May 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Finance Committee
Public Notice |
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Items for Presentation
II.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
III. Items for Discussion
III.1. Assignment of Contract for Independent Financial Audit Services
III.2. Consideration and Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Mission and Mission Consolidated Independent School District Regarding the Natatorium Facility at Bannworth Park Mayberry Pool
III.3. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
III.3.a. Rescind Board Action on Purchase of Mobile Tablet Devices
III.3.b. Award Purchase of Mobile Tablet Devices
III.3.c. Award Contract for Engineering Services for Mission High School (MHS) Tennis Court Lights and Canopy
III.3.d. Award Contract for Energy Management Services #1420-1
III.3.e. Award Contract for Orientation Mobility Services #2220-8
III.3.f. Award Purchase of Fleet District Vehicles
III.3.g. Award Purchase of Vertically-Aligned Rigorous Professional Development Grades 3rd-12th #2322-17
III.3.h. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Instructional
Material #2410-8 |
III.3.i. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Plumbing Equipment and Supplies #1535-8
III.3.j. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for A/C Equipment and Supplies #1545-8
III.3.k. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Welding Supplies and Equipment #1585-8
III.3.l. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Science Equipment and Supplies #2440-8
III.3.m. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Musical Instruments and Supplies #2715-8
III.3.n. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Theatre Equipment and Supplies #2725-8
III.3.o. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Promotional
Items #3020-8 |
III.3.p. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Vehicle Repair Equipment and Supplies #7045-8
III.3.q. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Grounds Maintenance, Equipment and Supplies #1200-8
III.3.r. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Electrical Equipment and Supplies #1525-8
III.3.s. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Classroom
Supplies #2405-8 |
III.3.t. Award Renewal of FY2018 Catalog Contracts for Library Books #2615-8
III.4. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
III.5. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2017
III.6. Approval of Budget Amendments
III.7. Consider Superintendent's Recommendations Regarding Employment and Contract Status of Classroom Teachers and Other Non-Administrative Professional Personnel:
III.7.a. Terminate Probationary Contract Employee
III.7.b. Renew Term Contract Employees
III.8. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
III.8.a. Bryan Elementary School Counselor
III.8.b. Midkiff Elementary School Counselor
III.8.c. Mission High School Counselor
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov't Code §551.071)
V. Items for Information
V.1. Financial Reports for the Month of March 2017
V.2. Cash Disbursements for the Month of March 2017
V.3. Special Education Video and Sound Surveillance Equipment Phase I Update
VI. Adjournment