July 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation:
RayLee Rodriguez
3. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)]:
4. Reports:
4.A. Superintendent's Report — GOAL 3, 4
4.A.1. Team Building- July 14 @ 6:30 presenter David Koempel
4.A.2. On Line Registration -
4.A.3. Dress Code update
4.B. Building Update and Construction Timeline — GOAL 5
Todd Brendalen / Chris Brzozpwski
4.C. Employee Handbook for 2021-2022
Mr. Mircovich
4.D. STAAR Scores Update — GOAL 1,2
Miss Mircovich
4.E. Tax collections
4.F. Check Register
5. Consent Agenda Items:
5.A. Minutes for regular and special meetings.
5.B. SHAC Report
5.C. Appraisal Calendar for the 2020-2021 school year
5.D. Financial Reports
5.E. Investment Report
6. Action Items:
6.A. Review and adopt Local Policy Update 117 as presented by TASB affecting CH(LOCAL): Purchasing And Acquisition, CV(LOCAL): Facilities Construction and DEC(LOCAL): Compensation And Benefits /Leaves And Absences. — GOAL 1-4
Mr. Mircovich
6.B. House Bill 457- Homeschool Participation
Mr. Mircovich
6.C. Permission to purchase items over $30,000. 2 buses $109,254 each, HVAC HS $115,000, HVAC BSE $80,500 and AC IPS 23 UNITS $125,063.52 — GOAL 5
Dr. Porter
6.D. Consideration and approval of a Financing Plan for the issuance of Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021. — GOAL 5
Victor Quiroga
7. Executive Session:
7.A. Fast Track Probationary Contracts for the 2021-2022 school year: Christrina Morlan, Jamin Cox, Christina Spears, Rian Scarborough, Belinda Cano, Harry Boyd, Rhianna Sturgeon, Shelby Roese, Melvin Bamburg, Stephanie Sierra, Todd Harper, Jessyca Varela, Darla Gathright, Pearce Loth, Michelle Deleon, Kaime Roe, Lauren Deanda
7.B. Review resignations received for the 2021-2022 school year: Stacy Ostrom, Jennifer Loessin, Melissa Solis, Selena McKleroy
Mr. Mircovich
7.C. Superintendent Mid-Year Evaluation
8. Adjourn