February 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Board Recognitions
Steve Stanford
3. Public Comment/Audience Participation
4. Board President's Comments
Russ Garner
5. Superintendent Reports and Board Information
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Dr. Randy Davis
6.B. Consider/Approve Board Meeting Minutes
6.C. Consider/Approve Financial Statement and Expenditures
Glenn Graham
6.D. Consider/Approve Monthly Tax Office Report
Glenn Graham
6.E. Consider/Approve Quarterly Investment Report (2nd Quarter)
Glenn Graham
Quarterly Investment Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2024
Background: Per Board Policy CDA and Public Investment Act of Texas, Governmental Code 2256.023, the Quarterly Investment Report is being presented to the Board of Trustees for review and consideration of approval. On November 21, 2024, the investment officers submitted the 1st Quarter Investment Report for the 2024-2025 year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the 2nd Quarter 2024-2025 Investment Report as presented.
6.F. Consider/Approve FF&E Expenditures for Mayfair Elementary School
Glenn Graham
Mayfair Elementary FF&E Expenditures
Background: The Purchasing Department has planned for the purchase of the furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) for Mayfair Elementary School. This purchase includes many necessary items to complete the interior of the campus once the construction is substantially complete. Recommendation:It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the FF&E expenditures for Mayfair Elementary School as presented.
6.G. Consider/Approve CH Local Expenditures
Glenn Graham
CH Local Expenditure Approval
Background: Per Board Policy CH Local, The Board of Directors must approve expenditures $200,000.00 and over. The Board of Trustees approved the delegation of authority to district administration to negotiate and execute agreements for Professional Services needed to complete Bond projects as assigned. SVHS Retro Commissioning was approved with Bond 23. Construction and Planning is proposing to assign the work to Alderson & Associates Inc as one of the approved vendors in the Professional Services Pool. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Professional Services expenditures for SVHS Retro Commissioning as presented.
6.H. Consider/Approve RFQ 25-15 Long Range Facility and Bond Assistance Evaluation
Glenn Graham
25-15 Long Range Facility and Bond Assistance
Background: A request for qualifications (RFQ) was issued by the district to select a professional service firm to assist with Long Range Facility and Bond Assistance. Firms were ranked according to the published scoring criteria. The resulting firm rankings from the RFQ process is being presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration and possible approval for expenditures associated with the services. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the 25-15 Long Range Facility & Bond Assistance evaluation results as presented.
6.I. Consider/Approve Purchase of Campus Public Address System Upgrades
Scott Monroe
Campus Public Address System Upgrades
Background: Per Board Policy CH Local, The Board of Directors must approve expenditures $200,000.00 and over. The Technology Department is seeking approval to award the contract to upgrade 12 campuses with end-of-life public address systems to the current district standard. The funding for the project was included in the 2023 Bond. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase and installation of public address systems from Beckwith Electrical Engineering in an amount of $433,028 with an additional 10% contingency, for a total procurement authorization of $476,330.80.
6.J. Consider/Approve Comal County Election Contract
Steve Stanford
Election contract for election services
Background: The proposed contract for services for the May 3 Board election are similar to past contracts with the Comal County Clerk and will ensure that the District complies with Texas law with respect to this election. The proposed contract submitted for approval contains an estimate of costs but cannot be finalized until the election costs have all been determined by the County. Only the actual expenses directly attributable to the District under the contract with the County may be charged to the District. The District’s requirement to pay its fair share of the cost of the joint elections will not be fully determined until the District has received the final invoice; however, the District is expected to pay a deposit against the full cost. Payment of the balance will be in accordance with Section 2251.031 of the Texas Government Code and the District’s payment procedures as set out in Board Policy CHF (Legal). Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Contract for Election Services to be provided by the Comal County Clerk as presented.
6.K. Consider/Approve Bexar County Election Contract
Steve Stanford
Election contract for election services
Background: The proposed contract for services for the May 3 Board election are similar to past contracts with the Bexar County Elections Administrator and will ensure that the District complies with Texas law with respect to this election. The proposed contract submitted for approval contains an estimate of costs but cannot be finalized until the election costs have all been determined by the County. Only the actual expenses directly attributable to the District under the contract with the County may be charged to the District. The District’s requirement to pay its fair share of the cost of the joint elections will not be fully determined until the District has received the final invoice; however, the District is expected to pay a deposit against the full cost. Payment of the balance will be in accordance with Section 2251.031 of the Texas Government Code and the District’s payment procedures as set out in Board Policy CHF (Legal). Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintedent that the Board of Trustees approve the Contract for Election Services to be provided by the Bexar County Elections Administrator as presented.
6.L. Consider/Approve Guadalupe County Election Contract
Steve Stanford
Election contract for election services
Background: The proposed contract for services for the May 3 Board election are similar to past contracts with the Guadalupe County Elections Administrator and will ensure that the District complies with Texas law with respect to this election. The proposed contract submitted for approval contains an estimate of costs but cannot be finalized until the election costs have all been determined by the County. Only the actual expenses directly attributable to the District under the contract with the County may be charged to the District. The District’s requirement to pay its fair share of the cost of the joint elections will not be fully determined until the District has received the final invoice; however, the District is expected to pay a deposit against the full cost. Payment of the balance will be in accordance with Section 2251.031 of the Texas Government Code and the District’s payment procedures as set out in Board Policy CHF (Legal). Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Contract for Election Services to be provided by the Guadalupe County Elections Administrator as presented.
6.M. Consider/Approve Comal County Joint Election Agreement
Steve Stanford
Joint election agreement with municipalities holding elections on May 3, 2025.
Background: Section 11.0581, Education Code, requires that the District be in a joint election with a municipality located in the school district when the general election of District trustees is called. In addition, Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code encourages elections ordered by two or more political subdivisions to be held jointly on the same day in all or part of the same county. On May 3, 2025, elections have been ordered by multiple governmental entities in Comal County, all which desire to conduct joint elections with Comal ISD using the Countywide Polling Place Program that has been authorized by Comal County under Section 43.007 of the Election Code. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the Joint Election Agreement for the May 3, 2025 election between Comal ISD, Comal County and the other governmental entities listed within the agreement.
6.N. Consider/Approve Bexar County Joint Election Agreement
Steve Stanford
Joint election agreement with municipalities holding elections on May 3, 2025.
Background: Section 11.0581, Education Code, requires that the District be in a joint election with a municipality located in the school district when the general election of District trustees is called. In addition, Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code encourages elections ordered by two or more political subdivisions to be held jointly on the same day in all or part of the same county. On May 3, 2025, elections have been ordered by multiple governmental entities in Bexar County, all which desire to conduct joint elections with Comal ISD using the Countywide Polling Place Program that has been authorized by Bexar County under Section 43.007 of the Election Code. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Joint Election Agreement for the May 3, 2025 election between Comal ISD, Bexar County and the other governmental entities listed within the agreement.
6.O. Consider/Approve Guadalupe County Joint Election Agreement
Steve Stanford
Joint election agreement with municipalities holding elections on May 3, 2025.
Background: Section 11.0581, Education Code, requires that the District be in a joint election with a municipality located in the school district when the general election of District trustees is called. In addition, Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code encourages elections ordered by two or more political subdivisions to be held jointly on the same day in all or part of the same county. On May 3, 2025, elections have been ordered by multiple governmental entities in Guadalupe County, all which desire to conduct joint elections with Comal ISD using the Countywide Polling Place Program that has been authorized by Guadalupe County under Section 43.007 of the Election Code. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Joint Election Agreement for the May 3, 2025 election between Comal ISD, Guadalupe County and the other governmental entities listed within the agreement.
6.P. Consider/Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) System Package 2 for STZES HVAC Scope
Mark Stahl
Goal #6: Facilities / Growth & Planning
Background: The Construction and Planning Department is seeking approval for (GMP) #4 with Dawson Construction Company for the purpose of constructing phase #1 of HVAC replacement at STZES. This GMP is part of the System Package 2 of the 2023 Bond program. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve GMP #4 for System Package 2 as presented.
7. Items for Discussion and/or Action
7.A. Items Removed from Consent
7.B. Consider/Approve Resolution Authorizing Payment for Staff - January 21, 2025, Winter Event
Glenn Graham
Due to inclement weather resulting in freezing precipitation, Comal ISD closed regular operations on January 21, 2025. The decision to close schools and departments was made to ensure the safety of students and staff due to hazardous road conditions.
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the resolution as presented.
7.C. Consideration and Possible Approval of Boundary Line Changes for JRES / ISES
Krista Moffatt and Mark Stahl
Based on current and projected enrollment trends, we recommend adjusting the boundaries to transfer approximately 220 students from Johnson Ranch Elementary to Indian Springs Elementary.
Johnson Ranch Elementary currently serves 1,221 students, exceeding its classroom capacity of 854. This adjustment will reduce overcrowding at Johnson Ranch and help balance enrollment across the district, while optimizing capacity at Indian Springs Elementary. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve boundary line changes for JRES and ISES as presented.
7.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of Mayfair Elementary School Staffing Request
Dr. Randy Davis
Goal #4 Employee Recruitment / Retention
Background: In preparation for campus staffing allocations for the 2025-2026 school year, the administration is presenting to the Board of Trustees a request for the initial staffing of Mayfair Elementary School. The district’s plan at this time is to schedule students who will move to Mayfair Elementary School with the teacher that will move as well. However, staffing will be impacted by the addition of the building’s special education and support positions. The administration is asking for 33 FTE positions to be hired for the 2025-26 school year and 1 FTE for remainder of the 2024-25 school year. This year’s 1.0 FTE position is for the senior associate to support the principal in hiring efforts. This request will be the first of two staffing requests this Spring. We are currently assessing the district’s growth and will present the data in March. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the staffing allocations for Mayfair Elementary School for the 25-26 school year as presented.
8. Adjournment