Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of a Quorum
C. Executive Session
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
C.1.a. Campus and District Administrator Contracts
C.1.b. Director and Supervisor Contracts
C.1.c. CTE Director
C.1.d. Band Director for Brownsboro ISD
C.2. 551.071 Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
C.2.a. Atmos Energy
D. Invocation
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
F. Bond Update
G. Spotlight
G.1. Brownsboro Junior High School
G.2. Brownsboro High School
G.3. Student Media Thrift Store
H. Recognition
H.1. Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year
I. Information
I.1. Annual Report of Local Debt Information
I.2. Quarterly Report
I.3. First Public Bond Account
I.4. 2024-2025 Next Steps Mid-Year Summary of Services
I.5. Chromebook Purchase
I.6. Accounts Payable
J. Community Input - Action Agenda Items
K. Action Items
K.1. Consent Agenda
K.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
K.1.b. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
K.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
K.1.d. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
K.1.e. Consider Approval of TASB Localized Policy Update 124 (Second Reading)
K.2. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Campus and District Administrators
K.3. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Directors and Supervisors
K.4. Consider and Possible Approval of Employing a CTE Director for Brownsboro High School
K.5. Consider Possible Employment of a Band Director for Brownsboro ISD
K.6. Consider and Possible Approval of Arbitrage Consulting Agreement
K.7. Consider and Possible Approval of Bid for Storage Tank and Booster Station from Brannon Engineering & Consulting
K.8. Consider and Possible Approval of Contracting with Rutherford, Taylor & Company, P.C. as Audit Firm for Brownsboro I.S.D.
K.9. Consider and Possible Purchase of 500 Chromebooks
K.10. Consider and Possible Purchase of Auditorium Network Equipment from Bond Fund
L. Public Comment
M. Superintendent's Report
N. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order
Subject: |
B. Establishment of a Quorum
Subject: |
C. Executive Session
Subject: |
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
Subject: |
C.1.a. Campus and District Administrator Contracts
Subject: |
C.1.b. Director and Supervisor Contracts
Subject: |
C.1.c. CTE Director
Subject: |
C.1.d. Band Director for Brownsboro ISD
Subject: |
C.2. 551.071 Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
Subject: |
C.2.a. Atmos Energy
Subject: |
D. Invocation
Subject: |
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
Subject: |
F. Bond Update
Subject: |
G. Spotlight
Subject: |
G.1. Brownsboro Junior High School
Subject: |
G.2. Brownsboro High School
Subject: |
G.3. Student Media Thrift Store
Subject: |
H. Recognition
Subject: |
H.1. Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year
Subject: |
I. Information
Subject: |
I.1. Annual Report of Local Debt Information
Subject: |
I.2. Quarterly Report
Subject: |
I.3. First Public Bond Account
Subject: |
I.4. 2024-2025 Next Steps Mid-Year Summary of Services
Subject: |
I.5. Chromebook Purchase
Subject: |
I.6. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
J. Community Input - Action Agenda Items
Subject: |
K. Action Items
Subject: |
K.1. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
K.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
Subject: |
K.1.b. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
Subject: |
K.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
K.1.d. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
Subject: |
K.1.e. Consider Approval of TASB Localized Policy Update 124 (Second Reading)
Subject: |
K.2. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Campus and District Administrators
Subject: |
K.3. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Directors and Supervisors
Subject: |
K.4. Consider and Possible Approval of Employing a CTE Director for Brownsboro High School
Subject: |
K.5. Consider Possible Employment of a Band Director for Brownsboro ISD
Subject: |
K.6. Consider and Possible Approval of Arbitrage Consulting Agreement
Subject: |
K.7. Consider and Possible Approval of Bid for Storage Tank and Booster Station from Brannon Engineering & Consulting
Subject: |
K.8. Consider and Possible Approval of Contracting with Rutherford, Taylor & Company, P.C. as Audit Firm for Brownsboro I.S.D.
Subject: |
K.9. Consider and Possible Purchase of 500 Chromebooks
Subject: |
K.10. Consider and Possible Purchase of Auditorium Network Equipment from Bond Fund
Subject: |
L. Public Comment
Subject: |
M. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
N. Adjourn