May 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM - Investment/Finance/Audit Committee
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Standing Committee Items:
2.A. INFORMATION ITEM: Becoming an Entrepreneurial Community College
2.B. INFORMATION ITEM: April FY23 Financial Snapshot and Capital Projections
2.C. INFORMATION ITEM: Preliminary Property Tax Values and Property Tax Projections
2.D. INFORMATION ITEM: TASB Salary Study Clarification
3. New Business Items:
3.A. ACTION ITEM: To consider a recommendation to engage in a Broker-Dealer Service based on the RFQ No 2022BrokerSrvs04 and authorize the College President to execute same.
3.B. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval of a Debt Management Plan
3.C. ACTION ITEM: To consider adoption of Resolution R-2023-8; Interlocal Agreement for Assessment and Collection of Taxes between Upshur County and Kilgore College.
3.D. INFORMATION ITEM: Dual Credit Discount
3.E. INFORMATION ITEM: Athletics Financials
3.F. INFORMATION ITEM: New TASB Legal policies (Information only)
3.F.1. CAAA (LEGAL) - State and Federal Sources - State
3.F.2. CAD (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Bond Issues
3.F.3. CAE (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Time Warrants
3.F.4. CAF (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Certificates of Indebtedness
3.F.5. CAG (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Revenue Bonds and Obligations
3.F.6. CAH (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Loans and Notes
3.F.7. CAI (LEGAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Ad Valorem Taxes
4. Walk-ins: All
5. Adjourn