Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order/Declaration of Quorum
2. Pledge/Invocation
3. Presentation
3.A. February Spotlight Staff & Students
4. Information Item
5. Public Hearing
5.A. Annual TAPR Report
6. Public Testimony for Agenda Items
7. Status Report Concerning the Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes by Perdue, Fielder, Collins & Mott, LLP
8. Action Items
8.A. Consider and Act Upon the Resale of Lot 10, Block 4, Harlem Heights Addition, City of Luling, Caldwell County, Texas (Tax Account No, 25765)
8.B. Consideration/Possible Approval of 2025-2026 District Calendar
8.C. Consideration/Possible Action Regarding TASB Update 124
8.D. Consideration/Possible Approval of 2025-2026 Luling High School Course Catalog
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Consideration/Possible Approval of Minutes of Board Meetings - January 23, 2025
10. Business Office Report
10.A. Comparison of Expenditures & Encumbrances to Budget
10.B. Cash Position & Investment Report
10.C. Tax Collection Report
11. Future Meeting Dates
12. Closed Session - The Board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); Section 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property); Section 551.074 (Discussion regarding Personnel) and Section 551.076 (Deliberation regarding implementation of security personnel or devides) specifically to discuss:
13. Open Session - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the Board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
14. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order/Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
2. Pledge/Invocation
Subject: |
3. Presentation
Subject: |
3.A. February Spotlight Staff & Students
Subject: |
4. Information Item
Subject: |
5. Public Hearing
Subject: |
5.A. Annual TAPR Report
Subject: |
6. Public Testimony for Agenda Items
Public testimony is for agenda-specific comments about the items scheduled for action or discussion with possible action.
Subject: |
7. Status Report Concerning the Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes by Perdue, Fielder, Collins & Mott, LLP
Subject: |
8. Action Items
Subject: |
8.A. Consider and Act Upon the Resale of Lot 10, Block 4, Harlem Heights Addition, City of Luling, Caldwell County, Texas (Tax Account No, 25765)
Subject: |
8.B. Consideration/Possible Approval of 2025-2026 District Calendar
Subject: |
8.C. Consideration/Possible Action Regarding TASB Update 124
Subject: |
8.D. Consideration/Possible Approval of 2025-2026 Luling High School Course Catalog
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
9.A. Consideration/Possible Approval of Minutes of Board Meetings - January 23, 2025
Subject: |
10. Business Office Report
Subject: |
10.A. Comparison of Expenditures & Encumbrances to Budget
Subject: |
10.B. Cash Position & Investment Report
Subject: |
10.C. Tax Collection Report
Subject: |
11. Future Meeting Dates
Subject: |
12. Closed Session - The Board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); Section 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property); Section 551.074 (Discussion regarding Personnel) and Section 551.076 (Deliberation regarding implementation of security personnel or devides) specifically to discuss:
Subject: |
13. Open Session - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the Board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
Subject: |
14. Adjournment