November 28, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Prayer
3. Mission Statement-Through Vision and Commitment, Claude ISD will strive to achieve academic excellence and prepare each student to become a productive member of society.
4. Public Comments: This item is included in the agenda to provide members of the audience an opportunity to address the Board
(Limited to 15 minutes--Board Policy BED (Local))
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider Approval of the October 9th, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes and the November 5th, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes
6. Consider and Decide on Changes to Student Code of Conduct
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Principal Reports
7.A.1. Elementary Principal
Presenter: Reagan Oles |
7.A.2. Jr High/High School Principal
Presenter: Scott WIlkerson |
7.B. Consider and Approve Campus Improvement Plans
7.C. Business Manager Report
7.C.1. Monthly Financial Report
7.C.2. Investment Report
7.C.3. Tax Collection Report
8. Consider Nominations for Directorship of Armstrong County Appraisal District
9. Adopt Resolution to Apply for Texas Public ISD HVAC Grant
10. Consider Superintendent Evaluation Form
11. Superintendent's Report
11.A. Faculty Christmas Party
11.B. Set Day & Time for December Board Meeting
12. Personnel
12.A. Consider and Approve Staff Christmas Bonus
13. Adjournment