures, and staff development activities related to district- and campus-level decision making and planning to ensure that they are effectively structured to positively impact student performance. Check that BQ(Local) series provisions are still accurate and that the policy, related procedures, and staff development activities are effectively structured to positively impact student performance. |
8. Consider and Approve Changes to DEC Local/Family Medical Leave Act
9. Consider Nominations for the Armstrong County Appraisal District Board of Directors
9.A. Terms Expiring are Lucas Minkley and Rit Christian
10. Consider/Approve District's goals for 2018-2019
11. Consider/Approve date for School FIRST Public Hearing
12. Consider/Approve Softball Agreement
13. Consider/Approve Concrete Bid
14. Consider & Approve Rekeying the District
15. Discussion of Claude Independent School District/Armstrong County Agriculture Science Facility Rules and Fees
16. Consider and approve budget amendments
17. Consider potential dissolution of current Hutchinson, Armstrong, Carson Counties Shared Services Arrangement Agreement for special education services and discuss possible options
18. Administrative Reports
18.A. Principal's Reports
18.A.1. Elementary Principal
18.A.2. Jr. High/High School Principal
18.B. Athletic Director Report
18.C. Business Manager Report
18.C.1. Financial Report
18.C.2. Tax Collection Report
18.C.3. Investment Report
19. Superintendent's Report
19.A. Enrollment/ADA Report
19.B. October Board Meeting - October 15th or 16th
19.C. Christmas Party Plans
19.D. TASB Legal Seminar Series - November 14th @ Amarillo
19.E. School Board Training Opportunities
19.F. Track Surface & Equipment
20. Personnel:
(Closed Session as per Texas Govt. Code 551.074-Discuss Personnel) |
20.A. Personnel
20.B. Deliberate with School Attorney-if needed
(Closed Session as per Texas Govt. Code 551.071-Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney) |
21. Discussion of Facilities Assessment and Campus Needs
22. Board Report
23. Adjournment