February 14, 2023 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Moment of Reflection, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of January 17, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; and January 26, 2023 Board Walkthrough Minutes - (Policy BCBH)
4. Acknowledgements & Recognitions
5. Approval of Consent Agenda - (Policy BCBL)
5.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda - (Policy GBD)
5.2. Approval of Consultants/Agreements
5.2.1. Approval of Agreement between Debbie Murphy (DBM Consulting Team, LLC) and Hollandale School District - (Policy BBG)
5.2.2. Approval of Student Support Intervention Independent Contractor
5.3. Approval of Out of State Field Trip
5.3.1. 21st CCLC Mobile, AL Field Trip (Revised Dates)
5.4. Approval of Fundraisers - (Policy JK)
5.5. Approval of Fixed Assets - (Policy DM)
5.6. Approval of Revisions to HSD Policy IHA (Grading System) (Policy BDE)
5.7. Approval of Review of Board Policy Section F- (Policy BDE) (SES 4.2)
6. Financials (SES 7.6)
6.1. Approval of Claims Dockets 015500 to 015603- (Policy DJ)
6.2. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
6.3. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.4. Cash Balance Statement - (Policy DIB)
6.5. Approval of Statement of Fund Balances - (Policy DIB)
7. Board Attorney's Evaluation (Policy BBE)
7.1. Approval of Proposed Board Attorney's Contract
8. Discussion & Approval:
8.1. Approval to Move the Regular Board Meeting for the Month of March to Wednesday, March 8, 2023 due to Spring Break
8.2. Approval of Proposed District Calendar FY 23-24 - (Policy AEA)
9. Informational:
9.1. Principal's Report
9.2. Review of Annual Board Calendar 2022-2023 (SES 1.5)
9.3. Hollandale School District Placed 6th in Mississippi for Hightest Graduation Rate
9.4. MSBA School Board Member's Recognition Week February 12th-18th, 2023
10. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
10.1. Current Educational Trends and Updates (SES 2.2)
10.2. Procedure for Fundraiser's Approval
10.3. HSD Curtain Project Update
11. Superintendent's Evaluation (Policy CEI)
12. Adjournment