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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
IV. Good News
V. Superintendent Informational Report
V.A. Student Representative Report
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
VI.A. Election of Board Officers 
VI.B. By-Laws Resolution
VI.C. Facilities and Finance Committee
VI.D. Culture & Leadership Committee
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
VII.A. Overnight Trips
VII.B. Vehicle Conditional Bid
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Other Matters - Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting

Lakeshore Public Schools

Meeting: January 13, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 
Rachel Wade
At this time, the Board will conduct the routine activities related to calling the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

INTRODUCTIONS will be conducted by the Board President.
II. Approval of Agenda
Rachel Wade
The Board should consider any changes or additions to the agenda including the potential removal of any matter scheduled as a consent action item.  The Board should approve the agenda with one of the following motions:
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
Rachel Wade
The Board may approve the Consent Action items with the following motion:

Minutes - that the minutes of the December 9, 2024, regular meeting be approved as presented;

Financial Statement & Bills - that the December 2024 financial statements be accepted, and the December 2024 payrolls be approved for payment;

Bank Depositories - that Honor Credit Union, United Federal Credit Union and Huntington National Bank be designated as official school depositories for 2025 fiscal accounts;

Check Signatures - that the Chief Financial Officer or the Superintendent be authorized to sign vouchers for the General Fund, 2023 Capital Projects Fund, Public Improvement Fund, Building and Site Sinking Fund, 2013 & 2023 Debt Retirement Funds, Accounts Payable, School Service Funds, Payroll Revolving, Administrative Petty Cash Fund, Custodial Fund and that any one of the Board officers be designated as alternate signers.  A financial statement regarding these funds will be included at each regular Board meeting;

Investment Funds - where the Chief Financial Officer/Superintendent is and are hereby authorized to invest monies from the various funds of the district in a manner prescribed under Section 380.1223 of the Michigan State School Code of 1976 and Board Policy, to gain the best possible interest return and to safeguard the revenues of the district.  The following banks and firms are hereby authorized as investment depositories: 
  • Chase Bank                                
  • Honor Credit Union
  • Comerica Bank                             
  • Fifth Third Bank                        
  • 1st Source Bank  
  • Huntington National Bank
  • Bank of America
  • Horizon Bank
  • United Federal Credit Union
  • National City Bank
  • Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund (MILAF)
  • Michigan Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System-CLASS;

Deputy to the Board Secretary - that the Superintendent/Chief Financial Officer be appointed Deputy to the Board Secretary for the purpose of dealing with all matters relating to school elections;
Executive Secretary - that the Superintendent be authorized to act as the Executive Secretary of the Board for the purpose of signing all communications from the Board of Education;

Sign Contracts/Accept Resignations - that the Superintendent be authorized to issue and sign all contracts with teachers and administrators, subject to Board approval, to issue and sign all extra duty contracts and to accept any resignations when tendered by an employee;

Appoint School Counsel - that the law firm of Thrun Law Firm, P.C. of Lansing, Michigan be appointed school counsel on matters dealing with bonding, negotiations, elections, and other concerns for the year 2025;

Policies - that all existing policies, by-laws, and administrative rules previously approved by the Lakeshore Board of Education be readopted and that the President be authorized to appoint a Policy Committee for 2025 to review Board Policies and make recommendations;

State/Federal Programs - that Lakeshore Public Schools participate in the following special programs during the year 2025:
  • ESEA Title I, IIA, and IV                 
  • Federal Special Education IDEA
  • Berrien RESA Section 56 CTE Consortium
  • Other Miscellaneous Governmental and Private Foundations

Grant Opportunities and that the Superintendent be authorized to represent Lakeshore by signing all applications and that the Chief Financial Officer be authorized to sign financial reports;

 Negotiations/Chief Spokesperson - that the Superintendent, and/or his designee be appointed to represent or retain professional representation for the Board of Education in all matters dealing with employee negotiations and that the Superintendent be authorized to organize the negotiation teams as needed and make periodic reports to the Board of Education;

 Renewal of Board of Education Memberships - that the Board of Education renew its annual membership in the Berrien/Cass/Van Buren School Boards Association, Michigan School Equity Caucus, Michigan Association of School Boards and MASB Legal Trust Fund.
IV. Good News
Greg Eding
Members from Stewart Elementary will give an update on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
V. Superintendent Informational Report
Greg Eding

This week completes the first semester of the 2024-25 school year.  It has been a semester that has provided our staff with growth opportunities through the adoption of new curriculum, changes in intervention, and increases in student behavior.  But it has also been a rewarding semester as we have worked together to meet these challenges!

We have had two significant issues dealing with electronic data over the past month, both of which will take some time to iron out.  The first was a network issue that happened on our internal network which has caused a lot of issues regarding access to our network.  With it being the end of our semester, some teachers have really had to scramble to be ready for exams.

The second data issue involves our student information system, PowerSchool, which had a data breach that happened at the PowerSchool Corporate Headquarters.  PowerSchool has addressed the vulnerability and will keep Lakeshore, as well as individual staff members and families, informed about the impact.

It is unsettling that these issues happened, and it has caused a lot of frustration for our employees.  Our Lakeshore Technology Team—David Barze, Brian Ames, Austin Partee, and Director Chris Quartermaine—has been working tirelessly to assist employees and students in regaining access to critical resources, such as Internet services, printing, and Google platforms (Email, Drive, etc.). Their dedication and expertise have been nothing short of remarkable, and I am incredibly proud of their commitment to supporting our community.

As January is School Board Appreciation Month, I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the impact that our school board members have on our entire school community. As Brené Brown wisely states, 'Daring leaders who live into their values are never silent about hard things.' Our school board exemplifies this kind of leadership. You guide our district with courage, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to our shared values, even in the face of tough decisions. Thank you for your dedication to making our schools a place where every student can thrive.

There are events like School Board meetings which are very visible moments where everyone can witness the work of our Board members.  But as a School Board member, a school board meeting is just a small sample of their dedication to Lakeshore Schools.  Each Board member is part of two Board committees that meet monthly.  Board members read, analyze, inquire, and communicate prior to each meeting.  They have conversations with community members about school functions, they write letters in support of Lakeshore Schools to lawmakers, and they meet with administrators and staff members when asked.  They are true servant leaders and I cannot thank them enough for the work they do to make Lakeshore a great place to be.  Thank you!
V.A. Student Representative Report
Kennedy Bowman
Kennedy will present her report.
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
VI.A. Election of Board Officers 
Rachel Wade
At this time, the Lakeshore Board of Education will nominate and vote on the slate of officers for 2025.

VI.B. By-Laws Resolution
Rachel Wade
Each year, the Board of Education adopts the By-Laws Resolution which re-adopts the by-laws of the Board of Education and sets their regular monthly meeting dates, times and place.  

1.) The by-laws of the Board of Education are hereby adopted and shall remain in effect until changed or rescinded by the Board; and
  1. Regular monthly meetings of the Board of Education of Lakeshore Public Schools, Berrien County, Michigan, shall be held the 2nd Monday of each month unless conflicting with a legal holiday or changed by a resolution of the Board (see meeting dates below), commencing at 5:30 PM, in the Lakeshore High School LEF Learning Center and that no further notice of such meetings shall be required to be given to the members of said Board; 
3.) All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby rescinded.

            2025 REGULAR MEETING DATES - High School LEF Learning Center, 5:30 PM
               February 10, 2025                 June 9, 2025                       October 13, 2025
               March 10, 2025                    ^July 14, 2025                    November 10, 2025
               April 14, 2025                      ^August 11, 2025              December 8, 2025
               May 12, 2025, 5:00 PM       September 8, 2025             January 12, 2026 (Organizational Mtg.)
                ^Held at the Central Administration Office at 7:30 AM
Facilities & Finance

1st Tues 7:15 AM
Community Connections

2nd Tues 4:15 PM
Culture & Leadership

1st Fri 7:15 AM
Student Success

Last Tue 7:30 AM

Ad hoc

Upon request to the Board President, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in the meetings.
VI.C. Facilities and Finance Committee
Griffin Ott
On January 7, the Facilities and Finance Committee met, consisting of Lori VonKoenig, Tracy Althouse, Greg Eding, and Griffin Ott.
Items discussed but not limited to include the following:
  • Tracy reviewed the monthly financials with the committee, which were condensed and limited due to technical issues.  As reports become available, she will send the updates to the committee.
  • Greg discussed and gave further updates on the District’s technology issues.   He continued with crediting our IT department for their tireless efforts in getting the District up and running.
  • The MS kitchen update was discussed and will include a small expansion for additional freezer space.
  • Greg reported on various personnel issues as well as an update on negotiations.
VI.D. Culture & Leadership Committee
Bill Scaletta
The Culture and Leadership Committee met on Friday, January 10.  Present in the meeting were Lori VonKoenig, Susan Toothman, Greg Eding, and Bill Scaletta.  The group discussed staffing situations in each building.  Greg also discussed and gave further updates on the District’s technology issues.

The Community Connections Committee will meet tomorrow, and the Student Success Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 28th.
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
VII.A. Overnight Trips
Greg Eding

Math & Science Center Teacher Jon Woodard is requesting approval for two overnight trips. The first is the MSC Sophomores Winter Trip to Michiana Service Camp in Niles, MI on February 22-23, to enjoy some outdoor activities, hopefully in the snow.  The second is a Capstone trip for the MSC Seniors to travel to Ocoee (oh KOH e), TN on April 25-28 to celebrate their MSC journey by participating in hiking, caving, and whitewater rafting.
VII.B. Vehicle Conditional Bid
Greg Eding
10-Passenger Van
At the recommendation of Operations Manager Nick White, we endorse issuing a conditional bid with the intent of purchasing a 10-passenger van not to exceed $39,000.00.  General funds would be used for this purchase.
VIII. Public Comment
Rachel Wade
The Board President will call on citizens who would like to make comments or express concerns at this time.  The Board of Education Policy, "Public Participation at Board Meetings," applies to this section of the Agenda.
IX. Other Matters - Adjournment
Rachel Wade
A.  Board Meeting Evaluation - Evaluations are available for the audience.

B.  Suggested Meeting Guide - Enclosed is the Suggested Meeting Guide for Board members to review.
C.  Adjournment -

5771 Cleveland Ave., Stevensville MI  49127  269-428-1400

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