Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
IV. Good News
V. Superintendent Informational Report
V.A. Student Representative Report
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
VI.A. Community Connections Committee
VI.B. Student Success Committee
VI.C. Facilities & Finance Committee
VI.D. Culture & Leadership Committee
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
VII.A. Bond Bid Approval Request
VII.B. Out of State Trip
VII.C. Section 105 Schools of Choice
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Other Matters - Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Lakeshore Public Schools |
Meeting: | March 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Rachel Wade
At this time, the Board will conduct the routine activities related to calling the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
INTRODUCTIONS will be conducted by the Board President. |
Subject: |
II. Approval of Agenda
Presenter: |
Rachel Wade
The Board should consider any changes or additions to the agenda including the potential removal of any matter scheduled as a consent action item. The Board should approve the agenda with one of the following motions:
Subject: |
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
Presenter: |
Rachel Wade
The Board may approve these Consent Action items with the following motion:
Minutes - that the minutes of the February 10, 2025, regular meeting be approved as presented; and Financial Statement & Bills - that the February 2025 financial statements be accepted, and the February 2025 payrolls be approved for payment as presented. |
Subject: |
IV. Good News
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
We have staff and students from Roosevelt Elementary sharing about the 4th Grade trip to Lansing.
Subject: |
V. Superintendent Informational Report
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was performed in February, and it was amazing! I was able to attend the dress rehearsal on Thursday, and I thought everyone was perfect. Congratulations to a group of very talented students, as well as to our staff for being able to see all of their hard work pay off!!
Niche updated their list of top schools in Michigan and Lakeshore was named #36 (of 538 they ranked). Niche grades schools based on Academics, Teachers, Clubs & Activities, Diversity, College Prep, and Administration. Lakeshore coming in the top 7% of all school districts in the State is a testament to the amazing staff, students, and families that call Lakeshore home. A very proud moment for all of us! I am taking part in a Berrien County RESA subcommittee focused on systems that can aid in managing elementary student behavior. The committee has two items that are currently being researched. One is developing behavior coaches that can be used all throughout the county to help with managing behavior and teaching staff how to manage the student without getting hurt. The second is to look into the option of a general-education transitional room, run by the RESA, that could be used when a student needs to be removed from school for a period of time. I’ll keep the Board updated on the progress of this committee. We recently had two half days for staff professional development. Secondary staff worked in teams focused on their PLC work, and combined to have professional development around the uses and benefits of AI, both for students and for staff. And the elementary discussed the reading intervention program, the upcoming parts of the Reading Curriculum, and provided input on the master schedule for next year. And on Friday, February 14th, the Middle School hosted their annual Career Day, which was AWESOME. I was able to stop by for about an hour before I had to go to a Superintendent meeting at RESA. |
Subject: |
V.A. Student Representative Report
Presenter: |
Kennedy Bowman
This past month, I met with the Hollywood Elementary student lighthouse team and the High Schools student voice team. We discussed possible concerns and/or ideas that they may have had to bring to the Board and the building administrator. Items that were talked about include adding more lunch options, getting Hollywood’s garden fixed up, the school day schedule and timing of classes, and locker issues. The Board and building administrators will receive a full handout of these items.
I will be reaching out to the Stewart and Roosevelt student leadership groups this upcoming month to discuss any concerns or ideas they may have as well. |
Subject: |
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
Subject: |
VI.A. Community Connections Committee
Presenter: |
Scott Allan
The Community Connections Committee met on Tuesday, February 11. Present at the meeting were Scott Allan, Rachel Wade, Jessica Bigley, Susan Toothman, and Greg Eding. The Committee continued working on the Community Forum that will take place in late April. An agenda for the night was sketched out that will include a presentation with four areas of focus, and opportunities for participants to learn more about each focus area as they desire. The full plan will go out to all Board members and the District before Spring Break.
Subject: |
VI.B. Student Success Committee
Presenter: |
Jessica Bigley
The Student Success Committee met on Tuesday, February 25. Present in the meeting were Bill Scaletta, Greg Eding, Jeron Blood, Natalie Macerata, and Jessica Bigley. The committee was trained in the use of Munetrix, an online database used to disseminate data in public schools. All Board members will receive login credential information and will be shown how to use the database to look up information. The Board credentials take into consideration FERPA rules, thus no specific student information is shown. This will be a great tool for our District as we move forward with our Strategic Plan updates.
Subject: |
VI.C. Facilities & Finance Committee
Presenter: |
Lori VonKoenig
On Tuesday, March 4, the Facilities and Finance Committee met, consisting of Rachel Wade, Griffin Ott, Greg Eding, Tracy Althouse, Lori VonKoenig, and guests Nick White and Kennedy Bowman.
Items discussed but not limited to include the following:
Subject: |
VI.D. Culture & Leadership Committee
Presenter: |
Bill Scaletta
The Culture and Leadership Committee met on Friday, March 7. Present at the meeting were Griffin Ott, Susan Toothman, Greg Eding, and Bill Scalleta. The committee reviewed the staff survey data, discussing the overall goal, and the points that were learned from this year’s survey. Susan Toothman discussed an online course she took through Michigan Virtual about Unconscious Bias, and said it was an excellent course and might be something valuable for staff in the future. The committee reviewed the upcoming plans for a final wellness challenge of the year that Mrs. Toothman is organizing.
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
Subject: |
VII.A. Bond Bid Approval Request
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
David Innes of Owen-Ames-Kimball is here to briefly go over the 15 bids as part of Bid Package #4 - Middle School Kitchen Addition & Bus Lot, for the bond project with the recommendation that the Board approve the following bidders as follows, totaling $622,103.00:
Earthwork Hollerbach Excavating - Stevensville, MI $44,795 Concrete CPM Construction, Inc. -St. Joseph, MI $40,681 Masonry CPM Construction, Inc. -St. Joseph, MI $79,031 Steel Real Steel Manufacturing - Muskegon, MI $20,000 General Trades Roggow Construction - St. Joseph, MI $29,850 Metal Panel Reliable Sheet Metal - Byron Center, MI $35,000 Roofing Hoekstra Roofing Co. - Kalamazoo, MI $32,975 Aluminum, Glass & Glazing Reliable Glass Installers, LLC - Kalamazoo, MI $8,780 Flooring Ritsema Associates - Kalamazoo, MI $17,775 Painting H & H Painting Co. - Kalamazoo, MI $6,800 Food Service Equipment Stafford Smith Inc. - Kalamazoo, MI $100,149 Mechanical & Plumbing R.W. Lapine, Inc. - Kalamazoo, MI $46,400 Electrical & Fire Alarm Mead & White Electric Co. - South Bend, IN $27,677 Asphalt Michigan Paving Materials Co. - Kalamazoo, MI $67,000 Casework Woodsmiths Custom Millwork - Kalamazoo, MI $65,190 |
Subject: |
VII.B. Out of State Trip
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
High School Physics Teacher Jeff Chorny is requesting approval for a day trip to Cedar Point on May 20, 2025. Twenty-three physics students will be doing lab activities for a grade in the classroom.
Subject: |
VII.C. Section 105 Schools of Choice
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
Each year, the Board will decide on participation in the Schools of Choice program. For the 2025-2026 school year, I recommend that we continue our involvement in the program on a limited basis. I request that the Board grant the administration the authority to determine the number of students accepted at each grade level as enrollment projections for the upcoming school year become more defined.
Subject: |
VIII. Public Comment
Presenter: |
Rachel Wade
The Board President will call on citizens who would like to make comments or express concerns at this time. The Board of Education Policy, "Public Participation at Board Meetings," applies to this section of the Agenda.
Subject: |
IX. Other Matters - Adjournment
Presenter: |
Rachel Wade
A. Board Meeting Evaluation - Evaluations are available for the audience.
B. Suggested Meeting Guide - Enclosed is the Suggested Meeting Guide for Board members to review. C. Adjournment - |
5771 Cleveland Ave., Stevensville MI 49127 269-428-1400 |