January 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Prayer
3. Mission Statement
Through Vision and Commitment, Claude ISD will strive to achieve academic excellence and prepare each student to become a productive member of society.
4. Public Comments: This item is included in the agenda to provide members of the audience an opportunity to address the Board
4.A. Softball Association will give an update on softball field and baseball field
5. Consider/approve agreement between the American Legion and Softball Association
6. Set Date and Time for Public Hearing for TAPR
7. Facility Update
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. AG Barn MOU
8.B. American Legion MOU
9. Personnel
9.A. Personnel
9.B. Consider/Approve Superintendent's Evaluation
9.C. Consider/Approve Superintendent Contract
10. Adjournment