October 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Chamber Council
Public Notice |
Call to order School Board Regular Meeting Chair Ben Phillip (2 minutes) |
Approval of Agenda Chair Ben Phillip (2 minutes) |
Minutes from September 17, 2024 Board Meeting Chair Ben Phillip (2 minutes) |
Approval of Consent Agenda Board Chair Ben Phillip (2 minutes) |
Superintendent Report Superintendent, Dr. Renee Corneille (10 minutes)
Each school board meeting, the superintendent will take time to reflect on the school district’s achievements, events and stories of students and staff. The idea of these notes is to keep the board both informed and inspired of all the amazing work our school community has done over the past two weeks.
High School Leadership Clubs (20 minutes)
National Merit Scholars Norman Bell and Paul Ruble
Semi-Finalist: Harry Cohan Letter of Commendation - Norman Bell and Paul Ruble Commended Finalist: Scarlett Cannon, Peyton Gould, Bergen Hall Student Council Reps and Captains Council Reps Dr. Troy Urdahl - Zach Siggelkow Caitlyn Rosha, Dylan Held, Lincoln Urdahl, and Josie Bossen Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) - Miranda Schultz Soneti Andea, Sebastian Guachichulca, Carly Stendahl and Tryphena Asare |
Communications Break (10 min.) |
(Action) Custodial Unit Contract Ratification Vote - 2024-2026 Dr. Tim Anderson, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations (10min)
A majority of voting members elected to ratify the Custodial Unit’s TA’d 2024-2026 successor agreement. The agreement is now officially union-approved and now the Board can vote. Recommendation is to approve.
(Action) Assurance of Compliance Superintendent, Dr. Renee Corneille (10 minutes)
October 1, 2024 All school districts must complete the Assurance of Compliance with state and federal law and verify Mandated Reporting training by November 15 each year. By completing all sections of the Assurance of Compliance and Mandated Reporting, school districts provide written assurance that they do not discriminate in their use of funds provided through the Minnesota Department of Education and that they have informed all mandated reporters of their reporting duties. This assurance is given by each district in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts, or other federal and state financial assistance extended to the district by the U.S. Department of Education and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), including installment payments after such date of application for federal financial assistance and state aid allotments which were approved before such date. By submitting the Assurance of Compliance, the district recognizes and agrees that such federal and state financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations, supporting information required by Minnesota Statutes, section 127A.42, subdivision 3, and agreements made in this assurance. This assurance is binding on the district and the persons who are authorized to submit information on behalf of the district. |
(Action) Appointment of New Board Member Chair Ben Phillip (10 minutes)
Former School Board Vice Chair Caines announced her resignation from the St. Anthony-New Brighton School Board on August 1, 2024, effective immediately. The School Board took formal action on the resignation at the next scheduled School Board meeting on August 20, 2024. After working with the Minnesota School Board Association, using Minnesota Statutes, Section 123B.09, Subd. 5b, the SANB School Board developed a process to fill the vacancy by appointment at the August 20th Work Session. An application process was open from August 21-September 20. A rubric to evaluate applications was developed and posted on the website. One community member applied to fill the vacant position. The school board reviewed the applications from September 25-October 1 and rated the application using the rubric criteria. The results of the rubric analysis were collected. The School Board will receive the results of the rubric evaluations and go through a nomination process to fill the open seat. A Resolution Filling a School Board Vacancy by Appointment will be up for board approval on Oct. 1. |
(Action) Termination Consideration of resolution relating to terminating the employment of Employee A. |
(Discussion) Student Services Report Hope Fagerland, Executive Director of Academics (15 minutes)
The Executive Director of Academics will take time to reflect on the achievements, events and stories of the district's student services. This is informational only.
(Discussion) Sister-City (Salo) Trip Report (30 minutes) Ben Phillip, Board Chair
From September 14 through September 25, a delegate from Saint Anthony Sister City travelled to Salo, Finland for an adult exchange program. Part of the visit included a visit to an elementary and secondary school within Salo. Ben Phillip attended the trip and will share highlights of his experience.
(Discussion) October 1, 2024 Enrollment Superintendent Renee Corneille
District administration will present the current enrollment data as of September 30, 2023. |
Board Member Reports |
Chair Ben Phillips Adjourn Regular School Board Meeting |