June 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. General Business
I.A. Call to order
Board President Regina Schinker called the meeting to order at .....in the middle/high school library.
I.B. Roll Call
Members present: Roger Cupp, Norma Switalski, Jesse King, Sonya Moyle, Regina Schinker, DyAnn Steinberger and Bob Stuart
I.C. The Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Approval of Minutes, Bills & Receipts and Financial Report
Motion was made by...., seconded by..., to approve the...... Motion carried, 0 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
II. Communication
II.A. Oral
II.B. Written
II.B.1) Michigan Department of Education Letter - Bond Renewal
II.B.2) Thank you note to the Board of Education from the Family of Brenda Samson
II.B.3) Retirement Letter - Jan Griffith, MS/HS Secretary
II.B.4) Resignation of Scott Miller, English and Spanish Teacher
II.B.5) Coaching Resignation Letter - Kenneth Solonika, Cross Country and Girls Varsity Basketball
III. Board Communication
IV. Consent Agenda
A member of the Board may request any item to be removed from the consent resolution and defer it for a specific action and more discussion. No vote of the Board will be required to remove an item from the consent agenda. A single member's request shall cause it to be relocated as an action item eligible for discussion. Any item on the consent agenda may be removed and discussed as a non-action item or be deferred for further study and discussion at a subsequent Board meeting if the Superintendent or any Board member thinks the item requires further discussion. |
IV.A. Approval to extend the contract of Lisa VanZoest, District Business Manager through June 30, 2026
IV.B. Approval of Retrirement Letter - Jan Griffith, MS/HS Secretary
IV.C. Approval of Resignation from Scott Miller, English and Spanish Teacher
IV.D. Approval of hiring of MaKenzie Oatley, Elementary Special Ed Teacher
IV.E. Resignation from Coaching - Kenneth Solonika, Cross Country and Girls Varsity Basketball
V. Reports
V.A. Athletic Report - Glen Samson
V.B. Elementary Report - Angie Crotser
V.B.1) Learning Goals - Mendon Elementary
V.C. Middle/High School Report - Robert Kretschman
V.C.1) Learning Goals - Mendon MS/HS
V.D. Superintendents Report
V.D.1) Discussion of County School of Choice numbers
V.D.2) Bond Renewal Update
V.D.3) Principal Evaluations
V.D.4) Board School Advanced Training Requirement
VI. Discussion Items
VI.A. 2023-2024 General Fund Final and 2024-2025 Proposed budgets
VI.B. 2023-2024 Food Service Final and 2024-2025 Proposed budgets
VI.C. 2023-2024 Fund 29 Special Revenue (Activities) Final and 2024-2025 Proposed budgets
VI.D. FSMC Contract
VI.E. Elementary Kitchen Flooring
VI.F. 2024-2025 Board of Education Meeting and Work Session Schedules
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approval of 2023-2024 General Fund Final and 2024-2025 proposed budgets
VII.B. Approval of 2023-2024 Food Service Final and 2024-2025 proposed budgets
VII.C. Approval of 2023-2024 Fund 29 Special Revenue (Activities) Final and 2024-2025 proposed budgets
VII.D. Approval of FSMC Contract
VII.E. Approval of L-4029 Tax Rate
VII.F. Approval of Superintendent Contract
VII.G. Approval to extend the contracts for Elementary and MS/HS Principals, Angie Crotser and Robert Kretschman through June 30, 2026.
VII.H. Approval of 2024-2025 Board of Education Meeting and Work Session Schedules
VII.I. Approval of 2024-2025 Elementary Assessment Plan
VII.J. Approval of Triangle App#01 - Elementary HVAC Pay App $17,768.00
VII.K. Approval of Elementary Kitchen Flooring
VIII. Good of the Order:
IX. Adjournment