May 12, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of Minutes for April 14, 2020(Policy BCBHA)
4. Parent to Address the Board
5. Approval of Consent Agenda:
5.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
5.2. Approval of Review of Policy Section F, L & M
5.3. Review of Annual Board Calendar
5.4. Approval of Contract Agreement between Bailey Education Group, LLC and Hollandale School District
5.5. Approval of MOU between JMG and Hollandale School District
5.6. Approval of Maintenance Department Requests
6. Financials:
6.1. Budget Hearing Calendar Update and Audit Update
6.2. Approval of Claim Dockets 010949- 011043 (Policy DJ & IB)
6.3. Transfer of Funds (Policy DCI)
6.4. Statement of Fund Balances April 2020(Policy DGA)
6.5. Revenue Budget (Policy DIB)
6.6. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.7. Cash Balance Statement
7. Discussion/Approval:
7.1. Approval of Policy DJ - Expenditure of Funds Policy
7.2. Census Bureau Presentation
7.3. Simmons High School Board Report : Graduation
8. Superintendent Report: (Policy CO)
8.1. Trends and Updates in Education (Goal 7)
8.2. Student Feeding Program
8.3. MDE At-Home Learning Plan and Governor Tate Reeves Executive Order
8.4. Teacher Recruitment Update
9. Legal Updates
10. Adjournment (Policy BCBA)